Orbit B-hyve

Awesome. I look forward to trying it with my new Hubitat.

If you want to know the command for "cycle_gallons", let me know. It was easy to packet sniff the b-Hyve app to get it but doesn't work too well outside the app (anymore).

Have 2 hose tap timers

Both connected easily and both logs work beautifully.

Now the dream is to configure them to a soil moisture reading and the weather


Interesting side note and one of the reasons I dream of getting away from the Orbit app. This morning one of my hose timers turned on and I wanted to turn it off as I was smoking a brisket and the sprinklers hit the offset(can't ruin a good brisket).

When I opened the orbit app it didn't show the timer in use open the hubitat dashboard and it shows the valve as opened and turned it off successfully.


Glad it's working but that's actually really surprising. This uses the exact same data source as the mobile app. Not sure how they could be showing something different!

I use Ecowitt moisture sensors which have worked great (one did break but they replaced it, no questions asked). I use a Weatherflow Tempest to detect the current weather, coupled with WDG for the forecast. So far it's been working well for me.

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I'm looking at something similar, was thinking of getting ecowitt for current weather and moisture sensors. Just waiting on having some spare money, home automation is expensive.

Do you have it all automated through RM ?

I’m using a custom version of simple sprinklers. I published the moisture sensor override part of it but I’m still working on the weather overrides so I haven’t published that. I looked at ecowitt but I don’t think they have a rain sensor?


Yeah I'm not sure. Haven't done all my research yet.

I'm in Australia and I can't see any way to get Tempest stuff here without doing a dodgy import

I had one hose timer and bridge working nicely, and then bought a second hose timer. I've been struggling to get the second one working with this app. The app sees the second timer and creates a device for it, but open/close/refresh don't do anything. The only Current State shown is Valve: Closed.

It doesn't seem to matter which of the two timers is "Active" in the Orbit B-Hyve mobile app.

Are you guys saying it is possible to control two hose timers from this Hubitat app? Does it do it directly to the timer devices, or does it involve the bridge? There seemed to be the implication that the bridge wasn't necessary if you are going to control from Hubitat.

Thanks in advance for any assistance.

I can’t speak to how well two hose timers work as I only have one, but the bridge is absolutely required. HE does not support Bluetooth. The bridge is required for cloud access.

Thanks for the reply. For a moment I was thinking the MAC address on the timers implied wi-fi connectivity, but those are used for Bluetooth as well.

Hoping to hear from @dnoonan05 since he specifically said he had two timers working. That would be a great feat as the Orbit supplied mobile app can only support one at a time.

I have two hose timers and they both work fine with Hubitat. I love having a simple button on my dashboard to turn them on/off. I hate the orbit app

Oh, the Orbit mobile app is horrible in many respects. But the fact you've got two hose timers working with the Hubitat app gives me hope. So I dug deeper:

Both child devices were created. I'll refer to them as Happy and Sad.

Only Happy has a full set of info under Current States. One difference on the device page I see are the one that Sad has "master: false" in Device Details/Data while Happy has "master: true". This data does not seem to follow the notion of "Active" device in the app.

Hitting Refresh on either of them logs. app:2172 is the Controller app.

app:2172 2020-10-03 09:44:49.161 am error java.lang.NullPointerException: null on line 330 (refresh)

Here's what's a little interesting. If I click Open on Happy, nothing is logged and water flows. If I click Open on Sad, I get

dev:1905 2020-10-03 09:54:49.668 am error java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke method toInteger() on null object on line 297 (sendWSMessage)

.. but here's the thing. dev:1905 is Happy. So something is messed up such that when I try to operate on one child, it is invoking the other

station: zone.toInteger(),

Again, I'm sure this has something to do with Orbit's wacky restriction that all hose timers have to be in Zone 1.

@dvan, do both of your child devices show master: true in Device Details? Just trying to see if that is related at all.

@dman2306, any clue what might be happening telling the children apart?

