[RE-RELEASE] Netatmo (Connect) - Weather Station

Netatmo related, but not HE related.

Shortly after midnight (pacific time) this morning, my Netatmo stopped reporting. The app and website say that the big module is offline. I've tried power cycling and I can even seen the SYN, ACK, FIN and FIN ACK in my tcpdump from my firewall. There are no API errors in HE and the app knows of my devices, but nothing is being reported. My second Netatmo in a different house is still reporting too. I even tried changing my wifi and location. Still nothing.

Anyone else having any issues in seeing their data?

Mines working ATM. I do find that every few weeks my indoor unit will stop communicating and so I put it on a Zigbee outlet and power cycle it when that happens.

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Yeah. Both my units do that too so they are each plugged into a smart outlet with a rule that if the temp hasn't updated in the last 4 hours, turn off the outlet, wait 20 seconds, and power it back on.

I reached out to Legrand and spoke with their tech support. The first guy wasn't helpful at all. Basically said, "oh, you are on an old version of firmware and there's nothing we can do until that updates to the latest, which is v200." I was at v101. "Give us a call back in 10-15 minutes, after you let it upgrade the firmware. Had you changed your wireless network via the method I was trying to get you to, it wouldn't have factory reset the device." Well.... the way you told me was the same exact way I did it. So it would have reverted regardless.

Off my soap box. The second guy was helpful, to a point. He did care about the issue, but needed to escalate it over to the France team. Long story short, after a couple of hours of me digging through my firewall logs, trying to force DNS FQDN's to point elsewhere, the unit finally downloaded firmware v201. Waiting to hear back from support if there was an issue with v200 that bricked units or if it was fixed on the backend. My other Weather Station is on v200. The good news though, it's back online. Now just waiting for the other modules to report in.

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How odd, mines on v200 and seems fine ATM.

My other unit is on v200 too. And everything on this unit was working until 12:09 AM this morning. My firewall logs show fetching a firmware and it shows the URL of fw.netatmo.net/firmware/... Strangely, on port 80. Maybe this unit was trying to upgrade to v201 and it went sideways. And maybe the hour ish of being unplugged was all it needed.

Per the non-helpful support rep. When you press and hold the top of the unit, until the blue/white leds flash, that causes a factory reset and it will revert the firmware too. I think this is why I went back to v101.

I had a recent issue with Synology's Threat Prevention module on my router swatting "suspicious traffic" from my Hubitat hubs to GitHub and the Hubitat update servers. I ended up needing to add exemptions for them (not firewall holes, just an ignore traffic from rule).

Im going to try updating my Indoor unit and see if it'll upgrade to v201.

Is there a way to force an upgrade without a factory reset?

Yeah. I looked through my logs to see if the Threat Prevention in my Check Point firewall was blocking something too. I didn't see anything, but did add an exclusion just in case. The only error I see is within HE and pertains to the wind angle of a NULL object. Totally unrelated to my issue.

There's no way that I am aware of to force an upgrade. I would say unplug it for >15 minutes. I think it does a fw check upon power up. I'll update here when I hear back from Netatmo about my versioning of 200 vs 201.

No real update from Legrand support outside of "some network work was done that could have impacted you." But no details on that. And nothing about the firmware 200 vs 201. My second weather station is still on v200 as of rn too.

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Deep in the logs of my router I found the cause of the errors I previously reported. A web proxy config change appears to have remediated the

Netatmo::apiGet: Call failed groovyx.net.http.HttpResponseException: status code: 403, reason phrase: Forbidden


Netatmo::apiGet: Call failed java.net.UnknownHostException: api.netatmo.com: Temporary failure in name resolution

errors, but now I'm seeing these:

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Did your Netatmo Connect app disconnect? I might run through that setup in the app again and confirm that you are seeing all the devices.
Also not sure if these are related, but when I was having issues with my Netatmo connecting a few months back, I put an exclusion in my firewall to not prevent any outbound threat prevention stuff. I later removed that and my connectivity issues came back. I added the exclusion back and (knock on wood) haven't had an issue since. I didn't look at the Netatmo Connect logs during the issue.

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I’d try this too.

The null object error suggests the devices aren’t being configured properly.

This appears to have resolved the issue, thanks.


I'm still seeing these errors:

Can you please modify the code to include the URL of the call that is causing the 403 error?

I found https://api.netatmo.com in my router logs at the time of the error but the connection was allowed so it appears there is something wrong with the API call to Netatmo?

These errors are normal - it's just Netamo being Netamo:

Can someone please tell me the best way to reconnect the app to Netatmo, after changing my Netatmo password? When I go to the Netatmo Connect app, it says it is connected, but the logs show that it obviously can't refresh since the password changed. I was hoping to not have to remove and then reinstall the app. Thanks.

Try creating a new API key

Thanks for the idea... I went to the Dev site and reset the keys, but the app is still showing that it is connected and no way to change the keys.

Hmm, I'll look into a way to be able to update the API key - You might need to add a new app and start over for now.

Yeah, I figured as much. Thanks for looking into that, though.

Do you know if I remove the app, if it will also remove all the devices and therefore break all of the rules until I go back in and reassign it to new devices? Crossing my fingers that it will not remove the current devices and then not create new devices.

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