My Alfred Lock Review

I went upstairs to investigate the lock and it's working. I started reading the documentation and the lock will lock down if too many codes are tried or failed attempts. Perhaps this is what happened?


I have a keypad only YRD256 w/zigbee module in the basement. I like the compact size. I do have an RFID reader some tags and a spare pi 3 though... mmmm....

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Does anyone know .. the zwave plus module is separate and therefore will not be replaced when my new lock arrives next week. Will I need to exclude it?? Would be nice if I didn't have to. Think about that a minute. Swap the part .. boop working like it always has. So curious about this lock.

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I don't think so.. should be the same.


I agree with @erktrek - it shouldn't have to be excluded ....


I can't speak to Alfred, but for my two Yale Locks, no, I didn't have to exclude or include, just plug it in. (After the initial Include.)

( Detail: I bought a Yale Lever Lock and separately, a ZWave+ module. The Module arrived first AND the lock was defective.. another Amazon return, that they shipped out as fresh. I did not return it to Amazon, I contacted Yale and they replaced it. While debugging the dead one, I inserted the new Module into my old Yale and Joined my ZWave network, thus proving that the module wasn't the defect and the physical lock was. While waiting for the replacement, I swapped modules several times to track down routing, since this new Yale was going to go onto my newest Hub. Thus, by swapping modules ONLY I could move the one individual Lock between my two hubs. )


You shouldn't need to exclude or change anything related to z-wave or HE. I have not had to do this with mine so I can't say with 100% assurance :slight_smile:


Thanks for the review and thoughts!


To clarify - I was referring to that specific keypad. Not all Alfred keypads ...... :+1:


I was going to say... My Alfred was almost offended :smile:


Yah, I've heard from Alfred 3 or 4 times over the weekend. I assume that I'll receive shipping information later today. I won't expect to have lock in hand until at least Thursday. I'm waiting with breathless anticipation so that I can finish my review. I've set up some rules through hubitat and it seems responsive to HE.

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Just tell them you are locked out until the keypad arrives. You can hear the baby crying so it is rather important. :wink:


Ok .. that's t he best one yet!

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Ditto... My 2 kwikset 910"s have been working like a charm since day 1. Never had one problem.


Thanks for the review. Off to see if I can find a good deal on one of these. Not sure I need the voice alerts. Lol

Thank you for your patience while I waited for the new lock to arrive. The old keypad was beeping in the night for no reason and not responding to commands and triggering at random times. That being said, it would have been unfair to work on this further until a working unit had been installed in place. I was anticipating the arrival of my lock today (UPS quantum view confirmed). So, my UPS Guy runs a tight schedule and my lock arrived right on time. Thank you guy in the brown suit! Beep Beep to you. (He toots his horn when he stops and leaves. Must be a UPS thing.)

Anyway. I had excluded the lock from HE in anticipation of the new one. I tried to pair it in place but it seemed to struggle. It paired, but did not pair securely. This happened with the other lock as well. The module is removable, so excluding it wasn't necessary, but I wanted to see the differences. So, I took the lock and brought it to my hub for pairing. It excluded from the troubled pair right away and took a bit to realize that it liked the secure pair. All of the information translated to HE after I hit configure and was able to confirm that it was paired securely. So, again, I brought the lock back up and slipped it into the already prepared door and "girl" tightened the screws. The lock comes with a nice rubber seal, so I tightened it just enough to keep it from shifting in the door.

So, now, I'm running a repair to get my Z-wave back on track. My environment always gets weird when I add a new Z-wave device to it. I don't know why. But, it snaps out of it after a few repairs and a reboot and starts back at being zippy and happy. They say that every environment is different. Well, this is my quirk. So, I'm in a holding pattern again until my mesh straightens out. On a side note, I did order a replacement zwave module. I suspect maybe there might be an issue with the other one. It won't be here until next week. With the old lock I couldn't get it to pair securely or respond properly, so I decided to get that on the way. Since I'm waiting, I'm going to talk about my experience with Alfred correspondence.

