New User Interface🎉

We’re thrilled to introduce our brand-new User Interface (UI) – designed with you in mind!

After listening to your feedback and working hard behind the scenes, we’re excited to roll out a fresh, streamlined experience that will make navigating the web interface smoother and more intuitive than ever before.

UPDATE - December 24, 2024 : the new user interface is now available with the public release of the platform version 2.4.0. For more details check out this post: Release 2.4.0 Available - :newspaper: News and Updates / Release Notes - Hubitat



Wow. Love the change in the device grid view the most!! The home tab is a very clean and high-level "landing page" for the entire app.

As always, a continuous and nice step forward and appreciated :slight_smile: !!



I like the change, however I have been turning on lights to see if I can make the numbers change in the image below, I have 11 chandeliers on atm but still shows 3 :wink: Will it be possible to turn on and off items shown below later instead of opening a new page to do so? I love the constant intelligent changes. Thank you.


Glad to hear that you like the upcoming changes. You can find answers to your specific question and much more in the Beta section😊 Let me know if you'd like help locating the posts. As always, we really appreciate your feedback and kind words!


From the pictures, I can see that this is a step in the right direction, but I don’t believe it will be a game changer just yet. Many of the critical changes needed lie in other areas.

The legacy dashboard, while incredibly powerful under the hood, remains the least user-friendly dashboard I’ve ever encountered. I’ve managed to create some impressive customizations with CSS, and most of the necessary features for a great dashboard are already present. However, relying on CSS is not practical, especially for beginners. A well-designed property panel that applies the necessary CSS internally—without requiring users to deal with code or tile numbers—could address most criticisms. Adding a genuinely functional drag-and-drop feature would also be a major improvement.

The Rule Machine also needs a revamped interface for rule creation and editing. While recent updates to rule presentation are excellent, the process of building and maintaining rules is still cumbersome and unintuitive. This is where new users may become frustrated and eventually turn to other systems. I would advise against replicating visual rule builders like Homey’s, which have their limitations. Instead, consider the progress Home Assistant has made in making automations more user-friendly—it could serve as inspiration.

Another significant improvement would be implementing collapsible lists with robust filtering options, similar to Home Assistant. For users with many devices, rules, and automations, this would make navigation much more manageable.

It’s important to remember that while geeks and tech enthusiasts are drawn to the system’s underlying power, the real challenge is to attract and retain users who are less technically inclined. These users want something intuitive, akin to Apple Home or similar platforms. Home Assistant is becoming increasingly user-friendly but still struggles with the complexity of YAML and other technical barriers. Homey has an excellent interface but suffers from reliability issues. Hubitat has the technical power, but it lacks a modern interface and comprehensive support for European users, including Thread radio compatibility.

I genuinely hope to see continued progress from Hubitat and that one day the system fulfills these wishes. If that happens, I would seriously consider returning. The potential is undoubtedly there, and I truly believe in the possibilities.

Wishing you all the best in your development journey!


I believe that this will be a great improvement for HE usability.

I’d like to ask if those UI elements are going to be available for HE apps/drivers too - it would be awesome!

I would encourage you to join the beta


I have a “production” and a “backup” hub - I’ll subscribe the beta on the later.

My home is fully automated and I’m afraid of using anything beta - if anything goes wrong or I’d be killed by my wife, or commit suicide or both …


Always remember you can roll back without issues


I resurrected my retired C7 for the beta. Hub mesh works well to bring over and populate some devices. Turns out the beta C7 is a useful home for a misbehaving Osram LED strip that was not reliably repeating on the production C8.


Yep, I know - what I don’t know is that my wife would give enough time to do a rollback before ripping my heart off …
Season 3 Help GIF by The Bear


A small question ... after joining the beta program, I'll be able to choose which one of my hubs will receive the beta version?

Remember ... wife :sos:

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Any chance this will be out of Beta within the next few days?

A relative is getting a Hubitat for the holidays. I'd love to be able to introduce them to Hubitat via the updated UI, both because it will be a better introduction, and because they won't have to navigate a change in UI. But I don't want to do that via beta, as I'm scared they will get discouraged if there is anything wonky.

ETA: Also, in looking at the screenshots posts, it looks like there is now a home tab with device info sorted by Room, a Rooms tab, and a Device tab. I've always wondered why we have a Rooms and a Device tab - are they not both a list of devices, just sorted differently? Seems like all three tabs could be Home tab, with an option to go to details on the home tab, and within that, the option to sort by Device or Room...I'm probably missing something, but I've always wondered why those two were not simplified into one...and now the two are three instead of one...

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The speed we are getting updates, I'd say no. Almost daily tweaks and such.


And that’s a good thing, hammer out the bugs.


I never said bugs. Unrealized features is a better description.


Ah, so that’s the term we should use now. (“It’s not a bug, it’s an unrealized feature.”)


Congratulations to the Hubitat team for bringing/releasing this major update to production!


And makes me look like a real expert! :no_entry_sign:

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