[NOT MAINTAINED] Advanced Honeywell T6 Pro Z-Wave Thermostat Driver

Yes, please. @bcopeland please comment? Have you abandoned this project? (If so, please update the #1 posting to say so.) Do we have to fork this project to get the pull requests incorporated? Is there a replacement project that gives access "to all 42 configuration options" and has "External temperature probe support"?

I have requested many times that people take over my old community projects that I started before I was employed by Hubitat.. I didn't remove them because people use them and I figured it would help others learn to write drivers.


Your reply is the first time the phrase "take over" has appeared anywhere in this topic, so it's the first time I've heard that you want someone to take it over. Now that the topic is clearly marked as [NOT MAINTAINED] I understand why you aren't accepting any pull requests. Thank you for the clarification. Thank you for leaving it up as an example of how to write a driver.

For completeness, can you redirect us to a replacement driver that gives access "to all 42 configuration options" and has "external temperature probe support"? Or, tell us that no such driver exists and that we'll have to learn how to fix this driver to have access to all that. Or, tell us that you're working on writing one! Thanks for your time.

I just assumed he was being lazy.


Well I think he's giving you the opportunity to either A: Modify the existing legacy driver to meet your needs which will also help teach you how to code drivers for hubitat, or to use the built in generic driver which meets most people's needs. You can't expect him to maintain something written so long ago. He has mentioned in the past (not this thread but others) that he's not maintaining the old stuff. This is the perfect opportunity for someone such as yourself to take over that project. As someone with a T6, I would welcome updates and modifications to make it more beneficial to my network...


Just to satisfy my curiosity, what sort of changes are needed/desired to this driver?

There are 3 changes in post 269: [NOT MAINTAINED] Advanced Honeywell T6 Pro Z-Wave Thermostat Driver - #269 by johonn1

Additionally, temperature reports don't make it to the log for some reason, but they do show up in events. I'm not sure if that's solvable within the driver or not.

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What does the temperature report event look like because this looks like it should be kicking it out in debug mode:

    if (cmd.sensorType.toInteger() == 1) {
        if (logEnable) log.debug "got temp: ${cmd.scaledSensorValue}"
        eventProcess(name: "temperature", value: cmd.scaledSensorValue, unit: cmd.scale == 1 ? "F" : "C")

This should contain the post #269 changes as well as a humidity range check:


Thanks for pulling the updates. I'm seeing this error repeat, which may explain why this driver doesn't generate humidity events:

[dev:65] 2022-09-27 02:00:00.865 [error] groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException: No such property: scaledeSensorValue for class: hubitat.zwave.commands.sensormultilevelv5.SensorMultilevelReport
Possible solutions: scaledSensorValue on line 449 (method parse)

I'm also seeing double temperature events, one in Fahrenheit followed by one in Celsius, separated by between one second and eight minutes:

temperature 20.0 C DEVICE T6 Pro 2022-09-27 02:08:41.870 EDT
temperature 68.0 F DEVICE T6 Pro 2022-09-27 02:00:00.627 EDT

As usual, you are too kind. :slightly_smiling_face:


Well the error is me fat fingering the statement, easy fix. The temperature is interesting though because it’s coming back from thermostat differently each time - almost as if something is resetting parameter 2 every minute. Going to need to dig into that one a little.

v1.2.2 is up fixing my typo

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Ah... I'm not in debug mode, just description. That would explain it. Thanks!

(I'm ok with not getting temperature (or humidity) reports in the log, since they are visible in events and work fine in dashboards and rules. I have just always assumed that they should have been in the events 'naturally.')

I've now tried all three drivers: closed-source Generic ZWave, closed-source T6 Pro, and Advanced T6 Pro (this one). This driver is definitely the most full-featured, giving access to most of the T6 Installer Set Up (ISU) options that are completely absent in both the closed-source versions. With your updates, this driver is very usable. Perhaps it's time to change [NOT MAINTAINED] to [SAVED BY THEBEARMAY] ?

An update I'd like to see is the labelling of the ISU preferences with their #ISU number. Maybe I'll figure out how git works and submit a pull request for that.

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To be fair to @bcopeland, I've only made a couple of cosmetic changes. 99.99% of this is still his excellent work in assembling a solid driver.


Yes, the open source world builds on the goodness of others. Thanks for adopting this code.

I see that another person @jchonig adopted the code back in January and pulled in some of the same changes but never told anyone here about it: hubitat/drivers/Advanced_Honeywell_T6_Pro at main · jchonig/hubitat · GitHub

There's another useful pull request outstanding: Add presence commands by jkenn99 · Pull Request #14 · djdizzyd/hubitat · GitHub

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I have no experience with groovy, so was not willing to become the owner. I just wanted a patched version I could use locally on my seven thermostats. I hope to rectify that some day as I have a bunch of drivers I'd like to enhance.

I did add Hubitat Package Manager support files though. I encourage you to take them. When you have a release via HPM, I'll delete my stuff.