I was fairly pleased with their response. It seems that they may have missed my initial ticket, but when I called back, the red flag went up and I must've been scooted to the front of the line. A member of management responded to my issue with an apology for the delay. I was not really upset with the delay as I know things work differently in Canada and the work week is shorter. But, I received an email on SATURDAY MORNING. Then a response to my response in the afternoon. Then another response on Sunday. And shipping confirmation on Monday. I tried to volunteer as much information as I could about the issue that I was having and they responded each time. I did not expect that. It's nice when a company holds a high standard like that. So, I'm very much pleased with the customer service and the overall handling of my situation. I received advanced replacement, so the lock stayed in the door until the new one arrived. I appreciated that very much.
I understand that sometimes things don't work correctly. I think that is just a given in life. So I definitely wouldn't even think to knock the lock acceptance factor down at all by receiving a defective lock. So many things outside of their control could have happened to affect that lock. I would recommend working with them as their customer service has proven to be top notch. I realize that the lock is a bit more expensive than the others in the market, but it's much more feature rich. I could use the lock and have features without adding it to HE at all. So, you wouldn't have to break the budget by buying the zwave module right away. You could order it down the road as budget allows. Add the wifi module - which I don't have yet- and your air bnb is up and running and you can add codes from afar. The Bluetooth arrival feature is outstanding. It can't be reset to use after you're home, so you have to actually leave to test it. Over the past two weeks, we had this feature working on the defective lock and it was flawless. I have the time out set at 5 minutes, which is plenty of time to get in and tap the lock. I also attempted to tap it after the 5 minutes and it won't budge. The thought that was put into the lock features are definitely solid and well planned.

Now that the repair is done, the lock is responding to my network fairly well, I programmed a rule to auto lock the lock after two minutes. I did not use the built in auto lock as I wanted the door to report as closed before it locked. I did test the built in and it works. Just not in the way that I wanted it to. I was also able to turn down the sound on the lock. I decided that I like it to announce things, just not so loud. And that also toned down the beeps as well.
I also programmed the lock to unlock if a lock code was entered into the external lock. Now that worked pretty slick. So, people that don't have one touch entry on their phones, which requires an app and bluetooth still only need to unlock the one lock. The other will unlock for them. I'm looking forward to the Lock manager integration the Mike said was coming with the next platform update.
It seems that the battery usage is ok, but I've been kind've busy with the lock lately, so I'd say it's higher than normal use. You can put it in bluetooth saving mode, which turns off the bluetooth unless you wake the lock up, but I've left that on for now. I think I'll eventually turn on that mode once I'm settled in with the lock.
I don't know that there's something I haven't covered on the lock. The new keypad works flawlessly. It's very sensitive. It'll take bit to get used to. I'm also getting better and holding the back of my hand against the lock to wake it up. Holding a flat palm is awkward, but it's becoming muscle memory now to do it. The sound of the motor is much quieter than the Schlage that's in the other door. It can still be heard but it doesn't sound as offensive as the schlage.


Wow - that's a nice update. Maybe I missed this in your final writeup, but I assume the keypad on the new unit was perfect?

Just saw - last paragraph. Glad the new keypad is good!


Thank you for your review on this! Am happy with my Yale but good to know there are decent alternatives out there...


I like that they are modular. I hope that one day they'll add a zigbee module for it. Then you can really choose your flavor. WiFi and bluetooth. Zigbee or Zwave. This is the first lock that I know of that offers all of this.


Thanks for the great review. I just pulled the trigger on the Alfred DB1 myself. Can't wait to try it out. As far as I know, it's the same as the DB2, but without the voice prompts. I don't think I really need those anyway. The price was pretty good up here in Canada too!!

Just a quick question though. I'm getting a z-wave enabled lock. Is there any reason to get the wifi module? What extra features would it get me?

Thanks again,

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