New 700 series version of the Zooz 4-in-1 released!


yep I am on a C-7 hub. Here is the report from the Zwave mesh tool. New 700 series version of the Zooz 4-in-1 released! - #80 by chad.andrews

Ah, I missed that. Are we talking about the kitchen motion device? I don't know the details of how the RTT StdDev field is calculated, but I remember what standard deviations are from my stats classes a looong time ago. I have a couple of devices that have a good RTT but have a high StdDev. They will randomly take 5+ seconds to work and then after a couple of minutes start working fine again. I don't really have any explanation for it.

But so far, all my ZSE40s have always been fast. Even the older 500 series ones.

@jtp10181 Where is parameter #8 documented? I don't see it in the 500 or 700 series sensor manual... And Param 8 on the alliance web page for the 700 shows that as retries, not reporting config?

Yep, its the Kitchen Motion Device. Interesting about the RTT and StdDev. I'll try the the reporting config and review my mesh and see how that works out for me.

Ok, so it sync'd up with the new parameter set and all seem well for a little bit, I wasn't seeing duplicate events anymore. But then I noticed a pattern. So I am using this sensor in a dark area, when activated the light turns on and stays on while motion is ongoing, then goes off after 2 mins of no motion. Here is the thing, (could be an issue I dont know) But extra notifications are being sent, so no motion it's dark 0% light. Motion starts...send report, light comes on, 90% light, Send report again cause illuminance changed. no Motion for 15 seconds send report inactive. After 2 mins, light goes out, 0% light, send another report. Seems like a lot of reports still.
Like this,

Its documented in my emails with Zooz support only I guess :slight_smile: and tested and confirmed that is what it does.

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I definitely wasn't questioning whether you were right or wrong, I was more curious if there was a document I missed somewhere.

Did support comment on why parameter 8 on the Z-Wave 700 device is documented as a completely different feature on the Z-Wave alliance web page?

@jtp10181 is there a way to turn off the lighting attribute reporting all together in your driver? Just trying to minimize traffic from the scenario I have above.
Unrelated (maybe) but I added a Zooz Multisiren the same day as I added the Motion Sensor. It is literally 5 feet from the hub and it continues to route change like crazy. This is since a reboot a few days ago. Before that it was 200+ in a few days. Trying to get some advice on it as well, or I wonder if it could be affecting my mesh?

The device does not support turning off any of the sensors completely in its current firmware (unfortunately). Best you can do is to set the trigger setting to the maximum.

ok will do! Thank you

Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.

Zooz support also told me that on firmware 32.02 and newer param 8 is the basic report for motion on/off toggle. So even if their documentation isn't accurate, at least the answers from support are. :slight_smile:

I would recommend / postulate that param 8 should always be 0 when used on modern hubs... There is really no reason (for most uses) to send both basic and notification reports for motion.

FYI to @bcopeland as well.

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I honestly never looked anywhere else. I usually do a parameter scan and then email Zooz directly to ask about anything undocumented. I will have to start checking on that site as well, might be faster in some cases.

It is right "most" of the time. For many vendors it is right 100% of the time... For others (cough zooz cough) it is very good, but not always perfect.

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Thread resurrecting, but curious how people are liking these? I have two monoprice knockoffs of these, and an ecolink motion sensor that I was thinking to replace.


I like mine. Using them for motion lighting controls in my bathrooms, and they have been working fine.

No idea on battery life yet as they are all still at 100%. Have been in service ~2 months.

Works good, just be aware it has one of the same limitations of the 500 series. The motion reporting is quick but the other sensors are not, especially if there is active motion. During active motion do not expect any other reports. When it does send the other reports you get all 3 at once.

So they are great for motion detection and also as a side bonus you get temp/humidity stats.


Cool. Howโ€™s battery life? My knockoff ones isnโ€™t great. The dual AAA version gets maybe a couple months. And the CR123 version gets maybe twice that? Considering I think my ecolink motion sensor has gone like 2 years on a CR123โ€ฆ

Its been paired since 10/2/21 and still reporting 100%. The 500 series one in my office has been paired since 6/4/21 and I had to replace the battery once about a month ago, but this was also the device I did a lot of testing on so I'm sure I wore it out faster than normal use.

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using this now for a couple of months in the wine fridge. working well , battery lasting, but for one issue.. the humidty is incorrect.. i can guarantee you it is nto 96% in the wine fridge as my other two sensors a wireless tag and an older st814 both show 40%

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Humidity on mine seem to be pretty consistent across my (4) ZSE40 and my Nest Thermostat. I wonder if the cold temp in the fridge is messing with its humidity sensor somehow.

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