[MyQ] He's dead, Jim

Which local solution did you end up with?

Here is a great recent thread that pretty much mirrors what I did (not my thread). Some posters use a Finger Bot, too. Nice and simple.

I use the Zooz Zen16 relay, the Security 2.0 button, and the Ecolink tilt sensor. Zooz sells the whole kit and has instructions on their website. I needed the extra Security 2.0 button, though. The Zooz Garage Door Opener app ties it all together and makes a garage door device that can be controlled by Hubitat. You can control multiple garage doors, too.


Nowhere too extreme. If I said I would remove their product from my house, then it would be extreme. But to me, I find it hard to "reward" a company with future business for making my life harder, especially when there are other companies out there providing similar products.

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Caveat emptor. Respectfully, and correct me if I'm wrong, but it was never a published API, so supporting the unauthorized reverse engineering of their API isn't something any consumer rights act covers.

I also respecfully disagree that we suggest punishing everyone else at that company that frankly, are doing a good job and making good door openers, simply because the CTO in charge of their MyQ remote access product makes a decision that affects the unauthorized access of that product,

As mentioned already in this thread, there are many choices that are subscription free and very cost effective to give you remote access to your garage door. :v:

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AFAIK, this is accurate.


As a consumer, though, I would have preferred them to go a different route of course. If it was taxing their infrastructure they could have just paywalled the external API access to offset the cost - rather than just blocking it.

They already have almost all the infrastructure in place today to do so, it would have only been incremental cost for them and a potential revenue generator.

That's certainly the way I HOPE Life360 goes when they (inevitably, in my opinion) cut off the existing free external access.

Guessing that they think that all the people using the API with unauthorized apps will switch over and pay to use the MyQ subscription (I have no idea how it costs). Maybe when they realize that no one actually subscribed after the change, they will open it??? Most likely not.

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:person_shrugging: I really don't have a horse in this race. I own a Chamberlain garage door opener because it came with the house, and I think its actually quite nice. Quiet, smooth and has good features. When it dies (if that occurs before I do) then I'll be looking at their Jackshaft openers so I can regain that ceiling space in my garage for another kayak.


I have one of these and LOVE it for the exact reason you stated (except I don't kayak).


I just put two new openers in my garages, I wish I had known about these. I definitely would have seen about getting one.

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I will most likely buy a jackshaft opener in 2 years when the new house will be built and will probably have to go with the Chamberlan or LiftMaster because that's pretty much the only ones on the market. But who knows what will happen in two years? One thing is for sure is that I will not be getting MyQ :roll_eyes:

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Bonus points on this one because it actually bridges multiple generations. (Q from TNG and the most recent season of Picard,.... and the obvious classic)

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I agree, Dr Who was one of the better characters in Star Wars.


Better than Dr. Spock, though?

Good luck with that. Only their lowest models don't have MyQ. Obviously you don't have to use it. But the app is actually OK these days.

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FWIW, they're the same company ....

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Angry Sign Language GIF by ConnectHearOfficial

Ya I know, reason why I mentioned both brands (that have MyQ). And pretty much the only one with Jackshaft openers that are compact and don't use an external chain etc. like you see in commercial settings.

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Must have missed chatter about this - has life360 hinted at this somehow?

They have not, AFAIK... But I posted this earlier in the L360+ thread (along with a recommendation to start packing a spare chute).

Time will tell!