Merged jkenn99's request and opened up a new thread

to track requests going forward.


I installed your version yesterday on my three T6 Pro's...to solve a problem with runaway temperature reports from those devices. Fixed the problem so far. Thank you very much for picking up support of this driver.

I'd be more than happy to test updates when they come out.

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Thanks much for this driver. I moved away from Honeywell WIFI thermostats due to the polling delay and replaced them with the T6 Pro Z-Wave.

I had a case where I wanted the humidity reading on the thermostat to match my external humidity sensor. I found there is a config for Humidity Offset that was not included in this driver. I went ahead and added it to your driver code. Now I can bump the humidity to match my external sensor using a Webcore piston that checks for the difference and sets the calibration to make it match.

If you want to incorporate this into your driver, or if anyone else wants this feature, here is the modified driver code that includes it:

import groovy.transform.Field

 * Advanced Honeywell T6 Pro
 * v1.2

metadata {
    definition (name: "Advanced Honeywell T6 Pro Thermostat", namespace: "djdizzyd", author: "Bryan Copeland", importUrl: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/djdizzyd/hubitat/master/Drivers/Honeywell/Advanced-Honeywell-T6-Pro.groovy") {

        capability "Actuator"
        capability "Battery"
        capability "Configuration"
        capability "Refresh"
        capability "Sensor"
        capability "TemperatureMeasurement"
        capability "Thermostat"
        capability "ThermostatMode"
        capability "ThermostatFanMode"
        capability "ThermostatSetpoint"
        capability "ThermostatCoolingSetpoint"
        capability "ThermostatHeatingSetpoint"
        capability "ThermostatOperatingState"
        capability "RelativeHumidityMeasurement"
        capability "PowerSource"

        attribute "currentSensorCal", "number"
        attribute "currentHumidityCal", "number"
        attribute "idleBrightness", "number"

        command "SensorCal", [[name:"temperature calibration",type:"ENUM", description:"Number of degrees to add/subtract from thermostat sensor", constraints:["-3", "-2", "-1", "0", "1", "2", "3"]]]
        command "HumidityCal", [[name:"humidity calibration",type:"ENUM", description:"Percent to add/subtract from humidity sensor", constraints:["-12","-11","-10","-9","-8","-7","-6","-5","-4","-3", "-2", "-1", "0", "1", "2", "3","4","5","6","7","8","9","10","11","12"]]]
        command "IdleBrightness", [[name:"brightness",type:"ENUM", description:"Set idle brightness", constraints:["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5"]]]
        command "syncClock"

        fingerprint  mfr:"0039", prod:"0011", deviceId:"0008", inClusters:"0x5E,0x85,0x86,0x59,0x31,0x80,0x81,0x70,0x5A,0x72,0x71,0x73,0x9F,0x44,0x45,0x40,0x42,0x43,0x6C,0x55", deviceJoinName: "Honeywell T6 PRO"

    preferences {
        configParams.each { input it.value.input }
        input "logEnable", "bool", title: "Enable debug logging", defaultValue: false


