New Model C-7 Hub Coming Soon

Apparently @bravenel definition of "coming soon" and mine are different. It has be 9 DAYS since the post, and I have zero C-7 hubs in my possession.

What gives??!?

(For the humor impaired, that was a joke - I am looking forward to the hub and more info on the migration service, but I'm not that delusional to think it takes 1 week)


Especially on the software side, a migration tool is something that many other competitors (you know who I mean), have been working on for years.
I'm prepared to give Hubitat more than just a few days...


I'll give them 42 days because:


I did not understand it as the launch of the migration tool is connected to the launch of the C7?

Due to the “out of stock” situation I guess there is a backlog of new users just waiting to get a hub, would be a pretty bad business decision to hold the launch of the C7 to develop the migration tool.

From their announcement, it sounds like they want to make it together.
However, reality may intrude and they may decide to release the hardware first (assuming that it is ready first).
We shall just have to be patient, and wait and see...

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I have no inside info, so put as much value in the comments below as you paid for them.

  • My GUESS is that they will not hold up the hub sales for the migration service availability.

  • My GUESS is that they are still trying to get enough hardware in stock to start sales (without running out on day 1), and maybe some finishing touches/testing on the hub firmware feature adders to support SmartStart and S2.

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I'm really anxious to see the C7 released, as I'm a new user switching over from a Smartthings hub. I'd like to get started using the HE and have some fun with the new system.

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This is what i have been waiting for, a CE supported device for Europe. Really looking forward to start my automation journey with Hubitat C-7.

I see Hubitat now on the Z-Wave Alliance website as a Full Member. Not sure if they were previously listed or not? :thinking:


I'm right there with you. SmartThings has been lagging in recent months and I'm looking to switch, too.

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Excellent news!!!!

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A post was merged into an existing topic: Frustrated with my hub

Would be interested in knowing how many C-7 hubs will be stocked for the initial offering. It seem there is going to be a big rush, by the Wink folks, early adopters and others who have been patiently (or maybe not so patient) waiting for Hubs to be back in stock.


My guess is - not enough.

But since I only want 1, that's the only number I care about. :smiley:

In my day job, soon is before close of play or early next morning

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I suspect that customer satisfaction will go up tremendously with the new hub, due to its improved zwave radio.
For all of you Hubitaters out there who have extensive zwave networks, it's my suspicion that the increased range of the new radio will change the topology of the zwave mesh dramatically. Instead of relying on device after device after device (I believe that there may be 4 in a chain), to pass along zwave message, there will be fewer chains that come along with the dramatically increased range of the radio.
Of course, this is all pure speculation on my part, and I'm waiting along with everyone else to see the new equipment.


I checked my mailbox a bit ago - still no C-7 in there. :confused:

(The real problem is that I'm between home projects, so have too much time to be annoying. lol)


A post was merged into an existing topic: Items for Sale

This is one of the few things on Vera hubs that works well, I can backup my Vera Plus and restore it to my test Vera Edge, mess around with things to my hearts content (eg new beta Vera FW) and then backup the Edge and restore the config to my Plus.

Obviously I can’t run both hubs at the same time or the Zwave controllers will both try to be primary and make a mess, but it’s very very handy. It has saved my bacon a few times when fw updates have gone badly or I’ve done something stupid. I just factory reset and then restore from Backup and my wife never knows I broke it. :laughing:

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USB-C is WAY better/more stable