Lutron Caseta Setup Tutorial

I just got my hub today and would like to setup my picos and dimmers. I added the Integartion app and connected my hub’s IP but I’m not sure how to configure the devices. Any guidance would be apprecaited.


Made a bit of headway.

Under Advanced settings I Used the “send integration report” and saved to a text editor. In this report had all the Lutron Id’s. I can now see button presses in the event log.

I still think there should be a basic first steps guide for this integration to avoid unnecessary frustration. I will continue to test and post my feedback here

So far so good :slight_smile:


I was able to add one Pico and it showed up in my device list. I then proceeded to add another 10 or so picos and dimmers. After clicking Done It seemed to hang there...see pic below.Backed out to main new devices listed. Tried to edit integration..same screen as pic below. I ended up completely removing the integration and I'm now adding one device at a time.

Do you have the SmartBridge Pro?

Did you put the IP address of the SmartBridge Pro in the Lutron Integration app?

I got one of the picos working at first. When I added a bunch more it then flaked out. Re-added a few so far and they seem to be working fine.

OK. It sounds like you have the basic setup working. There is no harm running the Lutron Integration app over again, as all it does is create a virtual device corresponding to the Caseta device.

In case anyone else was as confused initially as me, here’s the basic setup process.

In your Lutron smartphone app, ensure “Telnet Support” is enabled under Advanced settings.
Then select “Send Integration Report” and save it as a text file, or email to yourself.

In Hubitat:
Install the Lutron Integrator app under Apps -> Load New App
Select “Lutron Integrator” under Apps, and Create New Caseta/RA2 Integration.
Name it, enter your Lutron Smart Bridge Pro IP address, and then Select Lutron Devices.

For this part, you’ll need to refer to the Integration report for the device IDs. They are each a single number only. 1 is reserved for the hub (threw me off originally) so they start at 2 in the order you added devices to your hub.

Create a name, select device type, and enter the device ID for each of your devices.
Select Done once you’re finished.

You should now see your Devices list populated with dimmers, picos, shades etc, as well as a “Lutron Telnet” device.

Hopefully this’ll help the next guy along. Word of warning, I think I messed up my communication by trying to set a dimmer to device ID 1. Don’t do that.


To add to this.
After pairing the device on the Lutron side, go to live logging, activate the Lutron device, the device id is the first number in this tupple.
info rcvd: DEVICE,2,4,5


Do we need the Bridge to use the Lutron Caseta Products?

Specifically you need the Smart Bridge Pro for the telnet capability for a direct link. You can also use the normal bridge with smartthings and then link the two systems together with a built-in app and app api for smartthings.

iirc the Pro version is needed for Pico activity data across telnet … ie, I think the native ST connection with either Lutron bridge model is for dimmers, switches, and blinds only, for the remotes I believe you need the telnet local communications provided by the Pro version of the Lutron Bridge.

Yes, for direct control of the pico buttons, you need the Pro. The regular bridge allows pairing of picos to dimmers, but the picos won’t show up in smartthings.

To control Lutron Caseta directly (no cloud) you NEED the Smart Bridge Pro. With the standard Smart bridge you have to connect Smartthings cloud to Lutron cloud, and then connect Smartthings to Hubitat.

@oldernstone thanks for the reply will order the pro bridge.

I got a Lutron Pro Bridge via Ebay and received it yesterday. I am ONLY interested in the Pico portion. I have had Lutron wall switches, like 'm, I just have too many parallel systems already.

It’s a bit Rube Goldberg to setup because you have to begin with the Lutron Hub, create account, etc. then add the Pico’s there.

Then you install the Lutron Integration into Hubitat and again, add the Picos but you must know the ID # of each Lutron device. (Integration report.)

I took a spare Pico and “factory reset” it (3, hold, 3) and joined it to the new Lutron Hub. I found out the obvious… the first device you add is ID#2 and each device is +1. Added it to Hubitat. I didn’t name it really well the first time, but it was easy enough to edit later.

Then I added ABC Button and that was another “experience” with naming but, easily edited too.

I found out that Aeon Multicolor bulbs wouldn’t work using the Aeon LED Bulb Driver. I had to change to us the Generic Zwave Dimmer driver for it to function. Using the Aeon LED Bulb driver, the device would show in ABC’s menus and give every appearance of suitability, but they just wouldn’t actually do anything. No dimming, no on/off. Didn’t break anything, the other two devices on the same button worked fine. Obviously I can’t use the Pico button press to set the color of the Aeon MultiColor Bulb either. (I use these bulbs to indicate status… for example, purple means the garage door is open. )

I now have 5 Pico’s installed and working as well as they did/do on my StaplesConnect. And that’s my goal, to be able to shut it down before “they” shut it down on me first. 3 or 4 more Pico’s to go :slight_smile: (some rooms have 3 pico’s that do completely different things, most rooms have two, doing the same thing.)

It’s an expensive and fiddly integration, but for me, mandatory, because I won’t give up the Pico’s. The local processing provided by StaplesConnect is successfully and functionally replaced by Hubitat + Lutron Pro Hub.

Looking to the future, I’d bet someone finds a way to do the Lutron hub as a USB stick.

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Apparently ClearConnect is built into the Wink Hub 2, so yes, that could very well be a possibility.

Yes, it’s why I bought the Wink 1 and then never used it. ClearConnect is an important part BUT having the Pico’s be just generic button pushes was left off. StaplesConnect did that from the outset and I am still wondering why it’s taken 6 years to “catch up” :smiley:

Yes, I was looking into the Wink 2 but really don’t like the interface… although it’s better than the mobile interface Hubitat has, that’s for sure!!! hahahaha.

I have 4 ZWave Controllers running in parallel, all able to converse with my 65+ ZWave devices. It’s difficult to accept that that 4 is the minimum number I need to get my Home’s Automation “good enough.” It goes without saying that I’m pinning a lot of hopes on Hubitat allowing me to shut down a couple. (I have shut down the 5th Controller… the Wink 1… so I’m back to only 4 controllers now.) :smiley:

Thanks for reporting your experience. Pico integration was primarily why I purchased as well currently using a node.js server with ST and ABC, but ST cloud outages is the bummer with that setup.

Finding lots of unexpected bonuses to Hubitat in addition to the SmartBridge Pro/RadioRA2 integration.

Wink could absolutely fully integrate PICO and have local control, but I doubt Lutron will allow that. Lutron wisely, wants to sell Lutron wall switches. No idea how Staples got the generous licensing they did, but I’m sure Lutron is happy that deal is dead.

The above step is not required
Open live logging after installing Lutron Integrator, and The desired Integration
When a Pico button is pressed (or any Lutron device is activated for that matter) you will see a log entry similar to the following
2018-03-03 11:40:27.899:info rcvd: DEVICE,49,8,5
The first entry in the list of integers is the Lutron device ID, 49 in this case...

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True, it’s not required, but if you’re adding in a dozen or more picos that are already installed throughout a house, having the integration report makes it a lot easier and faster to build the device list in Hubitat.

The “easiest” seems to be to simply memorize the last device added, and the next one will be the next number :slight_smile:

Oh wait… my memory (brain) is full… I forgot what number was last… hahaha