Problems With New Mode Manager

Do you have Time set up? You would only use Return From Away if there are modes set by time as the reference for what mode set when you return from Away.


Sorry, MM isn't throwing an error now but not seeing the return of the Presence device.
This is how my Mode Manager is setup:

From the Fob Device page:

The Fob Departed:

The Fob Returned at 11:43am but didn't set the mode from Away to Home. -Joel

Did you update to 125? That fixed the problem with line 888 error.

Yes, the snippet just included the time prior to this.

I'm still confused. The behavior I want is:

At sunrise, switch to Day unless Away
At sunset, switch to Night, unless Away

When all presence sensors leave, switch to Away
When any presence sensor returns, switch to Day or Night, depending on time

In the old mode manager that was achieved by the setup I am using in the new mode manager. Am I supposed to be doing something different or is there still a bug?

Again, what I'm seeing is that if I check the 'Skip' for my Away mode, then it doesn't end the Away mode when one or more presence sensors return. If I don't check the 'Skip' for Away mode, then it will come out of Away at sunrise/sunset even if all presence sensors are still gone.

This is how you want it:

My wife left for a 2nd time and just returned, events show departure and arrival but mode stayed Away (again).

Screenshot 2022-09-30 135842

The app is not showing any presence events. Check the Event Subscriptions on the App Status page, and make sure those show Durango fob.present and Durango fob.not present.

In the logs, select both the app and the presence device for filters in the logs, so we can see both.

Is this what you were looking for? The top entry set to "Home" was when I set it manually. The snippet is again starting from before I updated to

Are you on release The error you're showing suggests not.

Oh, sorry, that was from before. Before, due to that error, it was not handling presence arrival events correctly. It should now.

I have been on since yesterday evening. Presence/Modes were fine on Mode Manager legacy. I'm pretty sure I have it setup as I did in the old app. Does this look correct? Thanks again Bruce.

You would usually want Away to be All Leave, most likely.

Need to see logs of the app and presence sensors if it's not changing back from Away as you expect.

Are there other logs (other than I gave you a few posts up) that you would need?

Edit: I just turned on debug and description text logging for the Fob. I will need to go out later this afternoon and will have more data then.

Current logs, not old ones. The ones you posted were not from current release.

I find the term "Skip" super confusing. Is it placed on the "running" mode you want to persist and not be changed away from? Or on the "new" mode you want to be ignored being changed to?

So for your "Away" example, do you put "Skip" on the Night mode row? Or on the Away mode row?

Yes, as in skip changing from this mode based on time. It goes on Away in the time table,

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The logs I have given have todays date on them, can't get much more current than that. :slightly_smiling_face:

I applied the update last evening.

OK, but there are no arrival events shown. The app logs them.

Okay, that makes sense, but its kinda inverted logic from the other parameters in the row. The other entries in the row are setting when the mode is to become active. Skip is when you want the mode to be left alone. I think thats what was non obvious from just reading the column names.

That is why there is this: