Patched webCoRE for Hubitat (2018/09/09)

Yes, it does work.
You have to be at the latest release though.
See post one for @ajayjohnm’s github link.

hmmmm… I am on the most recent release. I click on pause and it doesn’t pause.

Not sure what to say. Didn’t work for me and I updated and it now works.
I don’t think the release number was updated as the release number is the webCoRE version that is running. It has been modified to work with HE and the version was probably not updated.

This is the error it throws in the log:

No signature of method: com.hubitat.hub.executor.AppExecutor.sleep() is applicable for argument types: (null) values: [null] Possible solutions: sleep(long), sleep(long, groovy.lang.Closure), grep(), grep(java.lang.Object), dump(), every() on line 1250

I forgot I had to recover my hub and it was before I updated my webCoRE version. It's working now.

I am at the identical spot. Any luck?

Not yet; I did try rebooting hub, re-doing git installation; even re-installed webCoRE components. All works fine with dashboard but can’t seem to get past the problem loading dashboard data when its redirected to my local server.

You should be able to see some feedback if while in chrome before you register, you hit the f12 key and click the network tab, and then click JS. You should see your hub’s ip being hit on the calls. If any of them are red, take a look at the response by clicking on them and make sure the link is correct.

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I notice that the child apps aren’t being installed, just the parent app. Before, I had the two child apps plus the main app and pistons.

Edited - so, I got the child apps added by turning off cusom urls and then registering a browser on the and the turning back on the custom urls. In case anyone else hits this issue, I thought I’d pass this along.

Thanks; I tried what you suggested and sure enough I see an error. Not quite sure what to make of it; hovering over the status field shows this:

and hovering over the name shows this (it includes the ip of my hubitat):

I installed each component (webcore, dashboard, storage, and piston) separately on the ‘add app code’ screen; I wasn’t aware there was any other way to do it in the hubitat environment. Did you get your local dashboard server working correctly now?

No, I have not been able to get the local version working. Everything is normal on but can’t really do anything on the local version. Sounds like we are in same boat.

@Tony @Errand
Can you make sure your custom urls don't end in "/" They should look like the following.

You must also hit "Done" at least once after turning on the custom urls before hitting "Register" or "Dashboard" for the urls to take affect.

You can also just hit "Dashboard" instead of register to keep from having to go through the registration code process

Neither of those suggestions are my problem. However, I notice you have :8082 in the address for the webcore url?

You can ignore that. My server has port 80 in use so I use 8082. I’m not sure why your instance isn’t working. I was able to replicate the weird url you had in your screenshot when I had a “/” at the end of the hub url and I noticed that if I didn’t hit done after hitting custom endpoints, it would still use webcore’s or the old value as the page hadn’t refreshed. Other than that I went through a clean install on my second hub to try and replicate but had no luck.

My hub url is formatted like your example (no trailing “/”) however for my dashboard server (also no “/”) I did not specify a port. I added a trailing “:80” and get the same “There was a problem…” error when the webCoRE page comes up; I also tried :8082 but then the page doesn’t load and I get 'connection refused" (I do understand about needing to hit ‘Done’ after enabling the custom url).

I noticed also that if I invoke the dashboard directly from the app screen (as opposed to registering a browser) the same JS error is logged as I posted in the screenshot. Thanks once again for your suggestions.

I found the trouble. Problem lies with line 806 in dashboard/js/app.js. After making the change and clearing your cache it should load.

This line

if (!uri.startsWith('https://')) {

should be replaced with

if (!uri.startsWith('https://') && !uri.startsWith('http://')) {

I’ll see about getting with @ajayjohnm on merging the change in the repo.

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Am travelling at the moment. So couldn’t read through much or test the patch. But I did merge the commit, so it should be available now.

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I'm getting these errors, any idea?


Success!! I made the change to the code on my server and it now works like a charm. It’s great to be able to toggle between web and local dashboard environments. Thanks again for your work on this.

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