Linking two hubitat hubs

My second hub arrived today and the inclusion on my account went perfectly smoothly
Registration worked for the second hub even quicker and better than my 1st hub

My second hub will be used for testing and dev

One question that came to mind... can they be linked?
This would make using a second hub, installed to a remote building, much easier if this is possible to link the two

Is this possible?
If not, any future plans?


@bravenel has mentioned it’s possible:

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Another option that might be worth exploring is adding a second usb radio to a single Hubitat, perhaps with a powered usb extension cable, or usb over Ethernet adapters.


I’m in the UK so no spare slot (although it’s possible a usb hub could be used - not tried that one)

It was actually a theoretical question to see it I could do dev on one then push it to another :slight_smile:


Actually, you can do it with a variant of Send Hub Events used in the ST Integration. Run that app on the "slave" hub, and it will send events to the "master" hub, assuming you setup all of the ip addresses correctly. You would need to change "physicalgraph" with "hubitat" throughout the app.



Thanks Bruce
I’ll have a play :slight_smile:


Just tested this between my two hubs and, after the usual replacements, it works perfectly.

I can see this working really for people with larger properties or remote buildings


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is the functionality necessary to add a second usb radio already built in?


Built in? Highly doubtful. Have it added with much begging and pleading? Very possible. :wink:

Ok. Let’s hope for the best. :slight_smile:

I'm struggling to get my two hubitats to cooperate. I've got hublink installed on both, I've got the send hub events app (with mentioned substitutions) on my slave hubitat pointed at my master hubitat, and I can see the devices in my device list.

however when I try to control it by turning the lights on or off from the master hub nothing happens. I can readily control the switch from my slave hub.

any thoughts?

It was a while ago that I set this up and I didn’t use it for long
If I remember correctly it is one-way so will only send instructions (e.g switch on) from one hub to another.
Is that what you were trying to achieve?


Hmmm. No I’m trying to control the slave from the master.

Think of it this way...
This was originally designed to send events from Smartthings to Hubitat
So the code @bravenel posted in this thread should go on your ‘master’
(After the usual port alterations)

That way, events are sent from the master to the slave


We have a solution for this in the works. I'm not sure what you're doing with the app intended for ST on the Hubitat side, so can't help you there.

If this is something you really need to do, we could release our solution soon.

Yes, please do release your solution, I would like to explore this capability too.

Next release.

That would be awesome!

I think my z-wave network has too many devices over too long a distance. But i’ve got Ethernet run everywhere!

This has been released in the new release: Hub Update 1.1.3

Also see this post Link to Hub - Beta

@bravenel can you run two Hubitat hubs independent of each other on same network?