Quirky Tapt Smart switch

Hello guys,

Previous wink user.

My issue

I have a Quirky Tapt smart switch that I paired twice but the "Type" is Device. I don't see Quirky which is also GE listed in the drop down. I tried changing to Generic Zigbee Switch and that didn't work, I know it's a zigbee but I tried the zwave anyway in case I wasn't sure but that didn't work either. I'm not sure what to do next.

Is it possible to pair Nest, smoke alarm and Quirky Pivot Power Genius?

Can anyone recommend a good home alarm that works well with HE and also can give a command then when my smart lock, locks between a certain time my home alarm will arm itself?

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Did you hit "Configure" after you changed the driver to Generic Zigbee Switch? This is always a good idea after changing a driver, at least for Zigbee devices. No guarantee that it will work, but it's probably the best hope unless someone else knows of a driver for specifically for it--not sure if has any features or weird reporting that wouldn't be supported by that driver.

Yeah, nothing happens when I hit "Configure" I tried using the Type "Virtual switch" and it turns it on and office via the device and I see it's on/off via the dashboard but it's still not working, when I look at the light, nothing is turning on or off also TBH i'm not sure why or what's the point of the virtual devices.

The Tapt is strange. Here is a tread about using it with Smartthings: Quirky GE Tapt Switch Device Type - Connected Things - SmartThings Community You have to use a custom driver and only the basic on/off function works. The the on/off cluster is on endpoint 2 but the built-in driver trys to use endpoint 1. Also I have never have seen reporting work except for the brief time it worked correctly with Smartthings. I hacked some code together for the one Tapt I have and put it on a light I never physically switch since it does not report changes.

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Nothing is supposed to visibly happen when you hit "Configure"; the driver just sends some information to the device that it may need to work properly after a driver change. The only thing you'd need to do afterwards is try and see if it works. From the post below yours and above this one, it sounds like this might not actually work anyway since the Quirky switch is...quirky and might not work like most other Zigbee switches do. The DTH linked to in the above post might work if ported to Hubitat (from looking at it, it looks like it might work verbatim, but no guarantees).

As for virtual devices, they will not help you here. Virtual devices have several uses, but in no case would you use a virtual driver for a "real" device--virtual devices exist only in Hubitat, and you can use them for either testing, working around things that don't work with "real" devices (often no longer needed but once useful for multichannel devices before Hubitat or ST supported child devices), or storing information like using the state of a virtual switch for an automation that can be restricted based on switch state (for example). For example, I have a "Virtual Vacation" switch that I turn on (manually or via voice/Alexa) when I want some of my automations to work differently--e.g., don't turn this smart outlet off at 8 AM like it would if the "vacation switch" were not on. I've used virtual motion sensors to test automations (easier than waiting for a real one to switch between active and inactive). The list goes on. :slight_smile:

The Tapt is strange. Here is a tread about using it with Smartthings: Quirky GE Tapt Switch Device Type - Connected Things - SmartThings Community You have to use a custom driver and only the basic on/off function works. The the on/off cluster is on endpoint 2 but the built-in driver trys to use endpoint 1. Also I have never have seen reporting work except for the brief time it worked correctly with Smartthings. I hacked some code together for the one Tapt I have and put it on a light I never physically switch since it does not report changes.

The Driver worked for me!

Hi @bkofsky, would you mind sharing the code, or a link to it? Im trying to see if i can get this added before i spend money replacing them. Thanks in advance.

Do you know how to get the raw link, and create a new driver? Looks like it is here according to that Smartthings thread. (Click Summary)


Quirky-GE-Tapt-Switch-Smart-Things-Device-Type/Quirky-GE-Tapt-Switch.groovy at master ยท mattjfrank/Quirky-GE-Tapt-Switch-Smart-Things-Device-Type ยท GitHub

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@neonturbo You pushed me in the right direction! Thanks a million, it seems to be working. I just got the Hubitat today and I am slowly moving my devices over from Wink. :beer: :beer:

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Former Wink user here too, about a year now. Welcome to the forum, you will love what Hubitat can do compared to Wink.

Dug out my Tapt switches that I picked up on clearance years ago and did the firmware update before the winkwall goes up. 0.1b02/0.0b06 to 0.1b02/0.1b10
Still not sure where I'll use them but, now or never.

Just wondering, did you use the driver from Matt Frank or the modified one from ashtoncalder?

The one here. Works perfect.

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Hmm, I tried them both and neither seems to report status back to HE when I push a button on the Tapt. Although the modified version is supposed to work on ST it doesn't seem to work on HE for me.

There are a few lines in that DTH that say things like:

st rattr


st cmd

...which are SmartThings' form of "raw" Zigbee commands. I'm not sure if Hubitat automatically interprets/changes those for you, but changing it to something like this would be a better bet:

he rattr


he cmd

I didn't actually look at the rest of the driver, nor do I have one of these devices to test, so this is just me looking at it and trying to think of things that might help. No guarantees. :slight_smile:


Iโ€™ll check it tomorrow. I could have sworn it did for me.

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@Ranchitat how did you update the firmware exactly? I cannot find such an option for my installed tapt switches on wink

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It was done automatically, my Tapt switches had never been added to Wink before so they were still at 0.1b02/0.0b06. Once they were added it took a few minutes, they clicked once or twice and then they were updated. One didn't show the update until I removed and re-added it.
If yours are in use and they're not already 0.1b02/0.1b10, check if Zigbee firmware updates has been disabled in your Wink hub settings. Otherwise maybe try removing, resetting and re-adding them. Good luck. :grinning:

Both of the drivers seem to work, neither one reports status changes back to the hub, which pretty much makes the tapt useless for invoking rules or other side effects. That was a weird animal on Wink too (though it did mostly work). It showed up in odd places as a button and a light switch.