@Field static Map CMD_CLASS_VERS=[0x71:3, 0x7A:2, 0x81:1, 0x73:1, 0x2B:1, 0x2C:1, 0x85:2, 0x72:1, 0x86:2, 0x8F:1, 0x31:5, 0x70:1, 0x80:1, 0x45:1, 0x44:3, 043:2, 0x42:1, 0x40:2, 0x5A:1, 0x59:1, 0x5E:2]
@Field static Map THERMOSTAT_OPERATING_STATE=[0x00:"idle",0x01:"heating",0x02:"cooling",0x03:"fan only",0x04:"pending heat",0x05:"pending cool",0x06:"vent economizer"]
@Field static Map THERMOSTAT_MODE=[0x00:"off",0x01:"heat",0x02:"cool",0x03:"auto",0x04:"emergency heat"]
@Field static Map SET_THERMOSTAT_MODE=["off":0x00,"heat":0x01,"cool":0x02,"auto":0x03,"emergency heat":0x04]
@Field static Map THERMOSTAT_FAN_MODE=[0x00:"auto",0x01:"on",0x02:"auto",0x03:"on",0x04:"auto",0x05:"on",0x06:"circulate",0x07:"circulate"]
@Field static Map SET_THERMOSTAT_FAN_MODE=["auto":0x00,"on":0x01,"circulate":0x06]
@Field static Map THERMOSTAT_FAN_STATE=[0x00:"idle", 0x01:"running", 0x02:"running high",0x03:"running medium",0x04:"circulation mode",0x05:"humidity circulation mode",0x06:"right - left circulation mode",0x07:"quiet circulation mode"]
@Field static List<String> supportedThermostatFanModes=["on","auto","circulate"]
@Field static List<String> supportedThermostatModes=["auto", "off", "heat", "emergency heat", "cool"]
@Field static Map ZWAVE_NOTIFICATION_TYPES=[0:"Reserverd", 1:"Smoke", 2:"CO", 3:"CO2", 4:"Heat", 5:"Water", 6:"Access Control", 7:"Home Security", 8:"Power Management", 9:"System", 10:"Emergency", 11:"Clock", 12:"First"]
@Field static Map configParams = [
        1: [input: [name: "configParam1", type: "enum", title: "Schedule Type", description: "", defaultValue: 2, options: [0:"No schedule/Occupacy based schedule",1:"Every day the same",2:"5-2 Schedule",3:"5-1-1 Schedule",4:"Every day individual"]], parameterSize: 1],
        2: [input: [name: "configParam2", type: "enum", title: "Temperature Scale", description:"", defaultValue: 0, options: [0:"Fahrenheit", 1:"Celsius"]], parameterSize: 1],
        3: [input: [name: "configParam3", type: "enum", title: "Outdoor Temperature", description:"", defaultValue: 0, options: [0:"No", 1:"Wired"]], parameterSize: 1],
        4: [input: [name: "configParam4", type: "enum", title: "Equipment Type", defaultValue: 2, options: [0:"None", 1:"Standard Gas",2:"High Efficiency Gas",3:"Oil",4:"Electric",5:"Fan Coil",6:"Air to Air Heat Pump",7:"Geothermal Heat Pump",8:"Hot Water",9:"Steam"]], parameterSize: 1],
        5: [input: [name: "configParam5", type: "enum", title: "Reversing Valve", defaultValue: 0, options: [0:"O/B on Cool", 1:"O/B on Heat"]], parameterSize:1],
        6: [input: [name: "configParam6", type: "enum", title: "Stages", defaultValue: 1, options: [0:"0", 1:"1",2:"2"]], parameterSize:1],
        7: [input: [name: "configParam7", type: "enum", title: "Heat Stages Aux/E stages", defaultValue: 1, options: [0:"0", 1:"1",2:"2"]], parameterSize:1],
        8: [input: [name: "configParam8", type: "enum", title: "Aux/E Control", defaultValue: 0, options:[0:"Both Aux and E", 1:"Either Aux/E"]], parameterSize: 1],
        9: [input: [name: "configParam9", type: "enum", title: "Aux Heat Type", defaultValue: 0, options:[0:"Electric", 1:"Gas/Oil"]], parameterSize: 1],
        10: [input: [name: "configParam10", type: "enum", title: "EM Heat Type", defaultValue: 0, options:[0:"Electric", 1:"Gas/Oil"]], parameterSize: 1],
        11: [input: [name: "configParam11", type: "enum", title: "Fossil Kit Control", defaultValue: 0, options:[0:"Thermostat",1:"External"]], parameterSize: 1],
        12: [input: [name: "configParam12", type: "enum", title: "Auto Changeover", defaultValue: 0, options:[0:"Off",1:"On"]], parameterSize: 1],
        13: [input: [name: "configParam13", type: "enum", title: "Auto Differential", defaultValue: 0, options:[0:"0°F",1:"1°F",2:"2°F",3:"3°F",4:"4°F",5:"5°F"]], parameterSize: 1],
        14: [input: [name: "configParam14", type: "enum", title: "High Cool Stage Finish", defaultValue: 0, options:[0:"No",1:"Yes"]], parameterSize: 1],
        15: [input: [name: "configParam15", type: "enum", title: "High Heat Stage Finish", defaultValue: 0, options:[0:"No",1:"Yes"]], parameterSize: 1],
        16: [input: [name: "configParam16", type: "enum", title: "Aux Heat Droop", defaultValue: 0, options:[0:"Comfort",2:"2°F",3:"3°F",4:"4°F",5:"5°F",6:"6°F",7:"7°F",8:"8°F",9:"9°F",10:"10°F",11:"11°F",12:"12°F",13:"13°F",14:"14°F",15:"15°F"]], parameterSize: 1],
        17: [input: [name: "configParam17", type: "enum", title: "Up Stage Timer Aux Heat", defaultValue: 0, options:[0:"Off",1:"30 minutes",2:"45 minutes",3:"60 minutes",4:"75 minutes",5:"90 minutes",6:"2 hours",7:"3 hours",8:"4 hours",9:"5 hours",10:"6 hours",11:"8 hours",12:"10 hours",13:"12 hours",14:"14 hours",15:"16 hours"]], parameterSize: 1],
        18: [input: [name: "configParam18", type: "enum", title: "Balance Point (Compressor Lockout)", defaultValue: 65, options:[0:"Off",5:"5°F",10:"10°F",15:"15°F",20:"20°F",25:"25°F",30:"30°F",35:"35°F",40:"40°F",45:"45°F",50:"50°F",55:"55°F",60:"60°F",65:"65°F"]], parameterSize: 1],
        19: [input: [name: "configParam19", type: "enum", title: "Aux Heat Lock Out (Aux Heat Outdoor Lockout)", defaultValue: 0, options:[0:"Off",5:"5°F",10:"10°F",15:"15°F",20:"20°F",25:"25°F",30:"30°F",35:"35°F",40:"40°F",45:"45°F",50:"50°F",55:"55°F",60:"60°F",65:"65°F"]], parameterSize: 1],
