Currently using the MqQ App and want to get my GDO local. I've read the various threads for putting MyQ local, but I'm confused about how to proceed, and would appreciate some advice.
I have:
an older (circa 2011) Liftmaster GDO with a Purple learn button
My q wont run local. To make your gdo local you'll need a zen 16 or 17 for z-wave or an MHCozy for Zigbee and an ecolink tilt sensor, and a security 2.0 to dry contact. You can install it in parallel with your own controls so you can use those as well.
Purple Security+ Rolling Code 315MHz Amber/Yellow 2005-2014
If you want to avoid any soldering, I'd recommend looking at Garadget's website, although it appears all their products are for Security+ 2.0. Check out their community postings to see if they have something that works for you.
Alternatively, buy a new pushbutton compatible with your opener and solder to the actual momentary contact button; not the two wires that connect it to the GDO.
With either of the above, get a Zooz Zen16/17 and go from there. You can add a tilt sensor or an open/close contact sensor if there is a place to mount it.
You can use a Zen16/17 for Z-wave, or a Shelly Uni for Wifi. All of those work directly with Hubitat. There is a great community driver for the Shelly Uni.
If you want to go simple you could ziptie a button pusher to your extra remote. Then you just need a contact or tilt sensor on the door to report its current state.
I picked up 2 of these and have had fun finding odd uses for them. They’re zigbee.
Thank you to everyone for the all the great suggestions.
I'm going with the Rube Goldberg fingerbot with my existing 3 button garage door controller or the 888LM control panel, and @kkossev's driver. I already have a Samsung Tilt sensor in use with the MyQ app.
Ordered off Ebay from a USA seller, more expensive but it gets here sooner than ordering from China on Alibaba. I want to get this working ASAP should MyQ pull the plug on currently working non-paying users.