Notifications not updating in app - Fixed!

Any idea why my notifications are not updating in the app? I get multiple notifications each day.

I've been having the same issue. I posted a few weeks ago but didn't get a response.

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Fixed it!

I tried the old uninstall/re-install. I had two Hubitat apps installed. I think one was the regular app and one was the Beta. I'm guessing that the link on my homepage went to the old app which was not updating.

I uninstalled both and reinstalled the Beta. I reconnected to my account and current phone and all is well.

Problem solved!

Well the thing is, I'm not sure if it's me because I've never witnessed this feature working for me but only became relevant/important here recently.

It looks like yours was at least working at one time.

Is it possible that the device selected to receive notifications is not the same as the device selected when the app was connected to the hub?

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The built in notifier was always iffy for me. In the end I got Pushover and haven't looked back... (plus you can have different sounds for different notification events)

I know this is in webcore but I'm just trying to illustrate that what I've got setup is working 100%. It's just when I try to pull down the notifications in the HE app when I get the notification that I can't see anything in the notifications screen itself. I can read it just fine in the notification banner text.

One thing I noticed is the notifications screen is before the login screen. I have two hubs. Am I unable to access notifications because it's not logged into a hub specifically when I click it?

If that's true, I understand it but I've looked all over the app once logged into the hub and I can't find notifications.

I must be doing something wrong or have something configured wrong. The notifications are configured to come from my primary hub and thats where I am expecting them to be stored. It's also the same hub that webcore is on which is creating the notifications and configured to store them.

I use the android version of the HE app.

and reconfigure all my notification outputs again?! Sounds like another Tuesday :laughing:

Doc Brown GIF by Back to the Future Trilogy

I'm not saying no; just laughing that I am yet again at this crossroad.

I didn't have to reconfigure anything. All my notifications were shown in the new installation. YMMV

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That is another possibility. It may have been the reconnecting to my current phone that fixed it rather than the uninstall/re-install. I did get a replacement phone in the same time period. Same phone number but replacement hardware.

That may be @1449smarthomeautomat's issue as well.

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As @Sebastien mentionated it could be that device with the registered notification on the hub is not the same, this could happen at the time of switching devices or hubs, the easiest path to fix it is to clear the install and reinstall, but first make sure the notifications do show on the device events on the hub.

I receive the notifications; they just don't appear in the notifications screen

I got pushover setup and it's pushing notifications but it's not sending the messages to the notifications page that you've shown above (which is the original problem I posted). I'll have to figure out where the disconnect is.

You have pushover set up on your phone? Have all the auth tokens set up? It doesn't send notifications to the notifications section of the HE app.. It sends it through the hubitat app

I just set it up both ways and neither is showing me notifications on the notifications screen in HE.

I also removed my mobile app device and uninstalled HE from my phone. Reinstalled and added it as a brand new device (to rule out what was said by @Hal3).

With BOTH my cellphone set up to receive notifications from HE AND set it up from pushover. Both send the notifications. When I receive the notification and click it, it goes to the notification page in the HE app and then just spins.

So now I've completely torn down the notifications setup at least 3 times and I still can't get any notifications to show in the notifications page.

Yes, I did configure the API and User key and name. I have added the "pushover device" to webcore to send the notification to it. Still, I receive the notification but I get nothing in the notifications page in HE.

I just looked at this on IOS. The notifications page throws an error. Invalid token. I never received the error on Android (which can happen from time to time in obscure Smart Home apps).

So if I were to think that I have some sort of invalid notifications token, where would one go about updating that?

Again, the messages are coming through, it's only when you click on them and try to see them in the notifications page in HE that it becomes a problem.

From the device page on Hubitat, click the pushover device you made (I assume you installed the pushover driver) From the device screen do a test message..

I get the message. It just doesn't show up in notifications

Same behavior I receive just by using the built in push notification functionality.

If you're receiving push notifications in pushover on your phone, RM should be able to send you a notification. So lets test this,. Under the notifications app in HE create a simple notification based on a contact sensor and send it to your pushover device. If that works,

Oh No Reaction GIF by The Great British Bake Off

There's a notifications app in HE?!

I am only aware on one place to access notifications and its the place mentioned above (and I have thoroughly scoured my site twice looking for another location). I've certainly never seen a way to 'send' a notification from HE (I've only been creating them in webcore).

I think you may have identified my problem in this first step. I see the notifications app as a built in app able to be installed. I'm going to install it and configure. It seems plausible that this was my missing link. Nothinf is showing up in Notifications because notifications isn't even set up.

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