        20: [input: [name: "configParam20", type: "enum", title: "Cool 1 CPH (Cooling cycle rate stage 1)", defaultValue: 3, options:[1:"1",2:"2",3:"3",4:"4",5:"5",6:"6"]], parameterSize: 1],
        21: [input: [name: "configParam21", type: "enum", title: "Cool 2 CPH (Cooling cycle rate stage 2)", defaultValue: 3, options:[1:"1",2:"2",3:"3",4:"4",5:"5",6:"6"]], parameterSize: 1],
        22: [input: [name: "configParam22", type: "enum", title: "Heat 1 CPH (Heating cycle rate stage 1)", defaultValue: 3, options:[1:"1",2:"2",3:"3",4:"4",5:"5",6:"6",7:"7",8:"8",9:"9",10:"10",11:"11",12:"12"]], parameterSize: 1],
        23: [input: [name: "configParam23", type: "enum", title: "Heat 2 CPH (Heating cycle rate stage 2)", defaultValue: 3, options:[1:"1",2:"2",3:"3",4:"4",5:"5",6:"6",7:"7",8:"8",9:"9",10:"10",11:"11",12:"12"]], parameterSize: 1],
        24: [input: [name: "configParam24", type: "enum", title: "Aux Heat CPH (Heating cycle rate Auxiliary Heat)", defaultValue: 9, options:[1:"1",2:"2",3:"3",4:"4",5:"5",6:"6",7:"7",8:"8",9:"9",10:"10",11:"11",12:"12"]], parameterSize: 1],
        25: [input: [name: "configParam25", type: "enum", title: "EM Heat CPH (Heating cycle rate Emergency Heat)", defaultValue: 9, options:[1:"1",2:"2",3:"3",4:"4",5:"5",6:"6",7:"7",8:"8",9:"9",10:"10",11:"11",12:"12"]], parameterSize: 1],
        26: [input: [name: "configParam26", type: "enum", title: "Compressor Protection", defaultValue: 5, options:[0:"Off",1:"1 minutes",2:"2 minutes",3:"3 minutes",4:"4 minutes",5:"5 minutes"]], parameterSize: 1],
        27: [input: [name: "configParam27", type: "enum", title: "Adaptive Intelligent Recovery", defaultValue: 1, options:[0:"Off",1:"On"]], parameterSize: 1],
        28: [input: [name: "configParam28", type: "number", title: "Minimum Cool Temperature", description: "degrees fahrenheit", defaultValue: 50, range: "50..99"], parameterSize: 1],
        29: [input: [name: "configParam29", type: "number", title: "Maximum Heat Temperature", description: "degrees fahrenheit", defaultValue: 90, range: "40..90"], parameterSize: 1],
        30: [input: [name: "configParam30", type: "enum", title: "Air Filters", defaultValue: 0, options:[0:"0",1:"1",2:"2"]], parameterSize: 1],
        31: [input: [name: "configParam31", type: "enum", title: "Air Filter 1 Reminder", defaultValue: 0, options:[0:"Off",1:"10 run time days",2:"20 run time days",3:"30 run time days",4:"45 run time days",5:"60 run time days",6:"90 run time days",7:"120 run time days",8:"150 run time days",9:"30 days",10:"45 days",11:"60 days",12:"75 days",13:"3 months",14:"4 months",15:"5 months",16:"6 months",17:"9 months",18:"12 months",19:"15 months"]], parameterSize: 1],
        32: [input: [name: "configParam32", type: "enum", title: "Air Filter 2 Reminder", defaultValue: 0, options:[0:"Off",1:"10 run time days",2:"20 run time days",3:"30 run time days",4:"45 run time days",5:"60 run time days",6:"90 run time days",7:"120 run time days",8:"150 run time days",9:"30 days",10:"45 days",11:"60 days",12:"75 days",13:"3 months",14:"4 months",15:"5 months",16:"6 months",17:"9 months",18:"12 months",19:"15 months"]], parameterSize: 1],
        33: [input: [name: "configParam33", type: "enum", title: "Humidification Pad Reminder", defaultValue: 0, options:[0:"Off",1:"6 months",2:"12 months"]], parameterSize: 1],
        34: [input: [name: "configParam34", type: "enum", title: "Dehumidification Filter Reminder", defaultValue: 0, options:[0:"Off",1:"1 months",2:"2 months",3:"3 months",4:"4 months",5:"5 months",6:"6 months",7:"7 months",8:"8 months",9:"9 months",10:"10 months",11:"11 months",12:"12 months"]], parameterSize: 1],
        35: [input: [name: "configParam35", type: "enum", title: "Ventilation Filter Reminder", defaultValue: 0, options:[0:"Off",3:"3 months",6:"6 months",9:"9 months",12:"12 months"]], parameterSize: 1],
        36: [input: [name: "configParam36", type: "enum", title: "UV Devices", defaultValue: 0, options:[0:"0",1:"1",2:"2"]], parameterSize: 1],
        37: [input: [name: "configParam37", type: "enum", title: "UV Bulb 1 Reminder", defaultValue: 0, options:[0:"Off",6:"6 months",12:"12 months",24:"24 months"]], parameterSize: 1],
        38: [input: [name: "configParam38", type: "enum", title: "UV Bulb 2 Reminder", defaultValue: 0, options:[0:"Off",6:"6 months",12:"12 months",24:"24 months"]], parameterSize: 1],
        39: [input: [name: "configParam39", type: "enum", title: "Idle Brightness", defaultValue: 0, options:[0:"0",1:"1",2:"2",3:"3",4:"4",5:"5"]], parameterSize: 1],
        40: [input: [name: "configParam40", type: "enum", title: "Clock Format", defaultValue: 0, options: [0:"12 hour", 1:"24 hour"]], parameterSize:1],
        41: [input: [name: "configParam41", type: "enum", title: "Daylight Savings", defaultValue:1, options:[0:"Off",1:"On"]], parameterSize: 1],
        42: [input: [name: "configParam42", type: "enum", title: "Temperature Offset", defaultValue: 0, options:[(-3):"-3°F",(-2):"-2°F",(-1):"-1°F",0:"Off",1:"+1°F",2:"+2°F",3:"+3°F"]], parameterSize: 1],
        43: [input: [name: "configParam43", type: "enum", title: "Humidity Offset", defaultValue: 0, options:[(-12):"-12%",(-11):"-11%",(-10):"-10%",(-9):"-9%",(-8):"-8%",(-7):"-7%",(-6):"-6%",(-5):"-5%",(-4):"-4%",(-3):"-3%",(-2):"-2%",(-1):"-1%",0:"Off",1:"+1%",2:"+2%",3:"+3%",4:"+4%",5:"+5%",6:"+6%",7:"+7%",8:"+8%",9:"+9%",10:"+10%",11:"11%",12:"12%"]], parameterSize: 1]

