No firmware updates?

:rofl: Sort of. It was actually said a bit tongue-in-cheek.

If you use smart bulbs on a switched circuit, you have to do something to keep people from switching the circuit off. Sometimes you can just tell them to not turn it off. Sometimes your plan has to get a bit more drastic. Tape on the switch can be one of those ways. It is a bit of redneck engineering, but it can work.

Terrible things would happen to me if I actually did that with the intention of it being there long term.

This seems like the wrong way to Smart Home. I am sad that these exist. :sob:


I hear ya. I have 4 out of 30 switches set like this. Where nobody notices.

But mostly you jarred my memory. I never reach for or even see my garage or shed switches any more, having taped them up well over - temporarily - well over a year ago. That duct tape is gonna be a pain to remove.

OTOH, it ain't bothering anybody as is [g].

This seems like the wrong way to Smart Home. I am sad that these exist. :sob:


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My solution. Allow the lights to be turned off via the switch but keep power to the lights.


I couldn't get my wife to stop turning lamps off at the knob. Solution. Removed the knobs. She's not desperate enough to look for a pair of pliers to turn the stem. For the few switches I have, I have covered like @bradford.clarke. If you still really need to turn the switch off, mine have a hole just big enough for a nail set to fit it, you can still flip it that way. She hasn't noticed, and even if she did she wouldn't be enclined to rummage around the tool chest looking for a nail set.


As long as there are people (more specifically my family members), such things will exist. :wink:

Seriously, you can avoid this by getting a switch w/"bulb mode" where it controls the bulb directly, not the circuit, but there are still cases where a covered dumb switch really is the simplest and most cost-effective way to go. I use a few switch covers around the house, primarily for rooms where the original switch is in an inconvenient spot, or I've set up effective/reliable motion lighting that has WAF = 100%. I replace the bulbs w/smart bulbs and provide a Pico or other smart button to control the lights in a convenient location, for if/when it's required.

I use these...they also have very good WAF:

But it's so much more fun to watch your family get frustrated when they cant flip the switch!


We rent our place, so we can't swap out switches that keep power to lights while the switch is off, so MacGyver solutions get implemented.
My wife would've been happy with tape over the switch, buy oddly I wasn't :man_shrugging:


When I rented my last place, that did not stop me at all from using smart switches. I simply replaced them with the original dumb switches when I left.

Practice makes perfect, right? Might as well practice in someone else's house before you get your own.. :joy:

I think I inadvertently opened a Pandora's box I didn't mean to. I am in trouble now.

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The bots are always watching. Just went to Amazon. Here's the first ads: :joy:

I must need to update pihole.


Sorry, that was me. I'll log out of your account now... :wink:


You may have violated the terms of your lease, but got lucky by not getting caught.


If you know what you are doing and local code allows it, you do not even need that. Just wire the line and load together and connect it to the line side of a smart switch. Using something like [RELEASE] Switch Bindings to bind the smart switch with the smart bulbs works well.

When my wife and I bought a new house last fall, the previous owners and had put Treatlife switches everywhere. Thankfully, they work with [BETA] Tuya Cloud Driver (Limited device support) and the cloud updates are almost instantaneous. We already had Phillips Hue bulbs, so I just wired the smart switches and used Hubitat to sync them altogether. After adding lux and motion sensors, no one touches the switches anymore, so I might rewire them back, but right now it works incredibly well.

I did not even consider that. You're probably right.

I know we just met, so I understand your overesitmation of my knowledge and skills. :wink:

One issue for me is I want my wiring to be as standard as possible so that when I pass from this mortal coil my wife/sons and their electricians aren't befuddled by unexpected wiring/behaviors.


I have the problem now that my wife WANTS me to put new stuff in, but my electrical knowledge isn’t up to the tasks she wants done.


I know, we could start a company! We'll call it:

Electrical No-How

We'll make a million. That should cover at least part of the lawsuits. :smiley:


Can I recommend the law firm of Dewey, Chester, & Howe Llc. To represent you?


Too late!

We've alread reatined Dewey, Cheetum, & Howe, LLC (Limited Liability Cheaters).