Here's a pic of the Dome when I installed it 2 yrs ago. Right now it's barricaded in. This weekend I'll inspect it more closely in the event that the unit has slipped and has become misaligned. If its a failure of the Dome or the shutoff is getting two tight, I'll measure for the Bulldog.
@nkyspike ... thanks a bunch for providing the measurements. Due to the fact that my valve body is positioned about 1/4" from the exterior wall, I don't think I can get the C clamp attached. I'll have to take a closer look this weekend. I maybe forced to get another Dome if it failed unfortunately.
Yea, that would be ideal. I believe I do have space for the Bulldog body, but the C clamp that wraps around the valve body is the issue. I'd have to "excavate into the inside of the exterior wall to make it work. I'll take a closer look when I can disassemble this weekend (I first have install a Z-wave outlet in a closet) ... so many projects, so little time!!!
I just replaced my Dome valve with this today. MUCH better! The Dome struggled to shut my 1" water valve and didn't REALLY get it all the way to the stop, but this had no issues. It is about 3x slower, so probably geared way down for more torque. Having a shut off valve I can trust to actually work when I need it gives me that warm fuzzy feeling! @Tim-in-Ca, if you can't get one of these to fit in your location, you can have my old Dome -- just pay shipping. It's only a few months old and has only been cycled probably 10-15 times -- mostly testing it during installation.
@BrianX thanks a lot for the offer! I placed an order for the Bulldog on Saturday and immediately received an email from EcoNet wanting a pic of my valve location. I stated I was concerned about the in box clamp fitting and they said that they would send the older style ratchet clamp as well. Everything arrived today and will be one of my projects over the 4th weekend. Hopefully it will fit, if it doesn’t I’ll take you up on your offer. . I emailed Dome support and they have yet to reply. I suppose I’ll just have to leave a one star Amazon review reflecting my experience.
Just want to put in a plug for the customer support at EcoNetControls. When I installed my Bulldog the bracket was just a bit shorter than I'd have liked, and the unit was tight against the valve handle and just the slightest bit tilted to get there. I had also had to slide the motor to the end of its adjustment slot when mounting in order to align with my valve. And they had recently beefed up the screws and spacers that hold on to the handle, but supplied screws that were too short to be able to attach the pin support bracket.
I was happy enough with the installation, and didn't need the pin support bracket anyway, but emailed to let them know they might want to make future brackets just a bit taller, and include longer screws. Less than a week later I was holding in my hand a custom bracket they had manufactured for me, with longer screws, all at no cost to me. It was clearly 3d printed, but of some very high density material. (Where do I get a printer like that??) It is quite solid and now my unit fits perfectly. They really care about their customers and did an amazing job. Here are before and after pictures.
Yea, I found that the screws were too short as well. So I took my angle grinder and shortened the barrel to allow the bottom bracket and nuts to attach. My install was also very tight. EcoNet was nice enough to send me multiple sized clamps to allow me to affix the unit to the valve body. Due to interference my unit is very slightly out of alignment which causes the body to shift slightly during the valve open action. Seeing as my valve is very smooth, I don't see this as an issue long term. I exercise the valve monthly and rarely need to use the unit. So far, much better than the Dome ... and on that topic, after 3 emails to Dome support, they never replied so I left my one star Amazon review. There appears to be more people complaining that the unit fails after 2 or so years.
Rather than trying to move the main water valve lever with a bolt-on valve turner, wouldn't you have a more reliable setup if you added a purpose-built z-wave valve like the WaterCop z-wave? I use them and they seem really reliable for turning a valve on/off. It seems it would be easy to add this into the PVC section of your piping rather than one of the bolt-on attachment types. Then you don't have the concern about it getting loose, slipping, etc.
And, AFAICT, is a heck of a lot more reliable under Hubitat than at least the zwave Fortrezz valve (is that the same as the watercop?). A zwave+ valve may not suffer from the issues that the zwave Fortrezz did.
The fortrezz and the water cop seem to be similar. But are they actually any better than the leaksmart?
I was thinking of getting a meter at the same time as well, something like a fortrezz zwave or flume WiFi, I have very little space for the install so I'm not even sure a fortrezz meter could be installed. Are there any other non wifi units? I prefer Zigbee or Zwave always.
Good point. The WaterCop valve that I have is not Z-wave plus (though its been very reliable for me). If I were buying it today and wanted z-wave, I might go with one of the HomeSeer values (which I think are also sold as Leak Gopher valves).
I'm using the bulldog but you might want to contact them and see what they say about your torque requirements. I actually like that it's bolted on - I can mess with it without calling a plumber but I can also see the advantages of the Watercop Valve.
I've strapped a contact sensor to the lever to verify open/closed and have a Node-RED sequence that tests the valve at the beginning of every month.
Since 2015, I’ve had a LeakSmart outdoors in a hot and humid environment (New Orleans) where it’s been rained on many many times.
It is covered by a 3 mm sheet of plastic that gets changed every year along with the batteries. Gets tested regularly (once a week for the last two years). Has never failed a test. And has never not responded to a open or close command. Or when a leak sensor has been triggered.
It very well could be the oldest zigbee piece of home automation kit currently in my home.
It's in my basement so in a very stable environment, some humidity and fairly cool temperatures year round. I have not had any trouble other than replacing the batteries on my contact sensor. Has been running for about 2 years so a good amount of time. Started monthly testing a year ago or so..
edit: I don't think I would put this outside though without some sort of weather resistant housing. It seems well built and can probably handle some swings in temperature etc. The Z-Wave Plus connection has been reliable and works when I need it to - at least once a month.