New Iris V1 device support

when no, if probably...

Always good to know there is a chance to reuse something many still keep around. It's still a wall hanger I'd love to put back in use!

I am having an issue with the v1 contact sensor. I can offset the temperature to a higher temperature (positive value), but not a lower one (lower value).

Did you scroll in both directions? I can see them in the device driver

Yes. It will only apply positive values.

It doesn’t happen immediately, it only happens on a temperature change. I tested it both way and the driver does do the adjustment. Have you waited long enough for a new temperature to be reported once you changed it (and hit configure)?

I just bought a v1 door/window/cabinet sensor DWS901 off ebay, new, still in packaging. It only reports temperature and battery. Nothing about open or close. Is there something I'm missing that I may need to do? All I did was discover it and label it. I tried using it in HSM but it shows up in red in the "Arm and Disarm" section. It's using "Iris V1 Contact Sensor" under type, which I believe is correct.

Could this be in need of a firmware update? If so, can I get a hub off ebay and still update it, or did they turn off that ability already?

Did you use the right zigbee discovery when you added it to the hub?

Also check the driver you’re using.

I believe that firmware updates were turned off months ago !

I just added one that was doing the same thing. Try cycling the contact sensor by manually opening and closing it. After doing this it should start reporting.

For those that have added Iris V1 sensors... how stable is your system. I have had persistent issues. Things were Rock solid early on then a firmware upgrade dropped all battery zigbee devices. I was able to get everything back but it seems often devices drop and the only way to get them back is remove, reset and repair. Just wondering if I somehow have a corruption somewhere and wonder if I should just completely start over. Thoughts?

I doubt anything is corrupted, if a device drops I do a battery pull first, this brings most of them back.
I think I've only had to rediscover one or two zigbee devices that have fallen off.

All my V1 devices fell off multiple times requiring full remove, reset, re-pair. After the second time, I threw them all out.

I have about 32 iris v1 contact sensors connected to one hub and never had a single one drop off. I have 4 Xbees and 3 SmartThings Zigbee outlets distributed around the house to build my mesh network. I didn’t even have to pull a battery on a single unit.

I strongly believe that most drop offs are related to the strength of the mesh or using bulbs on the same hub as other Zigbee devices. There is an exception with the Xiaomi devices as they don’t follow the spec and are a bit special


As an Iris refugee I have over 100 V1 and v2 devices on my system and everything has been stable and working well.

I’m coming on 3 weeks with no drop offs since I installed 4 peanut plugs around the house.

I have 14 motion sensors, a contact sensor, a water sensor, iris water valve, and the 4 peanut plugs.

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So I have around 30 Iris V1 battery operated devices currently connected and about 12 V1 outlets spread around as well as a V2 outlet and some other repeater.

Just tonight I had tried to replace a battery but nothing happened even after cycling the switch. Then I tried repairing... HE immediately sees it as the correct device but switch stays in pairing mode. Then did remove and reinstall and it seems good. I also have one outlet that is inop and pairing won't complete. I have no zigbee bulbs, the only other non Iris zigbee devices are Leaksmart valve and sensors.

Jon...I feel your pain. Sometimes HE is working so we'll then all hell breaks loose. At this point I am close to dropping HE and going with a dedicated security platform since that is my main need.

I have some of the V1 outlets and from my experience, I don’t think they repeat very well. I used some to extend the mesh in the basement, and had troubles. Switched to V2 outlets and all was well. The V1’s also show strange repeater behavior when scanning my system with an Xbee.

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I guess that is possible but I had far less V1 repeaters on Iris and everything was Rock solid. I was just hoping HE could match that. Maybe I will be invest in a few repeaters, but if it comes to replacing all door/window sensors I maybe better off going dedicated security.

Iris V3 contacts can be found on eBay for <$5 ea. and seem to work just fine.