Hello I is just starting to use Zigbee devices on my C7. I chose the Hubitat over Home Assistant because you should support Mosehouse but I can't find any in the device list

My first device is my Radiator termostater from MoesHouse ZigBee TRV. It i easy to connect them to the app but I cannot find the right controller ind the configuration under device :pleading_face:. I have try
Generic Zigbee Thermostat and more
The problem is no offe them has a possible to set temperature different time on different time a om the day and week Alle I true has a Fan setting (There is no fan on a TRV) so what to choose in the Device list. To set the Radiator temeo stat to different time. Monday to Friday eks |00-06 = 19c, 06-08 = 21c | 08-16 = 19c | 16-22= 21c | and last 22 - 00 = 19*| ande in the week
|00-09 = 19c, 09-12 = 21c | 12-18 = 21c | 18-24= 21c |. And the other temperature whe I is traveling :slightly_smiling_face:.

What to do ?

Please att Mosehouse TRV to the product list or at least Gernric Zigbee there is supporting smart TVR white difrents timw ad day settings

I can se in the Forum post the is more people white problems on Mosehouse products :weary:

Hi @user6655 ,

You can check the list of Hubitat compatible devices here :

Moes (Tuya white label) is not in the list of the devices that are supported natively in Hubitat. There are community written drivers that may work for for your particular device, but there is no guarantee.

How to get the driver an how to install it. Sorry im New

My recommendation will be to first install the community maintained 'Hubitat Package Manager' app, which is a must-have if you are going to use a lot of custom apps and drivers.

You can learn on how to install custom code from here : How to Install Custom Drivers | Hubitat Documentation

There are also some great guides on

Take a look through some more of the articles in the hub documentation pages, which @kkossev linked to above.


There’s also wiki posts here in the forum that anyone can update with info re: community-written code for drivers and apps: