[NOT MAINTAINED] Advanced Honeywell T6 Pro Z-Wave Thermostat Driver

Thank you and thanks for the quick reply. I incorrectly interpreted "BrianP"'s addition on Jun 30 to a "built-in" rather than the GitHub. In logs, I see the messages "dev:1025 2020-09-28 05:38:06.306 debug auto mode is not supported buy this thermostat
dev:1025 2020-09-28 05:38:06.305 trace setThermostatMode(auto)". I was hopeful an update as he noted below would help...

Yes, this is a bug in the Dashboard. Ideally they should fix it there. I can add a second pull request that includes this work-around for this driver, at least. Or you can go into the driver code and replace this line:

@Field static Map SET_THERMOSTAT_FAN_MODE=["auto":0x00,"on":0x01,"circulate":0x06]


@Field static Map SET_THERMOSTAT_FAN_MODE=["auto":0x00,"on":0x01,"circulate":0x06," auto":0x00," on":0x01," circulate":0x06]

Best Regards

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If you're using the built-in T6 driver, it does not support Auto mode. That's why I'm using this Advanced driver.

I'd recommend you load this driver for the T6, and change line 42 of the groovy code to:

@Field static Map SET_THERMOSTAT_FAN_MODE=["auto":0x00,"on":0x01,"circulate":0x06," auto":0x00," on":0x01," circulate":0x06]

so that it works with the dashboard thermostat tile.

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I love this driver. I did notice as was commented about earlier that while covering vast portions of what the thermostat is capable of, that is doesn't deal with Home/Away.

If I understand things correctly, it looks like this was a proposed addition to address this.

Is it likely to be incorporated into the driver?

While I suspect I that I could just add the changes to my local driver code, I try to maintain everything via Hubitat Package Manager which means avoiding customized or tweaked code not created by the original author.

If someone makes a PR on the git code, I would guess Bryan would accept it... Or someone could fork the repository and update it, and release their version.

Now that Bryan works directly for Hubitat, I think most of these user drivers are as-is for the most part.

That make sense to me on why it is likely to stay as is. I am not enough of a coding/git user to be able to make a PR on it.

Having @bcopeland working directly for Hubitat does make things like this a little bit in limbo. On the one hand he is probably focused on the paid work first. Additionally, there is a less advanced built-in driver for this thermostat. I can imagine having written the advanced version before becoming an employee, it might not be possible to move the advanced features into the built-in while also not being able to devote much if any effort to minor tweaks to the pre-employment custom driver.

Of course maybe I am just imagining the difficulties and there will be a quick change even without a PR by someone competent to create it.

Note that @bcopeland (Bryan) has said he needs to make an update to his driver, he talked about it in another thread. Currently for the T6, if joined with security you can't set cooling or heating points with his driver.


I already made a PR a while ago for the change to the map to make it work with the thermostat tile in the dashboard. I don't think it's been accepted.

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Ah, ok. I only saw 2 PRs open and nether of them sounded like this issue. I must have missed it.

This sounds like potentially the path forward. It would be good to hear from @bcopeland if he's stepping back. In the other thread I linked to he made it sound like he was going to make the change to resolve the problem w/setting heat/cool points, so maybe at the same time he can accept the PR.

Yep one of them actually contains 2 commits:
Prevent bad values from humidity sensor
and also
Add extra spaces in front of SET_THERMOSTAT_FAN_MODE Map

I don't think the Home/Away changes from jkenn99 were in a pull request.

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PR: Add presence commands by jkenn99 · Pull Request #14 · djdizzyd/hubitat · GitHub

Hoping for some insight here. I have the driver installed and I am able to see the current temp and mode, current set point and have options to change the function, fan state and set point. However, I am unable to change mode, fan setting or set point. Any idea what I missing?


We're about to convert our heating system to multi-zone. There would be 1 hard-wired Honeywell T6 thermostat, and I'd like to use two more as battery powered devices. Our heating contractor is unfamiliar with the Z-Wave side of things, and I'd like to know if anyone is using a (or several) Honeywell T6 Pro Z-Wave Thermostat(s) under battery powered in a multi-zone (multi-thermostat) setup?

[Feel free to move this to the Lounge or elsewhere if it's too far off topic from the thread on the driver]

@bcopeland needs to update the driver - not working for some settings if joined w/security ...

So until then use the built-in Honeywell driver:

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I have two zones, both powered, though.

There shouldn't be any difference in how they pair with Hubitat, except a battery powered T6 Pro won't act as a repeater in the Z-wave network.

I have an upstairs and downstairs zone. One T6 I named "Upstairs" and the other I named "Downstairs." They each are separate devices, and I have two tiles in my dashboard, one for each, and I have two apps for thermostat scheduling, one labeled "Thermostat Scheduler: Downstairs" and one labeled "Thermostat Scheduler: Upstairs". They get treated independently in my rules, etc, just like having two different switches or outlets.

That's what I believe too. However, Honeywell tech support has given the heating contractor a different answer (or that's what he understood, not being familiar with home automation), which is why I'm looking for feedback from people who are using a battery-powered Z-Wave T6 thermostat in a multi-zone configuration.

I think your heating contractor doesn't know what he's talking about. These also function without pairing to a Z-wave network just fine. That's all my contractor was worried about. (Of course I had them paired, set up, and working from my dashboard and scheduler before he finished cleaning up. He seemed a bit impressed by the automation.)

All the settings in this advanced driver are worth discussing with the contractor. I ended up reducing my Cool 1 CPH to 1 (I think default was 3) to do a better job of dehumidifying. There are a lot of Installer Set Up options you can change with this.


Hey All,

I ran into a problem with the Preferences not being read correctly. I have 2 Honeywell T6 Pro Z-Wave's (upstairs / downstairs). I already setup the thermostats before connecting to Z-Wave. I installed the driver, then switched from the built in driver to the advanced driver. I clicked "Configure" and waited a couple of minutes to pull in data.

Equipment Type is showing High Efficiency Gas where I have a Air to Air Heat pump. Also Idle Brightness is set to 0, where I have it set to 1. I've verified in the menus that:

  • 200 System Type - Heat Pump
  • 205 Equipment Type - Air to Air
  • 1401 Idle Brightens - 1

If I "Save Preferences" in the Advanced Driver with the wrong data it read in "Configure", it does indeed overwrite the existing settings.

Once set the Preferences correctly, and save them, subsequent click of "Configure" does look like it reads properly.

Have others experienced this issue? This occurs on both the thermostats.

I don't believe this driver works properly with the z-wave stack on the C-7 model (if that's the version of Hubitat you have).

It looks like I have the C-5 model