Off-topic rant about security

Thanks for the tip. that S0 is one of the 4in1 multi-sensors that i was testing out. I can easily exclude/include that and choose different. What is the difference between S0 and "None"?

I'm not getting any issues (at the moment) but I keep seeing posts from people about what to choose for options when joining a Z-Wave device.
I have never had an option displayed.
Mine are connected with S0 or none.
I'm using a C7 on the latest build BTW.
I'm not that concerned but just wondered if I should get options displayed.

I think the only issue with S0 is it is super chatty and can bog things down if used in too many places or with an over active device... that was my understanding at least..


Yup - that's what I've seen the Z-Wave gods post here about S0...devices yak it up on the network.

"None" means the device paired with no security (clear communication), while S0 is an earlier version of Z-Wave security (encrypted communication), though both chattier and less secure than S2. Given the choice, I'd use any level of S2 over S0. Some people would additionally recommend using security only where necessary, like locks or garage doors, but a lot of that advice dates back from when the hub only supported S0, so with a C-7 I'd say it mostly depends on your preference (and what your devices support).


Ok I'm starting to run into issues with z-wave inclusions on my C7. Once I got over 20 included devices Inclusion became a real PITA. I have been needing to reboot my C7 before each new device or it fails and the zwave module stops responding entirely.

I also had a couple of wierd issues where devices werent detected correctly - eg I had an Aeotec nano dimmer detected as a dual nano switch and both my MultiSensor 6's failed to be detected and had to be manually configured as the correct device type. with the Dmmmer I had to exclude it and the 2nd time inclusion ID'd it correctly.

Apart from the above-mentioned issues, I have 95% of my house moved over to my C7 and have replicated most of my old Vera automation and it's still blazing fast with no unexpected slowdowns or Alexa "hub is not responding" issues like I used to get on my vera Plus.

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I was able to get rid of 3 ghost devices using remove on the Z-Wave details page but have 6 more that are hanging on tough. Have a UZB coming Tuesday so hope that will zap them.

I got tired of climbing up to pull the power so after about 30 times I added a plug back to my old Smartthings hub so I could cut and restore power to the Hubitat hub from another room and moved a Wyze cam so I could keep track of the hub lights during the power up/down. Still a pain but at least I can do a cycle from my lazy boy now :wink:

Really can’t wait to have the Z-Wave issues resolved once and for all so I can go back to working on more interesting things.

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I have yet to see any ghosts that the uzb7 couldn't take care of.


I've had a bunch of ghosts on my C7 too but I was able to delete them after some messing about.

My C7 was right next to FE599 for all Status 7 results. Awaiting FW update/fix. Thx all.

Are we back to having the network busy errors again? I just updated to the latest version and Z-Wave seems to be mostly broken again, and when I try to repair, It's cascading "network busy" errors in the logs.

Probably have a failed pair. Revert to previous version and wait till they release a fix or use a UZB to delete the failed pair.


OH BABY! Today is the day! :slight_smile:

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@danabw Are you brave enough to hit the update button? I want to make sure will still be available as a rollback option because that's the golden version for z-wave stability from my perspective.

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Done. Runs perfectly for me, zero issues. Very happy!

.119 will still be there, but I'd be very surprised if you needed it.


@danabw has been testing these past few releases for us.. As well as many of our other beta testers.

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Would be interested see someone with ghost nodes upgrading to this release

Yup, and it's been totally solid. Even defanged the one impossible ghost I had - the ghost entry on the Z-Wave Details page stayed, but it no longer showed any routing, and suddenly all my Z-Wave devices worked again. (I used a Z-Wave UZB stick to remove the ghost entry later, but just did that for cosmetic purposes.)

Highly recommend this release.


See my note just posted. :slight_smile:

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