NST Manager ported to Hubitat

the update changes 3 files

event stream
nst automations

it is mainly bug fixes for issues I have seen (within current code base). It does not add features, but fixes several things I found and a few efficiencies.

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aw ok.
You could count me as one who would be willing to pay money for integration if that makes a difference.

Appreciate the help!


So I have an existing WWN integration for my Vera Plus - I've installed NST on my C7 but when I try to authorise it I get the following error after clicking "allow".

I havent converted to Google authentication on my nest account.

Any ideas?

Screen Shot 2020-08-27 at 10.48.37 am

nest is basically shut down for any new setups. it will stay working on your vera. it wont work on your hubitat.

The only workaround (which I'm not attempting) is to get the actual nest created token (on vera) and modify the code on HE so you can insert this token into the method getNestAuthToken()

you really want to also fill in state.authData.token with this same string.

This is all code modifications you can do locally, but it is risky because you could invalidate your working auth token if not careful. ie one screwup and you may be done....Hence why I am staying uninvolved....

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Damn, came here to ask this as well. I have NST Manager working on my ST setup. I was hoping to just be able to move it over to HE (using same tokens, etc.). No dice huh?

you can likely keep your smart things hub up and use the hub connect to use them.

This is what I do, just pray it stays working on ST expecting Google to just kill it any day

This is what I did with my Vera - it only does HVAC autoamtion now:

They've come close. I saw where they're offering a better Nest Aware subscription, but in order to take advantage of it, you have to migrate to a Google account (give up the Nest account). I assume by doing this, it would kill the working ST integration, correct?

I just ditched nests for a Pair of Zen Zigbee Thermostats - no more google cloud for me. :slight_smile:

The new Google sdm hubitat integration is coming right along. Won't be much longer before full feature parity.


I’ve been watching that eagerly. I have 2 thermostats, 1 protect, and 3 nest cams. All still work with the NST integration, but only because I haven’t converted my account to a google account. Doing so would save me about $15/mo with the new Nest Aware subscriptions, but I don’t want to lose my integrations. I know that the Protect and cams aren’t yet exposed fully to the API but I have hope for the future :slight_smile: That’s why I’ve been watching that thread so closely - checking every day to see the progress!


I just read the last few posts here to realize that perhaps "NST manager" no longer works? :frowning: :frowning:

I have Nest, and I am not able to login via Hubitat as I get error while trying to Nest page. perhaps I have migrated my Nest account, when Nest gave me that option some weeks back.

My need has been only to make Nest go to eco/away mode, if my windows are open. is this no longer possible?

Nest ended the works with nest program this integration uses. So if you have a working deployment, it will still work, but you cannot deploy new.

There are other nest integrations available that use other APIs to nest. If you search you should find a paid one (likely easier to deploy) and a free one (requires much more effort to deploy)

Thanks. I just purchased the one from @yracine66. Seems to be what I needed.