MOES Zigbee Dimmer Switch

What fingerprint does the device produce?

This is what I get at the device:
I noticed that the device is sending the EF00 cluster when I press its button to switch it ON or OFF. But I do not know how to format the command that is sent from HE to the device, in the way the device is expecting it

yeah, zha switch cluster is 0006, level cluster is 0008, bastard make ■■■■ up cluster is EF00...
meaning this is nothing close to Zigbee ZHA or 3.0 spec compliant

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I managed to get it to work (with the help of some of the articles in this forum).
@mike.maxwell you are right that it is not following ZHA specs. It seems that Tuya devices are following a different command structure.
Firstly, they are using the EF00 cluster (which I think identifies that is a Tuya device).
Then, they use the command payload to define additional attributes and attribute values.
For example, the payload of the 'switch on' command is '00010101000101'.

If anyone needs the driver (probably it will need some more refinement), let me know in order to share it.



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I have same Moes switch. Can you please share driver for it? Thanks

Please note that it is still a BETA version :slightly_smiling_face:


I don't own this, but impressed you figured it out

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Does that mean it's not good to be used as repeater?
Thinking about getting the Tuya/Moes 2-gang switch module from Ali to convert a motion sensor floodlight.

I cannot say for sure. My setup is very basic at the moment.

I am using this switch of MOES which is ZHA compatible (i.e. it works with the generic zigbee drivers) and it should work as a repeater too (and it comes with 20% off and free delivery at the moment).

Their website only has 1-load switch module (not the wall switch), I can only find 2-load switch module, which I need, from sellers at Aliexpress and their price is lower. Would like them to work as repeater to expand the mesh to my detached garage.

You are awesome @CPS ! I had just about given up finding a driver for my newly purchased Tuya dimmer switch when I happened across this thread about 2ms before I was going to close the browser.

I have loaded your driver and I can now turn the dimmer switch on and off! It also correctly displays the dimmer level and the switch status. However, I cannot get the Set Level command to work. It doesn't do anything when I ask it for level 50 and duration 1 for example. Any thoughts as to why that might be? My device is a Makegood dimmer switch with the thumbprint:
deviceTypeId: 135
manufacturer : _TZE200_1agwnems
idAsInt : 1
inClusters : 0000,0004,0005,EF00
endpointId : 01
profileId : 0104
application : 40
outClusters : 0019,000A
initialized : true
model : TS0601
stage : 4

I did not implement the 'duration' parameter yet, therefore try to call the setLevel without any value for the 'duration'

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That works really well. I don't need the duration anyway as I just want it to change level as fast as possible.

May I ask how your dimmer switch works when turned on but set to a lower dim level than 100%, say 50%. With my one, it will always come on at 100% brightness and then over a few seconds dim down to the set level. That is quite annoying at night when the lights come on a full brightness and then dim down to 5%. Does your one do the same?

I do not have this behaviour with my dimmer.
Does this happen when you switch it on from the device or when you send the 'On' command from HE?

Both. According to the manufacturer, this is expected :slightly_frowning_face:

Hi how did you get there 3 gang to work

I used the 'Generic Zigbee Multi-Endpoint Switch' driver

but can't get it to work :pensive:

This is not the one I have. Yours seems to be a 'tuya' device.
What I suggest is to try my dimmer driver which is for tuya devices. With that driver, one of the buttons might work (probably the center one).
If this is the case, then you will need to adjust the driver to handle the different buttons as different end-points

thanks tried your drive yip right switch works i will try figure it out sorry very new to hubitat. thanks for your help so far.