New: Third Reality Power monitoring plug

When you say "bind", what to you mean?


Binding allows the Inovelli switch to directly control the plug power without going through Hubitat, so it will keep working regardless if Hubitat is running or not. I'm using this so the kitchen Inovelli light switch will turn on/off my undercabinet lighting (which I have plugged into the Third Reality socket) without needing a Hubitat rule.

I wrote a quick app to make this easier to do: hubitat-dev/InovelliZigbeeBinding.groovy at main · bradsjm/hubitat-dev · GitHub


That's really great. I have some experience with z-wave direct associations but not zigbee, binding, I guess you call it. Can this be done with most any zigbee device? I'd really like to learn more about this.

It is part of the Zigbee standards so in theory, any standards compliant device should be able to do it however to be able create a Zigbee binding from Hubitat the driver needs to expose the functionality to initiate the binding (like the Inovelli Switch driver does).


You are now guilty of delaying the work on my other projects, Jonathan! :slight_smile:


Tuya dimmer did not acknowledge the bind request... : (
Will try tomorrow with a Hue dimmer binding to a Hue bulb to see if there is any difference.

Ok… this is now officially bookmarked so I can follow up :muscle::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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These Inovelli dimmers are great feature-rich devices, unfortunately not available in Europe .. : (
But we can experiment with other Zigbee dimmers (Philips Hue or OSRAM dimmers) or whatever standard Zigbee dimmers are available (different than Tuya).

As the OP topic is the Third Reality monitoring plug, we can start a new thread and move the conversation there.


Right up my alley :ok_hand::white_check_mark:

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Would it make sense to split this to its own topic?

I have several Fibaro dimmer/switches that association options and also several Zigbee remotes/dimmers… would be a game changer if this would bring the two worlds together.

I am doing this now by exposing the zwave devices to Homekit but direct links without rules or hubs involved… whoa!!

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The unique thing here is that it's Zigbee.

Z-Wave association has been talked about here. I also have some z-wave associations, but have found out recently that they won't work in a timely fashion when the hub's z-wave radio is out, ie, the red light is out. Red light on: quick. Something about the device checking the hub first. This is the subject of another thread though.

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Amps are being calculated as opposed to reported from the device, correct? If so, I *think that there might be a formula error in the driver. Isn't amps just watts/volts, so it should be ~5 rather than 7 in the snip below?


I just took a quick look at what the plug is reporting and it is reporting RMS current and RMS voltage. The only synthetic calculation is for cumulative power as that isn't reported and is persisted in the state.

I'll have to take a closer look to see what is going on


Yeah, I was trying to figure it out on my own, but I got stuck on figuring out what the multiplier and divisors were and where they were coming from in this bit of code:

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Those values come from the device which tells you what to do with the raw value to convert it and are read at startup. In the case of Third Reality, those values for current are 1 for the multiplier, and 1000 for the divisor.

Do the values change if you hit refresh? I wonder if the amps are not being reported often enough. Hitting refresh will ask for all the values to be reported.

Looking at the events, it appears to be be updating the Amperage values regularly while a load is there, I had hit refresh while it was running and it didn't change anything.

This is where I could use an electrical engineer to chime in because I'm wondering if power factor is coming in to play here given the load you have has a compressor motor. Do you have any other plugs measuring non-inductive (i.e. no AC motor) loads? The values I get from my TV and LED lights appear to be correct when I look at them.

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You might be onto something.

These next 4 snips are a 75w CFL, then a 50-100-150 3-way incandescent bulb at it's 3 power levels. The CFL seemed to have odd power reporting (as many ballast-related items do), but the incandescent bulb seems pretty much spot on.


Sorry for all of the trouble this morning. I don't actually even need the amperage reporting for my automation, but when I saw that, I wanted to point it out in case it was a driver issue.

For posterity: depending on your load, you may not get accurate amperage reporting from this plug. Thankfully for me, I just want to know if the compressor is running or not, which the device/driver can do with no problem.

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I think this is interesting, as there isn't any real documentation from Third Reality as to the values they are reporting and if they are measured or calculated. It would appear the RMS current is measured as it is being impacted by (I believe) power factor on inductive loads. There is the question of if the driver should show the measured value or do its own calculation (ignoring power factor) but at least we can rule out this being a bug in the driver and its been an interesting rabbit hole to go down :smiley:

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