Orbit B-hyve

Sorry, said I could help testing and only got this installed a day ago finally. It picked up my two assigned zones and names just fine on my 6-zone controller, but I haven't played around with it much. Been raining here too much.

However, I did realize that since I'm not using 4 of the 6 zones that I could set them up for testing purposes and just run them anytime without getting my yard too wet. Let me know if there is something you would like tested.

I'm jumping in on this also. I just bought the Orbit 21005 garden hose timer with wi-fi hub. I did set it up in the Orbit app, though I've not set any schedules or done anything there other than create the zone for the timer and verified I could turn it on and off there.

I installed the package with Package Manager and configured my Orbit credentials successfully. It did create the BHyve timer and hub devices for me, though I didn't realize it (I was looking for Orbit ... in the device list), so I created devices manually, and went down a rat hole troubleshooting the wrong devices. Will do some more with it tomorrow.

My goal is to create a phantom zone in Rachio that gets mirrored to the Orbit garden hose timer. That way I can have Rachio manage it all.

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thanks..... Timer implemented in the driver working as expected overwriting the default 10m.....
Can anybody let me know what program are you using to trigger the Orbit? I mean are you using rule machine, or how do you program the device to start and stop to specific time? I have tried auto off and It is not working

Very good hint. Thanks

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Right now I still have mine setup using the bhyve app. I know @bptworld has an app called Simple Irrigation that might do what you want. Right now I'm looking for something a bit more, I want to factor weather and moisture data in to decide when to run and I haven't found anything that does that... I might have to make my own :frowning:

I updated my app via HPM. Then I added a few more timers (still have a few to go). This time my new ones came in, but it does not seem to like my old ones.

Should I deleted the old device, or remove everything and reinstall?

FYI. these are all hose end timers.

Have you done as it says and rerun the app? Any errors doing that?

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In the bhyve app they all show up fine.

Re-ran the app setup and it attached the devices again. I guess I was thrown off when it did it while upgrading.

Moral - after adding any device or upgrading, rerun app setup. got it !

On a different note but related. When i look at the compatible devices, it shows that Rachio is compatible with Hubitat using cloud protocol. i would clearly like to have on site communications between my HE and what ever irrigation system i'm using but is cloud integration different than whats being discussed here for the Orbit?

i helped a neighbor install the Orbit b-hyve 12 zone over the week end and it's a nice little, inexpensive product.......but i spend too much time on the road to have something that isn't very reliable and as much as it looks like there is a work around for this.....im really hoping for native support for my irrigation timer.

Just wondering how Rachio was able to get integrated vs Orbit.

Both integrations happen through the cloud API. For Rachio, at least, and almost certainly for Orbit, the cloud connection doesn't need to be available for schedules in those controllers to run. Personally, I would shy away from automating watering from the Hubitat side.

My sprinkler system is primarily Rachio, but I did just integrate an Orbit garden hose timer into Rachio using Hubitat to mirror it as a Rachio zone. This is the one thing that would break for me if either cloud API were down.

Well. For the time being I have a full local Zwave option through a 3 pack of zen 16s I bought. Just really liked the functionality of the orbit.
I think if I can sort out how to put a rain delay in using IFTTT then I might stop thinking about the functionality I’m missing.
I know the simple sprinkler app has an option to start the schedule or stop the schedule based on switches but doesn’t have an option for a rain delay that I know of. I might reach out to the developer and see if that is something they might consider. If I could set a virtual switch on a timer then ifttt could trigger that. It would need however to be smart enough to reset ( or turn back on) When the pre defined timer expires As I don’t think that’s something easily triggered in IFTTT. Thanks.

Rachio has a public API and accepts partners. Orbit doesn't. That is why Rachio comes with Hubitat but Orbit does not. To make Orbit work I had to copy the work of developers who built and integration for Home Assistant and Home Bridge. Undoubtedly the way they figured it out was by reverse engineering the BHyve App. Rachio on the other hand let Hubitat sign up as a partner, they gave them the documentation, and they built an official integration.

As @HAL9000 said both are cloud based.

What I plan to do, and I haven't had time to build it yet, is a way to set the rain delay programatically in this integration. I'll set a schedule on the device and when conditions I define make it so I don't want it to run I'll set a rain delay. That way, worst case scenario, my plants get over watered but never wilt. I'd rather them get too much water than not enough. Hopefully I have time in the next two weeks to code that.

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I contacted Orbit and the reply they sent me was there was no plans on developing another zigbee or zwave irrigation controller. I did suggest they may consider reaching out to Hubitat perhaps and doing a proper integration. as im certain there is a market for people who want that. Who knows - maybe they consider it.

I also reached out to @adamkempenich to see if he would consider adding an option for a rain delay in Simple Sprinklers. Since they released that i have moved from rules to the Simple Sprinkler app and it works really well but because its not a rule, as in Rule Manager, im not certain if i can use a rule to disable the Sprinkler App for a duration. Would work perfect with IFTTT or through a dashboard if that option existed though. Here is hoping we gain enough interest for them to do a little more code:)

But i agree with your point.. in my case - more water is better than less water and to be honest...i didn't have a rain delay option on my z wave Orbit either so status quo works but really do like the option if its possible.


Good luck :slightly_smiling_face: smartthings owners have asked with no suceess.

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For what device?

Still considering it. :slight_smile:

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Good morning Adam.
I was thinking the Orbit B/hyve 12 zone irrigation system.
I don’t really know how the Rachio system interacts with Hubitat so I may not be asking for anything practical.
But the rain delay option in simple sprinklers. Now that would be useful. And used!


I would use this as well, and would love it see it take input from a person weather station. Our home is in an area where it rains all around us, but not here. The built in Orbit rain delays never want to water my lawn. To this end I have a personal weather station on order (moisture sensor as well). My hope is to integrate them with my Orbit hose end timers and finally have "reliable" watering automation for the lawn and garden.

It would be fantastic if my 'rain delay' was actually triggered by rain that falls on my property! What a novel idea. Some sort of 'moisture' delay would be over the top as well (thinking 'which devices can delay the schedule'...) :wink:

+1 for the consideration pot :hugs:

What I'm imagining is ...

if [this rain sensor] detected rain is [true]

then: delay timer this many hours, or cancel

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Would be cool if I could do that + add in soil moisture sensors (humidity sensors). So if ALL of the moisture sensors have a value > X don't water.

I was going to build an app from scratch to do all of this but it looks like your app has 80% of what I need!