[Broken] MyQ Lite Application

Looks like a zwave device that cannot be parsed. What are you linking that is zwave to this app? Is that the door sensor?

@lpakula I am trying to link the myq device itself. It has a tilt sensor attached to it. Did I pick the wrong driver?

Maybe? Might need the authors of this integration to chime in. My MyQ needs and external sensor, so for me it's the "MyQ Garage Door Opener" driver, When I check Hubitat Package Manager, View Apps and Drivers, these are the versions I'm seeing:

  • MyQ Garage Door Integration Documentation | Community Thread
    • MyQ Lite v3.2 (app)
    • MyQ Garage Door Opener v3.2 (driver)
    • MyQ Garage Door Opener-NoSensor v3.2 (driver)

@lpakula Thank you again! Which driver are you using in the device itself? I tried using the 3.2 "No-Sensor" driver (I did not have it installed before) this time, and I am seeing this error:

org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.metaclass.MissingMethodExceptionNoStack: No signature of method: user_driver_brbeaird_MyQ_Garage_Door_Opener_NoSensor_833.sendOpen() is applicable for argument types: () values: []

I'm using the sensor driver since I have a contact sensor on the door. Do you have garage door device installed? I suspect there is nothing for the app to point at since.

Now that you have the driver/app installed, might be cleaner to remove the device/app (leave the drivers/app code), and re-run the app to mount the door device properly.


New installs of this driver are failing with login errors. It's not only on Hubitat, but on many other third party, unapproved by Chamberlain/Liftmaster apis attempting to use the MyQ system.

Many HE users are converting to local garage door methods. Some suggestions at this link

@bobbyD Kindly change the title of this thread to
[Broken] MyQ Lite Application




My MyQ Lite app is failing at Login. I've read the posts about local control of the MyQ Chamberlain door opener, but I must say I am scared off by them. I don't want to get into soldering terminals or hooking up a Security 2.0 device and cluttering up my garage. It's already cluttered by a Homelink Bridge I needed to make my Homelink in my Honda Pilot work with the Liftmaster. I read somewhere a long time ago about using IFTTT to interface with MyQ. Is that backdoor still open?

What did you expect in light of this announcement from Chamberlain:


I believe IFTTT still works.

From what I have been reading on Reddit and other sites, Chamberlain might have also broke that integration. Besides, who wants the multiple seconds or minutes of lag with IFTTT, they are so slow compared to local control or even direct to MyQ site via their app.

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Yeah, for all those reasons, I absolutely don't recommend it, but I was just answering the question... Too bad they seem to have broken that too.


There are a couple of entertaining threads about it on the Home Assistant forums. There are lots of angry users over there. Home Assistant is removing their MyQ Integration around Dec 1 because of Chamberlain's changes.


Yep, that is one of the other sites I stumbled across.

:grin: :+1:

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So I randomly decided to try using my HomeKit button for opening/closing my garage door that uses this integration with a sensor and it worked? I thought they broke the api? I was able to open and close the door.

Christmas Miracle!


Just an FYI, for those of you that may have forgotten to perform the change. Back on September 17th (this year), I made the following changes to the code and this got mine working again. Has everyone having this issue done this?

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Just to confirm what you are saying is with the change in Capitalization we can now open and close the garage door within Hubitat again? Or am I misunderstanding your posting?

I copied this change from a post here on Hubitat in September, when mine had quit working. It was stated that there was a change in the authorization that required those two entries to be changed to upper case. I can't remember if there was more to change and I've been looking all morning.

I had made the user-agent headers change (4 places), but not this Username, Password change. Just as a test, I re-enabled the MyQ Lite integration, have made the Username, Password edit, will see what happens.

I’ve got a LiftMaster 8365-267 GDO with 828LM Internet gateway.

Regardless, I’ve given up on MyQ, and ordered a RatGDO kit on November 20. It shipped via USPS earlier this week, should arrive tomorrow. I will integrate it through HA and bring over to Hubitat with HADB.

HA is not bad to host the cloud integrations for which no solution exists on Hubitat, then bring entities over via HADB. Reliable, maintained, and trouble free, in my experience.

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