Phillips Hue Motion Sensor Only Seems to Report Lux When Motion is Active

Did you wait and see if the Hue would update lux values after a given time? I read that Hue only automatically reports lux values every 5 minutes (someone please correct me if I'm wrong).

I'm pretty sure I did the same song and dance as you testing out my new sensor (flash a light into it and wave the arm for motion). I've also found hitting the refresh button in the sensor's device page gets it to change right away.

Otherwise I'm using it successfully as the lux sensor for the Eternal Sunshine app! The app automatically controls a set of lights based on the value from a illuminance sensor. I've been using the values from my living room motion sensor to drive the dimming values of my office lights (perfect for working from home and partly cloudy weather that keeps dimming and brightening through out the day)!

So, you're using the lux values from the Hue as it reports changes greater than specified every 5 minutes?

Yep! It's deprecated my Office Sunset Lights automation. I used to have a Rule Machine automation that would turn my light on to the dimmest 1 hour before sunset and then ramp up to full brightness over an hour.

Now my living room Hue sensor automatically picks up the changes in brightness and raises my office lights automatically!

FWIW, I don't know how many of these you have, or how Eternal Sunshine works, but I use 3 Hue Outdoor sensors and average the Lux I get back. This addresses the orientation of my house and brightness at the front & back (I have an open plan house, so light from the front and back of the house affects a lot of my rooms).

I then set a GV with a Lux Value that I use in my illuminance rules, and then in rules that use illuminance compare the average lux value to the GV. This lets me change my on/off lux level throughout the house by changing the GV in one place.

The averaging also handles the occasional passing cloud/wierd Hue Illuminance Value that pops up.


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Sounds cool. I only have the 1 indoor Hue motion sensor in my living room. :sweat_smile:

Eternal Sunshine works based off of a log function to control your lights. You can either just use a simple mode to just change one number/parameter. Or you can use the advanced mode to really fine tune the graph to your specific needs, which is what I did. :slight_smile:

I've done some testing and found when I had the lux reporting to change on 1 lux change it wasn't changing every 5 minutes (it'd seem to take much longer). Sometimes I'd find myself manually refreshing the sensor to get the latest lux.

However when I changed to use the log 10 reporting, it consistently changes every 5 minutes!

You can read more here on how the log10 reporting works.

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Which version firmware are you using? Mine reports every 5 minutes @ 1 lux setting (of course only if there is a level change - I assume the level change is is only measured as at the end of the period and any fluctuations in the interim are ignored).

Hm, I'm not sure. Is there a way to see on Hubitat? I don't have a Hue bridge.

I did just buy this a couple of weeks ago, so hopefully it's on the latest firmware, but I guess there's no guarantees.

Unfortunately you'll need a hue bridge to pair it to, in order to do that as well as update the firmware. It was released in 2019 but I checked one of my outdoor sensors last week (bought this year) and it was still on the old one. I would imagine yours should be a new version but who knows how long it's been on the shelves.

Yes. I did it. Use the driver "Device", put it through it's paces, and look at the log. It'll give you a 'software firmware' version, or something like that.

I meant, "device.

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Ah, looks like I am on the older firmware version.

trace Software Build Id:

Oh well, at least I know my workaround (of setting log10) seems to work well enough!

I'm doing any intensive lux stuff, but I just shined my flashlight at the Hue on the fireplace mantle, and it changed lux in 5 minutes (maybe a little less?) with motion not active. This is on the old software. I haven't found anything different, but there must be something, I imagine.

edit: I just got 2.5 minutes on the old firmware.

I ended up buying a Hue Hub because there was a sale on a Hue bundle, so I'll be looking to update my motion sensor's firmware.

Did you have to remove the motion sensor from Hubitat first? Or were you just able to pair it with the Hue hub, update the firmware, and then repair with Hubitat?


I wasn't able to re-pair the sensor with my Hubitat after pairing and updating the firmware on the Hue hub.

I ended up having to remove the motion sensor from Hubitat and then it let me re-pair it.

That's strange - have done it a couple of times without issue.

After updating my motion sensor's firmware to, which is the latest, the lux still isn't reported consistently when I have the Lux Reporting set to "On 1 lux change". It would take hours for the lux to update.

Here's report from 11:43 AM.

I noticed the clouds rolled in around 2 and went to go check on the lux value and it hadn't updated. So I refreshed manually:

28 Lux difference. Yet "On 1 lux change" didn't pick up any transition in between the 2.5 hours...weird.

Sun came out again 5 minutes later. I waited for the sensor to update, but nothing. Manually refreshed and saw it increase by 16.

I wonder if this is a Hubitat bug. Is on 1 Lux accidentally actually set to like on 25 Lux change or something? :sweat_smile:

I switched back to "log10 precision 3" and reports are back to normal (changes reported every 5 min)! :slight_smile:

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Now I have to figure out what that means!
It's giving you the same lux result as without the log thing?

Instead of using "On 1 lux change" I'm using "log10 precision 3". It's another option under the lux reporting drop-down. See this post for more details.

When I use "On 1 lux change" the lux value doesn't change every 5 minutes as I'd expect it to. Whereas if I use "log10 precision 3" it does change every 5 minutes.

I'm using precision 3 because the highest lux I've seen inside my house is around 75. I believe the lower log precisions are for situations where you'll have higher lux values).

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