Just as another piece of evidence, I tested my first lot of 10 motion and 10 contact tonight. I was 20/20, everything functioned as expected. I did have one contact sensor where the blue light did not appear to want to function consistently.
My next batch of 20 should arrive tomorrow and hopefully will also have no issues.
They did the same thing to me. But I have a bigger problem. I selected UPS ground as the delivery method. They shipped them to my street address which is fine for UPS. But USPS will not deliver to my street address. I emailed them but have not gotten any response. IF they don't change the address then they will be returned by the post office.
I’m probably quibbling over a few dollars at most, and obviously amazon has spoiled me rotten when it comes to free shipping in general. But it leaves a bit of a sour taste in the mouth to be charged for one shipping option and to find out they used another without explanation.
Even more confusing, the shipping confirmation email claims to use UPS, but with a tracking # that’s obviously USPS...
I guess this is what I get for holding out just long enough for alex_sari to run out of most iris stuff on eBay. It sounds like everyone’s experience with him was pretty uniformly positive.
Same UPS/USPS experience here. I ordered 2 Lots of 10 devices and was charged about $19 in shipping total. I ordered on Friday and the sensors arrived on Monday. So, while I also thought it was a little iffy, I can’t complain about the results.
What’s the trick to knowing if the plugs will have issues with Zwave repeating? I’ve read some other posts that indicate they occasionally have issues, but I’m not sure if there is a way to identify that issue.
Edit: well I think I answered this for myself.. In some cases, unplugging the plug and the plugging it back in resulted in the device no longer responding. A zwave exclusion resulted in it saying it found an unknown device and not my paired device.
Edit 2: well now I’m not sure, I went through all of them again and none of them observed that same behavior a second time (and of course I didn’t label the offending outlet). So either they aren’t consistent in how or when they decide to act up or that first instance was something special.
The ebay seller still has them - 10 for 49.90. They don't come with the magnets, so I bought really cheap contact sensors also on ebay just for the magnet part.
Well the tedious job of checking my second batch of sensors is complete. I was lucky and all 20 worked perfectly. So I’m 40/40! Hopefully all my motion and contact sensor needs are covered for the foreseeable future...
The Iris Outlets being sold by the vendor in the first post are the 3210-L2 models, which were the latest Cetralite revision before IRIS shut down. I do not believe these ever received a firmware update, but I am also not aware of anyone reporting problems with the Z-Wave repeater portion of the 3210-L2 models. All of the reports I saw were with respect to the original 3210-L firmware.
So, there is a decent chance that the 3210-L2 model outlets will work well as Z-Wave Plus repeaters, as they were the newer revision. @srwhite may have better information on these, as I know he uses quite a few Iris 3210-L/(L2 ?) outlets.
I have 3 of them, they all work as designed as z-wave repeaters... they must be paired however very close to the hub, in my case ~8', any further and no luck
At least in my case, I had previously picked up 5 outlets off everyone’s favorite eBay seller. Is there a way to physically identify the L vs L2 models?
I have 4, and just double checked them. 3 were the 3210-L and one was the 3210-L2. The 3210-L2 is the only one I was able to keep the Z-wave said pared. I hadn't caught that distinction before.
Makes the 10 count more tempting, but not sure I actually need 10 more. I did order a lot of the Motion sensors and was debating about another order. Hmm...