[NEW APP] Room Lighting

Not that only a switch activates, but that I can use the physical switch to turn the light on.
Probably not necessary if the rule works constantly?

You can add the switch as a Means to Turn On or a Means to Turn Off. But yeah, if motion works consistently you don't need it.

The whole point of your automation is to never need the switch. Switch's are an anachronism.


Lock unlocks as Means to Activate in next release.


I keep receiving the following error when I attempt to create any activator device.

This occurs when I create a new scene from scratch with an activator, if I try to import an old group or scene from the Groups and Scenes app, or even when I make a completely empty rule containing only an activator (without any devices). I've tried deleting the Room Lights app and reinstalling but the problem persists.

Interestingly, this only seems to affect my C7 hub. I can create Room Lighting scenes and groups on my C5 hub without difficulty.

I'd appreciate any suggestions on how to proceed :pray:

This is a know bug, and will be fixed in the next release.

In the meantime, to get around it, simply give the app any Means To Turn Off besides the Activator Device (in addition to). That should get you around the problem for now.

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Perfect, that worked. Thank you!

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What specific device is this that you're working with?

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Ok and what driver are you using with it?

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So, today, when I opened the door and went in the garage, the the lights did not come on.
I pushed the wall switch to turn the lights on.
Unfortunately, I am assuming the rule does not turn the lights off?
How do I accommodate that?

I will be looking into why they did not turn on in the first place, but need the switch as an option.

This thread has hundreds of posts. Please repost the app setup you have now.

Sorry, I thought I was responding to my original thread.

Here is what it looks like currently

When I first started playing with this, I added the switch in, but then it only would show as turned on, and never shut off.

I need to see a screenshot of the logs when this runs to know what's going on.

I don't know what you're referring to. I don't have the context that you have.

Sorry again. Hard to know what to supply when I don't know what is going on.

Here is the same automation with the physical switch added:

When I tried this before, and used the switch, the Means to Turn Off didn't take effect.
True, if the automation always worked correctly, I would not have to worry about turning the light on with a switch

Still need to see the logs of this running, to understand what is or is not happening.

Okay. I just tried it, and the motion sensor worked correctly, and lights went on.

I did not turn on the physical switch, however. Yet the log indicates it was already on?

The app turned on the switch. Look at the device page for the switch, and the Events button at the top of the page. Show those events.

this events table?

This is expected, the motion triggered it, turned it on, and then switch turning on is also a trigger you have set which triggered it again but it said wait I am already activated, never-mind.

Also, FYI, motion inactive seems to trigger the means to turn off even if you turned it on physically without triggering the rule. I have seen this in the logs before. But the way you have it will make sure the RL enters the "active" state.

The one thing you might want to add is switches that determine all lights are off, set to the switch that turns the lights on an off. This will set the RL to not activated if you turn the lights off via the switch. Example:


I would turn on debug logging in RL and the next time the motion does not activate it, check the logs. The hub may not be getting the event or it might be delayed. Or the RL app might think it is already activated. The logs will show.


No, for the track lights device.

What we're wondering about is the Physical limit to the trigger. If the device activating from RL throws 'physical' event, then there is no point in having that switch device in the Means to Activate.