Outside of Geofence Not Arming HSM

Hi All. Ever since transitioning to the new app, presence sensing has become very irratic.
I am using a model C8 hub and my wife and I both have iPhones. I can see on the app that it it correctly showing that I am outside the geofence, but it is not showing me as 'departed'. Similarly, when I have manually set as departed and return home, it only sometimes shows that I have 'arrived'.
I have checked on several occasions and the App has full access to run in the background and full access to GPS location.
Can anyone help?
Thanks in advance.

Not to much help, but on my c8 pro and with wife and my iphones (12 and 13) it simply just works.

I am experiencing similar issues. Hubitat Rev C-8, platform iPhone 15 with latest IOS version
My Hubitat IOS app shows geofence working correctly when I leave or enter the “fence” and the app’s opening screen Geofence status changes correctly, BUT that information doesn’t get passed on to my dashboard or any of my rules that get triggered by my “presence” changes. Therefore, my dashboard Presence icon doesn’t change and my HSM and Mode Manager don’t change in accordance with the rules that I’ve set up. I’ve gone thru the troubleshooting and even removed my phone and re-installed it as a device, but it hasn’t fixed the problem. My wife’s iPhone SE DOES sometimes sort of work, but it often takes 15 minutes or longer before the rules recognize the presence change and run the rules. Is there anything I can do to get geofence information passed on to my rules in a timely manner? Both phones geofence functions worked better on the old app before I updated to the new IOS app.

I find that the best way to ensure an accurate geolocation is to use multiple sources. Here, we use:

  1. Geofency (activates a rule when we arrive, and also another when we leave)
  2. Hubitat App - (I just checked, and it seems that one was disabled in the app. Re-enabling now)
  3. HomeKit
  4. Hubitat checks the IP addresses that are reserved for the family members’ devices.

Each of these turns on a virtual presence device for each of us that use it. Then it combines the data into a “master” presence device using “Combined Presence”:

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How do you get Hubitat to do this?

Thank you!

I use the following driver, with one device per iPhone:

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Thanks Sebastien. I'll take a look but would really like the native presence sensing to work. @bobbyD , can your good self or anyone else in the support team help? What is confusing is that it intermittantly works. Would assigning a static IP to my hub help? I have an iPhone 12 pro max and my wife is using an iPhone 12. My hub is up to date and we are using a Deco mesh system all hard wired to a switch via POE, which is the same switch the hub is connected to. Thanks in advance.

Have the same issue. Showing outside of geofence but present.
C8 Pro iPhone 13 Pro Max and the same on the wife’s iPhone 13 mini.
Everything on the latest software/firmware.