[RE-RELEASE] Netatmo (Connect) - Weather Station

Sure, it’s this one from Ecowitt - they are frequently on sale for about $115 AUD.

ECOWITT GW1101 Wi-Fi Weather Station, WS69 Solar Powered 7-in-1 Outdoor Weather Sensor Array and GW1100 Wi-Fi Gateway, Supports Uploading to WU/ WOW/ Weather Cloud/ Ecowitt Sever, WSView Plus/ Ecowitt APP, 433 MHz


I added a new sensor (G1) an selected it from the Netatmo (Connect) app:


but it isn't appearing my Devices list:

Can you try restarting your hub? Netatmo discovery can be a bit hit and miss.

Did not resolve the issue.

You might need to login to the Netatmo Dev portal and see if it shows up there.

Apologies I’m interstate on a family vacation and can’t check anything for you.

The new device, G1, appears in both the Netatmo iOS app and my.netatmo.com

No urgency getting this fixed. Enjoy your vacation.

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It appears that the Netatmo Additional Module device type needs to be added?

Do you not have the Netatmo Additional Module driver?

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That would help wouldn’t it?

Never crossed my mind that I was missing a driver, thank you.

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Apologies if this has been discussed somewhere that I've missed, but are there plans to update this app for the oauth changes that Netatmo are making soon?

I honestly can’t recall if the app already supports oauth2. If it doesn’t, then I’ll be forced to abandon this app unfortunately.

I’m not a developer and don’t have the skills to update the authentication model. I initially took over the maintenance of this app as it had been abandoned by the original author, wasn’t in HPM and had some visuals I thought could be better.

I’ve also moved on from Netatmo after two of my modules died and it was cheaper to buy a whole new Ecowitt weather station.

Thanks for the reply! I believe Netatmo is changing the way it handles auth and refresh tokens to make it more compliant with the standards so it's possible the app's implementation already handles that. If not hopefully someone else might be able to look in to what's needed. Thanks for your work, most appreciated.


No worries. :+1:

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I've had a quick look at what Netatmo say they are changing, and a quick look at the code around the oauth handshaking. I think that the code already does correct handling of the oauth transaction and stores both tokens each time it refreshes, which if true means it should continue to work post May 29. Previously it seems Netatmo never changed the tokens after the initial auth and the changes would only be a problem if the code deliberately exploited that. Regardless, I expect it would be a simple change that someone (even me) might be able to manage if things stop working at the end of May!


That’s my impression too, but I don’t know enough about Outh2 to be certain.


I have the 'old' app and it seems to be working. Do you recommend uninstalling that and installing this new version?

I noticed that Netatmo released a smart AC controller. Any thoughts on implementing that?


The changes I made are mostly cosmetic. So if you are happy with it, don’t change.

I'm not a developer, just someone who can tinker around the edges of other folks code. As a result, I don’t have the skills to add that kind of support.

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@dJOS I have used this app for a long time. I know it has changed the developers who work on it and that you have been "tinkering" with it most recently. I hope you still are.

For some reason, it stopped working on June 6. I have tried everything to make it work, including deleting everything. Now I can't get it to re install. I entered my old Client ID and Client Secret and signed into Netatmo. I authorize access, and it says it accepted the hubtat auth and to close that window and reinstall. It should not request that info again. Unfortunately, it does request all the info again. I can't get it to install. Now some of my rules are not working because my weather station is missing. HELP!


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On that auth screen, where it says to close it. Try going back instead before closing it.

EDIT: IIRC, going back will show you the Hubitat screen to click next on for it to continue/finish the auth