void logsOff(){
    log.warn "debug logging disabled..."

void configure() {
    if (!state.initialized) initializeVars()
    runIn(10, "syncClock")
    runIn(5, "pollDeviceData")

void initializeVars() {
    // first run only
    sendEvent(name:"supportedThermostatModes", value: supportedThermostatModes.toString().replaceAll(/"/,""), isStateChange:true)
    sendEvent(name:"supportedThermostatFanModes", value: supportedThermostatFanModes.toString().replaceAll(/"/,""), isStateChange:true)
    runIn(15, refresh)

void installed() {
    if (logEnable) log.debug "installed()..."

void updated() {
    log.info "updated..."
    log.warn "debug logging is: ${logEnable == true}"
    if (logEnable) runIn(1800,logsOff)

void SensorCal(value) {
    if (logEnable) log.debug "SensorCal($value)"
    List<hubitat.zwave.Command> cmds=[]

void HumidityCal(value) {
    if (logEnable) log.debug "HumidityCal($value)"
    List<hubitat.zwave.Command> cmds=[]

void IdleBrightness(value) {
    if (logEnable) log.debug "IdleBrightness($value)"
    List<hubitat.zwave.Command> cmds=[]

void zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.notificationv3.NotificationReport cmd) {
    Map evt = [isStateChange:false]
    log.info "Notification: " + ZWAVE_NOTIFICATION_TYPES[cmd.notificationType]
    if (cmd.notificationType==8) {
        // power management
        switch (cmd.event) {
            case 0:
                // idle
            case 1:
                // Power has been applied
                log.info "${device.displayName} Power has been applied"
            case 2:
                // AC mains disconnected
                evt.descriptionText="${device.displayName} AC mains disconnected"
            case 3:
                // AC mains re-connected
                evt.descriptionText="${device.displayName} AC mains re-connected"
            case 4:
                // surge detected
                log.warn "${device.displayName} surge detected"
            case 5:
                // voltage drop / drift
            case 6:
                // Over-current detected
            case 7:
                // Over-voltage detected
            case 8:
                // over-load detected
            case 9:
                // load error
            case 10:
                // replace battery soon
            case 11:
                // replace battery now
            case 12:
                // battery is charging
                log.info "${device.displayName} Battery is charging"
            case 13:
                // battery is fully charged
            case 14:
                // charge battery soon
            case 15:
                // charge battery now
            case 16:
                // backup battery is low
            case 17:
                // battery fluid is low
            case 18:
                // backup battery disconnected
            case 254:
                // unknown event / state
    if (evt.isStateChange) {
        if (txtEnable) log.info evt.descriptionText

void runConfigs() {
    List<hubitat.zwave.Command> cmds=[]
    configParams.each { param, data ->
        if (settings[data.input.name]) {
            cmds.addAll(configCmd(param, data.parameterSize, settings[data.input.name]))