I have a couple of GE "skunkworks" devices (like that sous-vide / induction hybrid) and they all kinda suck in various ways.

I did change "st" to "he" in the places mentioned, but that had no effect on anything.

I'm on the verge of chucking it, unless someone else has made any progress?

Not sure what it all means but here's some more info on the TAPT switches.

TAPT initial discovery info Summary

dev:7122020-06-06 12:57:08.190 am infofingerprint profileId:"0104", endpointId:"01", inClusters:"0000,0003,FC20", outClusters:"0006,0008,0003,0019", model:"Smart Switch", manufacturer:"Quirky"

dev:7122020-06-06 12:57:08.094 am traceZCL version:01

dev:7122020-06-06 12:57:08.089 am traceSoftware Build Id:unknown

dev:7122020-06-06 12:57:08.084 am traceModel:Smart Switch

dev:7122020-06-06 12:57:08.076 am traceManufacturer:Quirky

dev:7122020-06-06 12:57:07.979 am debuggetting info for unknown Zigbee device...

Switched to the "nue zigbee switch" driver.
No reporting when the TAPT buttons are pushed, but, HE sending a "refresh" command will update the switch "Current State" on/off.

"On" command from HE Summary

dev:7122020-06-06 01:08:25.611 am infotapt was turned on

dev:7122020-06-06 01:08:25.576 am infotapt was turned on

dev:7122020-06-06 01:08:25.486 am debugdescMap:[raw:catchall: 0104 0006 02 01 0040 00 6CDA 00 00 0000 0B 01 0100, profileId:0104, clusterId:0006, clusterInt:6, sourceEndpoint:02, destinationEndpoint:01, options:0040, messageType:00, dni:6CDA, isClusterSpecific:false, isManufacturerSpecific:false, manufacturerId:0000, command:0B, direction:01, data:[01, 00]]

dev:7122020-06-06 01:08:25.439 am debugdescMap:[raw:catchall: 0104 0006 01 01 0040 00 6CDA 00 00 0000 0B 01 0181, profileId:0104, clusterId:0006, clusterInt:6, sourceEndpoint:01, destinationEndpoint:01, options:0040, messageType:00, dni:6CDA, isClusterSpecific:false, isManufacturerSpecific:false, manufacturerId:0000, command:0B, direction:01, data:[01, 81]]

"Off" command from HE Summary

dev:7122020-06-06 01:10:06.472 am infotapt was turned off

dev:7122020-06-06 01:10:06.403 am debugdescMap:[raw:catchall: 0104 0006 02 01 0040 00 6CDA 00 00 0000 0B 01 0000, profileId:0104, clusterId:0006, clusterInt:6, sourceEndpoint:02, destinationEndpoint:01, options:0040, messageType:00, dni:6CDA, isClusterSpecific:false, isManufacturerSpecific:false, manufacturerId:0000, command:0B, direction:01, data:[00, 00]]

dev:7122020-06-06 01:10:06.337 am debugdescMap:[raw:catchall: 0104 0006 01 01 0040 00 6CDA 00 00 0000 0B 01 0081, profileId:0104, clusterId:0006, clusterInt:6, sourceEndpoint:01, destinationEndpoint:01, options:0040, messageType:00, dni:6CDA, isClusterSpecific:false, isManufacturerSpecific:false, manufacturerId:0000, command:0B, direction:01, data:[00, 81]]

"Refresh" command from HE after switched at TAPT Summary

dev:7122020-06-06 01:11:53.475 am infotapt was turned on

dev:7122020-06-06 01:11:53.428 am debugdescMap:[raw:6CDA0200060A00001001, dni:6CDA, endpoint:02, cluster:0006, size:0A, attrId:0000, encoding:10, command:01, value:01, clusterInt:6, attrInt:0]

dev:7122020-06-06 01:11:53.357 am debugdescMap:[raw:catchall: 0104 0006 01 01 0040 00 6CDA 00 00 0000 0B 01 0001, profileId:0104, clusterId:0006, clusterInt:6, sourceEndpoint:01, destinationEndpoint:01, options:0040, messageType:00, dni:6CDA, isClusterSpecific:false, isManufacturerSpecific:false, manufacturerId:0000, command:0B, direction:01, data:[00, 01]]

"Configure" command Summary

dev:7122020-06-06 01:13:34.747 am infochild device exists

dev:7122020-06-06 01:13:34.742 am infochild device exists

dev:7122020-06-06 01:13:34.711 am debugdescMap:[raw:catchall: 0000 8005 00 00 0040 00 6CDA 00 00 0000 00 00 9D00DA6C020102, profileId:0000, clusterId:8005, clusterInt:32773, sourceEndpoint:00, destinationEndpoint:00, options:0040, messageType:00, dni:6CDA, isClusterSpecific:false, isManufacturerSpecific:false, manufacturerId:0000, command:00, direction:00, data:[9D, 00, DA, 6C, 02, 01, 02]]

dev:7122020-06-06 01:13:34.560 am warnconfigure...


i am satisfied with the driver above. considering these were in a drawer gathering dust and not used for any critical purpose, being able to turn them on and off from hubitat is good enough for me.

i can add them to schedules and since i'm not basing any triggers off them i'm more than happy to 'trust' they change state. They also work fine w/ alexa voice control so overall I'm happy something I left for dead is back.