[NEW APP] Room Lighting

Sorry was typing up issue 2 as you were replying, no need to snippy with "again" and bolding "screenshots"

Issue 2: this is a mix of 2 hue lights and 3 LIFX lights

OK. Will add that.


Not being snippy. You'd be amazed how many people use copy/paste, and it's a pain in the butt to try to read them.

For the long logs screenshot, I need you to focus on a single issue. Can't possibly sort all of that out.

Thank you!

Understood, I think I sorted this one out, destroyed and rebuilt the rules, I think I was a victim of the (way) above mentioned issue of just unchecking an option under "means to activate" but not deleting the button causing two rules to be active.

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Need to see the logs for when this fails. That needs to be a screenshot from a laptop or desktop computer, not a mobile device.

This is the error that pops up, but there is nothing shown in the logs, even if I select the debug logging option before selecting the room. I've also included a GIF showing how I get there (sorry for the poor quality). If you can't reproduce it, it's not causing me any issues, so it is not an issue if you don't look at it.


I could be mis-interpreting the use of the Act and Off checkboxes, but this was what I was trying to setup, turning on different switches per mode, where each switch represents different scenes. I did not want to choose to turn them off, in case that messed with turning on similar scenes that include the same lights. I was hoping I could de-select options in bulk, but it's not a big deal to do it manually.

I'll follow up on the custom driver from the Advanced Hue integration, but I still did not see a selector like you described, unless I am not seeing it... I clicked on the "CT" below and all that happened is the table greyed out.

The pull-down menu is showing just below the table. This:

For selecting the Activation Type, after I clicked on RGB for a LIFX Bulb:

Under Activation Settings (right side of table) you click on the on/off to change whether the switch is turned on or off upon Activation. For causing a device to be turned off, if I click on the green "on" on the right side :

Then it get this, and Office Osram will be turned off when this one Activates:

From last night

Looking at what you have set up above, it's not right. There is a Re-Enable Turning Off without a corresponding Disable Turning Off -- those are always a pair. You should remove that Re-Enable. I'm curious how you got 22:15 for one time and 10:14 PM for another. I'm a bit suspicious about what state this instance is in. Given that it failed on the time condition, I think I would remake it.

I will look into the time condition on Turning Off.

Gotcha. Let me try to remake it.

Same exactly for me on this - debug logging is on, get the flashing "unexpected error" message when I select a room. Nothing in the logs when this happens. Not a big issue, obviously, but wanted to confirm it's happening and there are no logs from it.

Does this occur in FireFox only, by any chance, or other browsers as well?

I've seen this in Chrome (desktop). I saw it on the initial page and then actually had a rule corrupt itself by clicking use per-mode settings and then clicking that back off when I realized it wasn't what I was looking for. In all cases, nothing was in the logs.


I created a Hub Variable so that I could use it in RL and in RM.

It's visible in RM and can be used.

It's not visible in RL.

No Variables in this list at all.....

Documentation shows....

Then under....

If I select "Variable becomes true" - nothing is shown in the Variable selection drop down... (I only have one defined in the system)

Am I doing something wrong ?

Go back to the main page of the RL app and hit Update. See if it shows up after that.

Same, seeing the brief error message in Chrome, current version.

Just as an additional (maddening) data point, I was not able to replicate it in Edge just now, and also failed to see it in Chrome just now. However, the last few times (earlier this AM previous days) that I checked for it, the error message did flash by. :man_shrugging:

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That done it - many thanks.

Like @danabw I have also had it only happen intermittently, including not at all today :slight_smile: I also installed FireFox and tested, with no error appearing.

If I see it again I'll let you know.


I've had this Room Lighting setup for a bit and noticed today when I got home during the day the lights turned on (which they shouldn't). Never noticed it before so not sure if it was the last update or am I missing something in my setup? Basically I want to turn on the front yard lights if either the front door opens or someone arrives but not during the day. You can see in the logs when I opened the door to leave it ignored because of mode but when I came back the app was activated.