I’d have to take a look. Haven’t seen those errors before. But one being master and the other not is expected. Only one device connects to their server. That’s how I identify which one will. I’m not going to be home for several hours but I can Look tonight.

The master parameter on my child devices, one is true and one is false.

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Thanks, and also to @dvan for confirming.

I have made some progress by employing that tried and true troubleshooting technique called scorched earth. I removed the Hubitat app and Orbit mobile app entirely (again) and started over from scratch. I can now see both timers and control open/close from Hubitat.

I speculate that something I did while trying on the Orbit side to get my hose timers into two different zones (spoiler alert: not possible) got my configuration sideways.


By far the worst and most annoying part of the orbit app is you can't zone the hose tap timers. I have two that run my lawn sprinklers and i had to use the time restrictions to ensure they don't turn on at the same time.

I can't wait to get my mositure sensors set up and be free of the app

This app is still working great for me. I hadn't been paying too much attention to the logs on this hub, (its a secondary connected via HubConnect), but recently noticed I'm still getting the web socket connection error every 30 minutes...

The app is working as expected but I was wondering if there is a way to disabled the error logging since we know it is a normal process... Maybe change it to info instead of error?

EDIT: Prolly many reasons why I should leave it alone, but I went in and commented out the error logging line related to this... Again, just so I don't see it in the logs...

No there is no option to turn this off, you'd need to comment it out as you did. I really don't see the point in hiding the fact that errors are occurring? When you try to control it and it doesn't work, don't you want to know it's because an error occurred?


Hopefully this is a quick QnA, just wanting to confirm there isn't a way to check the valve status (open/closed) of my device. Maybe I'm just not digging deep enough, but I printed the entire response and device info below for reference:

Orbit BHyve
The response says it's a sprinkler_timer.
Model: 21005

Response object sent to the log:
[[address:[line_1:, city:, state:, postal_code:, country:], water_sense_mode:auto, scheduled_modes:[:], timezone:[dst_offset:3600, raw_offset:-21600, timezone_id:America/Chicago, timezone_name:Central Daylight Time], full_location:[access_points:[], address_components:[[long_name:, short_name:, types:[street_number]], [long_name:, short_name:, types:[route]], [long_name:, short_name:, types:[locality, political]], [long_name:, short_name:, types:[administrative_area_level_3, political]], [long_name:, short_name:, types:[administrative_area_level_2, political]], [long_name:, short_name:, types:[administrative_area_level_1, political]], [long_name:United States, short_name:US, types:[country, political]], [long_name:, short_name:, types:[postal_code]], [long_name:, short_name:, types:[postal_code_suffix]]], formatted_address:, geometry:[bounds:[northeast:[lat:, lng:-], southwest:[lat:, lng:-]], location:[lat:, lng:-], location_type:ROOFTOP, viewport:[northeast:[lat:, lng:-], southwest:[lat:, lng:-]]], place_id:, types:[premise]], weather_forecast_location_id:, firmware_version:41, name:Veggie Garden, type:sprinkler_timer, manual_preset_runtime_sec:600, restricted_frequency:null, weather_delay_thresholds:[precip_prob:30, precip_in:0.125, wind_speed_mph:20, freeze_temp_f:37], updated_at:2021-01-02T22:26:59.085Z, reference:, mac_address:, weather_station_id:, mesh_id:, status:[rain_delay_cause:auto, rain_delay_weather_type:freeze], id:, num_stations:1, zones:[[station:1, name:Zone 1, image_url:https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/orbit-irrigation/zone-assets/5ecea9e04f0cae94b4595423/2ea87d2c-4592-4da4-9afe-fa6906abe982, num_sprinklers:0, catch_cup_volumes:[], catch_cup_run_time:0, smart_watering_enabled:false]], user_id:, device_gateway_topic:devices-1, hardware_version:HT25-0000, location:[type:Point, coordinates:[-, ]], created_at:2020-05-27T17:59:38.471Z, suggested_start_time:null, et_id:]]