[NOT MAINTAINED] Advanced Honeywell T6 Pro Z-Wave Thermostat Driver

@bcopeland wrote the drivers for this. Looking at the current states, all useable attributes seem to be there. The only thing not there in supported modes is Auto and that's likely because ISU 300 is set to off on your physical thermostat. Turn that on and auto will be enabled. Any other attributes available via isu's can be activated on the thermostat like 300..

I can see all of that in the advanced driver (linked above), but not in the stock driver. I thought that you were saying that all of that was now exposed in the stock driver, but I'm not seeing that.

Here is mine


In some cases for something to be used the uid has to be activated on the thermostat regardless of the driver. Also make sure you hit configure after save when changing the driver.

Anybody know if this thermostat can run a separate humidifier? I currently have a Nest that is wired to kick on a humidifier via the * post.

A (de)humidifier cannot be controlled directly by this thermostat (Honeywell T6 Z-wave Pro), even though the mounting plate has U terminals.

I have my humidifier come on with the furnace but it's plugged into a smart outlet (sengled). If RH% gets above %45 during the winter it shuts off the outlet, if it gets below, it turns it on.

My T6 Zwave is on it's way. I know this is the most current driver, but hasn't been updated since Jan 21. Think there is any way this will get updated and promoted to an official driver?

The built-in driver for the Honeywell T6 Pro Z-Wave thermostat, which you call "official", was also written by @bcopeland, the author of this driver.

Good to know. I'll just test each out and see which one works better for me.

The 'staleness'/age of the driver shouldn't really matter. At the least, I haven't seen any reports that there are firmware changes, and if there are, they aren't causing any issues.

It just means that @bcopeland writes good, bug-free drivers. (Who, me? Kiss up? Of course not!)

This driver just exposes some additional configuration settings that the stock driver does not.

What I don't know is if it makes any difference to use the stock T6-specific driver or the stock generic driver. I could swear that someone once wrote that the generic driver is all you need. My guess would be that HE has rolled any device-specific details into the generic driver. But that's just a guess.

@bcopeland reccomends this and has posted it in the past.

I've been using this driver for a long time, since before @bcopeland was employed by Hubitat.

At the time, the built-in driver didn't work correctly, and this driver fixed it, after I made three changes to the code. See:
Stop reporting bad humidity values
Fix fan control
Fix problem with changing temp

I don't know if the change I made to fix the fan controller is still necessary, since they may have fixed the error in the thermostat controller on the dashboard based on this. However, it's working fine for me since I included "correct" items in the map as well as the "incorrect" items that were a bug in the thermostat controller. I'm not sure why @wes.hinchey had a problem with that edit.

That said, if the current built-in driver works correctly, I'd recommend that one, unless you need all the ISU options this makes available. Usually you can set those on the thermostat once and forget about them.

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I was checking this today and noticed when I have preferences set to celsius and saved, then the Command labelled "Set Cooling Setpoint" and "Set Heating Setpoint" will convert current settings correctly to Celsius. However when I try to use the cooling setpoint command to change to a new setting nothing happens. When I do the same thing with the heating setpoint, it drops to 5 regardless of the value given. I am in Canada so we use celsius. I realized that all my change rules were dropping the heat setpoint to 5. Everything else works as it should.

New to HE, transitioning from an elaborate setup on ST. Got a T6 to replace my Nest and allow local control.
Is the thermostat bias (+3,-3) only accessible via the advanced driver (looking a remote temperature sensing)? The variable does not seem to be exposed on the défaut driver.
Can the T6 remote sensor option be leveraged to send the thermostat an actual remote temperature value (rather than playing with the limited range bias)?


The generic z-wave plus thermostat driver pulls all attributes available from the Honeywell t6. Both were built and integrated by @bcopeland

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Thanks for the feedback. However, I’m not seeing the bias or any of the ISU parameters. How do I access those?

ISU parms are done directly on the thermostat and need to be turned on (300 for example) Then any attributes they spit out to z-wave will be available. Press and hold the menu button for 5 seconds. This will put you into advanced mode. use arrows to move from isu to isu. Turn on what you need. Beware of your hvac system and that it infact supports what you're changing the thermostat to do or you can damage your system.

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I have performed the initial setup on the thermostat, and would like to dynamically adjust the temperature offset parameter (1420) via Rule Machine for exemple. This parameter was visible in the original advanced driver but does not seem to be exposed in the default driver. Can I access this parameter remotely to make adjustment ?

That's probably a question for @bcopeland