Moes House 2 Gang switch

Hi guys, I now have a 2 gang version of the Moes House switch. I've installed the Zemismart driver which turns both lights on and off at the same time

How on earth can I turn each light on and off individually.

I've tried to pair each gang separately but it appears to be one device, how do I get the child's to appear separately in HE?

Thanks in advance guys

See towards the bottom of one of your images where you have two "Component Devices" listed? These are also called "child devices" (more or less...), and you're looking at the "parent device." The two child devices created by the parent driver will give you a device for each of the two outlets that you can control individually like any device (and rename, use in apps, add to dashboards or voice assistants, etc. -- all separately from each other or the parent).

In other words, use those instead. :slight_smile:

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When you delete the switch and pair it again to your hub as a new device, is the Muxa's driver selected automatically during the pairing process? This is a must, otherwise, the effect will be as you describe it.

Check also which version of the driver you are using.

When you operate the two individual gangs from the physical switches, is the on/off state reflected correctly in the child devices?

Hi, there.

The on/off state isn't reflected on the child devices. However when repairing, the Zemismart driver is automatically selected.

Which driver should the child devices be using. Are you suggesting a Muxas driver? Where can I find this driver if that's the one in to be used?

I've tried the generic ZigBee switch driver and also the same Zemismart driver which is the parent driver but still no joy.

‘Muxa’s driver’ = ‘Zemismart driver’

Which version is the driver that you use?
Post a screenshot of the State Variables .

Enable the debug logging and observe the logs. Do you see anything in the live logs when you flip the physical switches?

What is your hub - C-8 or C-7?

Please clarify what you mean by‘repairing’.
Repairing without deleting the device will not work for this weird Tuya thing..

Did you use the red button “REMOVE DEVICE’ at the bottom of the web page?

Update May 2024 : this driver is now available for installation and update from HPM.

@kkossev, once again, thank you for your help and support. I deleted and re-paired the device 5-6 times and eventually it just began to work. Very temperamental indeed👍

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@kkossev TODO: in the next update, add a bold red text “REMOVE DEVICE’ instruction on a tile in Muxa’s driver Preferences section

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