[RE-RELEASE] Netatmo (Connect) - Weather Station

I do still try to support the app, but I don’t have a Netatmo station anymore.

@dJOS @3rdStng After trying all the rest of the suggestions, I tried this one from above, and it worked. It is too simple. It is a browser caching issue.

Thanks all,



Just to add my 2 cents here: I just finished adding Netatmo to a new C-8 after having had it on a C-5. I ran into the loop problem with the app after filling in the Client-ID & secret on the Netatmo page, as well as a problem with devices not appearing immediately.

For me I had to use the back button after a successful addition and click the Next button to finish app installation. No devices appeared in the list for me to add, but I saved the settings I wanted and closed the app.

Then I opened the app again and all the devices appeared in the drop-down. I was able to select them and save.

Thanks to all on here. I had troubles getting devices to show up. I believe I solved the issues using two steps: by generating a token on the dev.netatmo website. This brought up another webscreen to authorize the use of I presume the "dev" app to read the data. When I returned to the dev.netatmo site the token was no longer visible.

I then used the client id and secret key from this new "dev" app in the connect app. Again, it showed no devices. However, when I hit refresh they both showed up!! Thanks!

I'm having problems too but I can't make changes to oauth in the appcode. How can I change the keys?

Hi all, my NetAtmo integration was working fine for months now, but stopped working 3 days ago. The logs are filled with errors like this:

Is this the result of the NetAtmo OAuth change? Anyone else having trouble? I have tried the standard stuff like rebooting HE, refreshing cache etc. When I go to the app, it says "Connected", but when I go to the details page, the device dropdown doesn't show anything anymore.

Suggestions? Thanks!

Try generating a new set of credentials.

The oauth change was months ago.

OK, did that. Wish I had taken screenshots of the rule logic before I did it. :joy:

But, got it all hooked back up, and it seems to be working again! Thanks @dJOS, for helping me out even though you are not even a user anymore. Wish someone with Dev chops would take over this app, so they can make changes. A simple disconnect/reconnect button (using the same credentials) may help?

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No dramas, I’m happy for anyone to fork my version and republish.

In theory, rebooting your hub would accomplish this.

Oh, I see. I certainly did try that. I wonder why it would connect (it said “connected” on the app), but not get data with the old credentials. Makes no sense.

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Weird, they may have decided your credentials were too old.

Maybe. But then, I would expect the app not to show “connected”.

True, definitely odd.