List<hubitat.zwave.Command> pollConfigs() {
    List<hubitat.zwave.Command> cmds=[]
    configParams.each { param, data ->
        if (settings[data.input.name]) {
            cmds.add(zwave.configurationV1.configurationGet(parameterNumber: param.toInteger()))
    return cmds

List<hubitat.zwave.Command> configCmd(parameterNumber, size, scaledConfigurationValue) {
    if (logEnable) log.debug "ParameterNumber: ${parameterNumber}, Size: ${size}, Value: ${scaledConfigurationValue}"
    List<hubitat.zwave.Command> cmds = []
    int intval=scaledConfigurationValue.toInteger()
    if (intval<0) intval=256 + intval
    cmds.add(zwave.configurationV1.configurationSet(parameterNumber: parameterNumber.toInteger(), size: size.toInteger(), configurationValue: [(intval & 0xFF)]))
    cmds.add(zwave.configurationV1.configurationGet(parameterNumber: parameterNumber.toInteger()))
    return cmds

void zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.configurationv1.ConfigurationReport cmd) {
    int scaledValue
    cmd.configurationValue.reverse().eachWithIndex { v, index -> scaledValue=scaledValue | v << (8*index) }
    if(configParams[cmd.parameterNumber.toInteger()]) {
        Map configParam=configParams[cmd.parameterNumber.toInteger()]
        if (scaledValue > 127) scaledValue = scaledValue - 256
        device.updateSetting(configParam.input.name, [value: "${scaledValue}", type: configParam.input.type])
        if (cmd.parameterNumber==42) {
            eventProcess(name: "currentSensorCal", value: scaledValue)
        if (cmd.parameterNumber==43) {
            eventProcess(name: "currentHumidityCal", value: scaledValue)
        if (cmd.parameterNumber==39) {
            eventProcess(name: "idleBrightness", value: scaledValue)

void eventProcess(Map evt) {
    if (device.currentValue(evt.name).toString() != evt.value.toString()) {

void pollDeviceData() {
    List<hubitat.zwave.Command> cmds = []
    cmds.add(zwave.manufacturerSpecificV2.deviceSpecificGet(deviceIdType: 1))

void refresh() {
    List<hubitat.zwave.Command> cmds=[]
    cmds.add(zwave.sensorMultilevelV5.sensorMultilevelGet(sensorType: 1, scale: configParam2==0?0:1))
    cmds.add(zwave.sensorMultilevelV5.sensorMultilevelGet(sensorType: 5, scale: 0))
    cmds.add(zwave.thermostatSetpointV2.thermostatSetpointGet(setpointType: 1))
    cmds.add(zwave.thermostatSetpointV2.thermostatSetpointGet(setpointType: 2))
    runIn(10, "syncClock")

void syncClock() {
    Calendar currentDate = Calendar.getInstance()
    sendToDevice(zwave.clockV1.clockSet(hour: currentDate.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY), minute: currentDate.get(Calendar.MINUTE), weekday: currentDate.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK)))

void zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.securityv1.SecurityMessageEncapsulation cmd) {
    hubitat.zwave.Command encapsulatedCommand = cmd.encapsulatedCommand(CMD_CLASS_VERS)
    if (encapsulatedCommand) {

void zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.multicmdv1.MultiCmdEncap cmd) {
    if (logEnable) log.debug "Got multicmd: ${cmd}"
    cmd.encapsulatedCommands(CMD_CLASS_VERS).each { encapsulatedCommand ->

void parse(String description) {
    if (logEnable) log.debug "parse:${description}"
    hubitat.zwave.Command cmd = zwave.parse(description, CMD_CLASS_VERS)
    if (cmd) {

void zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.supervisionv1.SupervisionGet cmd) {
    if (logEnable) log.debug "Supervision get: ${cmd}"
    hubitat.zwave.Command encapsulatedCommand = cmd.encapsulatedCommand(CMD_CLASS_VERS)
    if (encapsulatedCommand) {
    sendToDevice(new hubitat.zwave.commands.supervisionv1.SupervisionReport(sessionID: cmd.sessionID, reserved: 0, moreStatusUpdates: false, status: 0xFF, duration: 0))

void zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.manufacturerspecificv2.DeviceSpecificReport cmd) {
    if (logEnable) log.debug "Device Specific Report: ${cmd}"
    switch (cmd.deviceIdType) {
        case 1:
            // serial number
            def serialNumber=""
            if (cmd.deviceIdDataFormat==1) {
                cmd.deviceIdData.each { serialNumber += hubitat.helper.HexUtils.integerToHexString(it & 0xff,1).padLeft(2, '0')}
            } else {
                cmd.deviceIdData.each { serialNumber += (char) it }
            device.updateDataValue("serialNumber", serialNumber)

void zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.versionv2.VersionReport cmd) {
    if (logEnable) log.debug "version2 report: ${cmd}"
    device.updateDataValue("firmwareVersion", "${cmd.firmware0Version}.${cmd.firmware0SubVersion}")
    device.updateDataValue("protocolVersion", "${cmd.zWaveProtocolVersion}.${cmd.zWaveProtocolSubVersion}")
    device.updateDataValue("hardwareVersion", "${cmd.hardwareVersion}")

void sendToDevice(List<hubitat.zwave.Command> cmds) {
    sendHubCommand(new hubitat.device.HubMultiAction(commands(cmds), hubitat.device.Protocol.ZWAVE))

void sendToDevice(hubitat.zwave.Command cmd) {
    sendHubCommand(new hubitat.device.HubAction(secureCommand(cmd), hubitat.device.Protocol.ZWAVE))

void sendToDevice(String cmd) {
    sendHubCommand(new hubitat.device.HubAction(secureCommand(cmd), hubitat.device.Protocol.ZWAVE))

List<String> commands(List<hubitat.zwave.Command> cmds, Long delay=200) {
    return delayBetween(cmds.collect{ secureCommand(it) }, delay)

String secureCommand(hubitat.zwave.Command cmd) {

String secureCommand(String cmd) {
    return zwaveSecureEncap(cmd)

void zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.Command cmd) {
    if (logEnable) log.debug "skip:${cmd}"

List<hubitat.zwave.Command> setDefaultAssociation() {
    List<hubitat.zwave.Command> cmds=[]
    cmds.add(zwave.associationV2.associationSet(groupingIdentifier: 1, nodeId: zwaveHubNodeId))
    cmds.add(zwave.associationV2.associationGet(groupingIdentifier: 1))
    return cmds

List<hubitat.zwave.Command> processAssociations(){
    List<hubitat.zwave.Command> cmds = []
    return cmds

void zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.associationv2.AssociationReport cmd) {
    if (logEnable) log.debug "${device.label?device.label:device.name}: ${cmd}"
    List<String> temp = []
    if (cmd.nodeId != []) {
        cmd.nodeId.each {
            temp.add(it.toString().format( '%02x', it.toInteger() ).toUpperCase())
    updateDataValue("zwaveAssociationG${cmd.groupingIdentifier}", "$temp")

void zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.associationv2.AssociationGroupingsReport cmd) {
    if (logEnable) log.debug "${device.label?device.label:device.name}: ${cmd}"
    log.info "${device.label?device.label:device.name}: Supported association groups: ${cmd.supportedGroupings}"
    state.associationGroups = cmd.supportedGroupings

void zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.batteryv1.BatteryReport cmd) {
    if (logEnable) log.debug "got battery report: ${cmd.batteryLevel}"
    Map evt = [name: "battery", unit: "%"]
    if (cmd.batteryLevel == 0xFF) {
        evt.descriptionText = "${device.displayName} has a low battery"
        evt.value = "1"
    } else {
        evt.descriptionText = "${device.displayName} battery is ${cmd.batteryLevel}%"
        evt.value = "${cmd.batteryLevel}"
    if (txtEnable) log.info evt.descriptionText

void zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.sensormultilevelv5.SensorMultilevelReport cmd) {
    if (cmd.sensorType.toInteger() == 1) {
        if (logEnable) log.debug "got temp: ${cmd.scaledSensorValue}"
        eventProcess(name: "temperature", value: cmd.scaledSensorValue, unit: cmd.scale == 1 ? "F" : "C")
    } else if (cmd.sensorType.toInteger() == 5) {
        if (logEnable) log.debug "got temp: ${cmd.scaledSensorValue}"
        eventProcess(name: "humidity", value: Math.round(cmd.scaledSensorValue), unit: cmd.scale == 0 ? "%": "g/m³")

void setpointCalc(String newmode, String unit, value) {
    String mode="cool"
    if (device.currentValue("thermostatMode")=="heat" || device.currentValue("thermostatMode")=="emergency heat") {
    } else if (device.currentValue("thermostatMode")=="cool") {
    } else if (device.currentValue("thermostatOperatingState")=="heating" || device.currentValue("thermostatOperatingState")=="pending heat") {
    } else if (device.currentValue("thermostatOperatingState")=="cooling" || device.currentValue("thermostatOperatingState")=="pending cool") {
    } else if (state.lastMode) {
    if (newmode==mode) {
        eventProcess(name: "thermostatSetpoint", value: Math.round(value), unit: unit, type: state.isDigital?"digital":"physical")

void zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.thermostatsetpointv2.ThermostatSetpointReport cmd) {
    if (logEnable) log.debug "Got thermostat setpoint report: ${cmd}"
    if (device.currentValue("thermostatMode")=="heat") mode="heat"
    if (device.currentValue("thermostatMode")=="cool") mode="cool"
    String unit=cmd.scale == 1 ? "F" : "C"
    switch (cmd.setpointType) {
        case 1:
            eventProcess(name: "heatingSetpoint", value: Math.round(cmd.scaledValue), unit: unit, type: state.isDigital?"digital":"physical")
            setpointCalc("heat", unit, cmd.scaledValue)
        case 2:
            eventProcess(name: "coolingSetpoint", value: Math.round(cmd.scaledValue), unit: unit, type: state.isDigital?"digital":"physical")
            setpointCalc("cool", unit, cmd.scaledValue)

void zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.thermostatoperatingstatev1.ThermostatOperatingStateReport cmd) {
    if (logEnable) log.debug "Got thermostat operating state report: ${cmd}"
    String newstate=THERMOSTAT_OPERATING_STATE[cmd.operatingState.toInteger()]
    if (logEnable) log.debug "Translated state: " + newstate
    eventProcess(name: "thermostatOperatingState", value: newstate)
    if (newstate=="cooling") {
    } else if (newstate=="heating") {
    } else if (newstate=="pending heat") {
    } else if (newstate=="pending cool") {

void zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.thermostatfanstatev1.ThermostatFanStateReport cmd) {
    if (logEnable) log.debug "Got thermostat fan state report: ${cmd}"
    String newstate=THERMOSTAT_FAN_STATE[cmd.fanOperatingState.toInteger()]
    if (logEnable) log.debug "Translated fan state: " + newstate
    sendToDevice(zwave.configurationV1.configurationGet(parameterNumber: 52))
    if (newstate=="idle" && (device.currentValue("thermostatOperatingState")=="heating" || device.currentValue=="cooling")) sendToDevice(zwave.thermostatOperatingStateV1.thermostatOperatingStateGet())

void zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.thermostatfanmodev2.ThermostatFanModeReport cmd) {
    if (logEnable) log.debug "Got thermostat fan mode report: ${cmd}"
    String newmode=THERMOSTAT_FAN_MODE[cmd.fanMode.toInteger()]
    if (logEnable) log.debug "Translated fan mode: " + newmode
    eventProcess(name: "thermostatFanMode", value: newmode, type: state.isDigital?"digital":"physical")

void zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.thermostatmodev2.ThermostatModeReport cmd) {
    if (logEnable) log.debug "Got thermostat mode report: ${cmd}"
    String newmode=THERMOSTAT_MODE[cmd.mode.toInteger()]
    if (logEnable) log.debug "Translated thermostat mode: " + newmode
    eventProcess(name: "thermostatMode", value: newmode, type: state.isDigital?"digital":"physical")

void zwaveEvent(hubitat.zwave.commands.basicv1.BasicSet cmd) {
    // setup basic reports for missed operating state changes
    if (cmd.value.toInteger()==0xFF) {
        if (device.currentValue("thermostatOperatingState")!="heating" || device.currentValue!="cooling") sendToDevice(zwave.thermostatOperatingStateV1.thermostatOperatingStateGet())
    } else {
        if (device.currentValue("thermostatOperatingState")=="heating" || device.currentValue=="cooling") sendToDevice(zwave.thermostatOperatingStateV1.thermostatOperatingStateGet())

private void setSetpoint(setPointType, value) {
    List<hubitat.zwave.Command> cmds=[]
    cmds.add(zwave.thermostatSetpointV2.thermostatSetpointSet(setpointType: setPointType, scale: getTemperatureScale()=="F" ? 1:0 , precision: 0, scaledValue: value))
    cmds.add(zwave.thermostatSetpointV2.thermostatSetpointGet(setpointType: setPointType))

void setHeatingSetpoint(degrees) {
    if (logEnable) log.debug "setHeatingSetpoint(${degrees}) called"

void setCoolingSetpoint(degrees) {
    if (logEnable) log.debug "setCoolingSetpoint(${degrees}) called"

void setThermostatMode(mode) {
    if (logEnable) log.debug "setThermostatMode($mode)"
    List<hubitat.zwave.Command> cmds = []
    if (logEnable) log.debug "setting zwave thermostat mode ${SET_THERMOSTAT_MODE[mode]}"
    cmds.add(zwave.thermostatModeV2.thermostatModeSet(mode: SET_THERMOSTAT_MODE[mode]))

void off() {

void on() {
    log.warn "Ambiguous use of on()"

void heat() {

void emergencyHeat() {
    setThermostatMode("emergency heat")

void cool() {

void auto() {

void setThermostatFanMode(mode) {
    if (logEnable) log.debug "setThermostatFanMode($mode)"
    List<hubitat.zwave.Command> cmds = []
    if (logEnable) log.debug "setting zwave thermostat fan mode ${SET_THERMOSTAT_FAN_MODE[mode]}"
    cmds.add(zwave.thermostatFanModeV3.thermostatFanModeSet(fanMode: SET_THERMOSTAT_FAN_MODE[mode]))

void fanOn() {

void fanAuto() {

void fanCirculate() {

void setSchedule() {
    log.warn "setSchedule is not supported by this driver"

I see there is a "newer" sku ( TH6320ZW2007) of the T6 PRO ZWAVE now with 700 series radio. Anyone here have that yet/using with this driver?

I believe the TH6320ZW2003 is the 500 series version and more commonly found.