Notify me when a device loses connectivity for more than 24 hours (Watchdog)


I recently noticed that I had a couple of sensors that had not checked in for a couple of months, so I was trying to find how I could stand up a watchdog system or notification system of sort.

I came across this, but it seems like it's no longer being developed: [RELEASE] Device Watchdog

Curious what folks are using nowadays? My goal is to be notified when a device does not check in for 24 hours (customizable) so that I can take action.

Thank you.

There is an idle monitor as part of the Simple Series.

Thanks! I just installed and it looks like what I just need. Is there a way to add a bunch of devices instead of creating one for each?

I like Device Activity Check myself..


No. Part of why it’s called the Simple Series. :blush: