Nest Integration [Limited Release]

I have seen that also. I also think the stream device has problems in synchronizing with Nest service and with the Nest Integration app. There a a few cases that things go wonky I see from the logs. Likely another problem in the porting as this does not happen on ST.

Net effect is a lot of needless executions.

I can not get my Nest to connect to my hubitat. I keep getting an "Oops! We encountered an error. Please try again." error when I try.

Do make sure you use your own clientid / secrets and that you enter them properly

Also make sure you use the main nest account (not a 2ndary account) for the oauth portion

Were you able to figure this out? I am in the process of setting up my hub, and am running into the same error message when trying to integrate with Nest

I'm also having this issue, so I suspect it's still an issue.

This is a nest issue. Basically, they're not approving integrations because they are "restructuring" their developer program. The fact the they've been "restructuring" for months seems fishy but the bottom line is that support can give you some additional info that should allow you to get it working. I had a similar issue and was able to get it resolved with @bobbyd's help.

Details here.

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Not yet, I have an email in to

I am also stuck with the "Oops! We encountered an error. Please try again." error. I take it the integration approval is still being worked on. This is kind of frustrating for a new user considering I dont have a whole lot of devices to automate yet and my nest products are a decent cross section of my setup.

Contact and they will provide you with options to work around Nest's very slow approval process.

i've just noticed if you change the name of the device on the next cycle it will revert back to the original name. It would be good if we could alter the name, is it possible?

the code to do that in nst manager on ST was not ported is otherwise easy.

Thanks to my NST cohort @eschott54 doing most of the porting work it looks like NST will be coming to Hubitat.
There are still some details requiring some ironing out

So I will use the popular statement:
It will be released 'Soon'


That is very exciting!!! Thanks again (in advance) to both of you!!! Used your stuff with ST and it worked really well.

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Hi all, I have tired migrating my nest to my new HE hub, it didn’t work. So what is the status or way to get this done onto Hubitat. Sorry I’m new to Hubitat but have been using Vera for years. Thank all!

Here is what I did to get it to work:

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thank you @erktrek, i have tried the above settings ,for some reasons, i cannot pass the location selection upon adding the id details from my devl account. location options under the selection are not available; therefore i cannot hit next.

Did you put your credentials in advanced before clicking on login to nest? It's at the bottom of the initial nest integration app configuration screen ...

Also make sure you changed your developer account's OAUTH redirect or added another one on the Nest Dev site..

I just got a Nest Hello and got the same issue.
Is this a result of the recent change to access to their API?
Did I just miss the bus?

Does the Nest Hello actually integrate?
Also do you have dev credentials?