Ideal Hub Placement

Just wondering… I know leave something for V2 right… :wink:


Is the USB radio a better solution than built in? Less interference I’d imagine?


It does allow you to use a usb extension cable and find optimal antenna placement.

I would hope anyone with built in antenna have tuned it to be on par with an external stick.

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On the topic of hub. How do you guys support multiple Hubitat hubs? I like to keep max of 50 devices per wireless module (Z-Wave, Zigbee) to keep them from getting sluggish. Any info on this?

“Support” is an interesting word.

Nothing stopping you from buying multiple hubs. The issues are how you might separate out the logic and devices.

As long as you are ok with them operating independently (or figure out the interactions between) then its just fine.

I’d say, try to find our max… We certainly are. Busy systems might slow down for sure on complex execution or lots of devices sending commands, question is if its tolerable, or time for a second hub.

We are excited to get real world user feedback on how the hub performs. Having such an open system, it is always possible that one bad device can cause problems with the mesh, or bad code, etc. Thankfully that is limited to your system and can’t effect others performance in the “cloud”.

I suspect some of the community devs that will want to bang on a hub and test the limits might want to buy one for their WAF factor to run the house, and the other to test with.


Actually, there is an easy way to do this. You could dedicate one Hubitat hub to be the "master" hub. It's job would be to run part of your system via radio, and all of it via LAN link with another hub. There is a simple app you install on the "slave" hub, that forwards events to the master hub. So all of your devices show up on the master hub, and your automations would run there. This would keep your radio clusters small as you like.

FWIW, I have about 80 z-wave devices on my hub, and they are all snappy fast. But, please let me encourage you to only put 50 on yours and use a second and third Hubitat hub!! :sunglasses:

This same technique can be used to link ST to Hubitat, to run a blended system during migration.


@bravenel, this is good information. Can you post a howto for this type of setup? actually for both types of setups.

  1. Setup with ST for migration/co-existance
  2. Master/Slave setup with multiple hubs

That information would be great to have.


We will look into the best way to get this to you. Stay tuned… Will take a few days most likely.

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I just got shipping notification, so I have no choice but to wait. You didn’t provide next day shipping options :slight_smile:


Too funny. Will investigate adding next day shipping.


@bravenel, Alexa failed me I couldn’t say order it and get 2 day shipping… :wink:

You got two day shipping! Even without Alexa!

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WoooT! Spread the word! Nobody informed me of that! I expect normal delivery.


Now this is interesting. I was creating all kind of virtual switches to tie between 2 ST hubs before and it was no fun.

This may go into another thread but I was wondering.

Currently I’ve heard of an interface from ST -> Hubitat so devices can be viewed/controlled in Hubitat. Is the correct?

What about the reverse? Devices in Hubitat -> ST so you can view/control from ST such as from Phone App or ActionTiles?

Could be a workaround in the meantime before an official phone app / dashboard solution is built. Or is the ST -> Hubitat link bi-directional already?

We have such a capability, although it is not in the current release on the shipped hubs. We will bring it back in an upcoming release, and post something when it's available. This is a uni-directional facility.

SmartTiles has been made to work with Hubitat, for those who have the source code available. We would consider making it available, but that's up to @625alex. The copy of the source code that I have does not allow distribution.

This screenshot is from a running Hubitat system:


That would be all I need to cover the “Control” part of the home automation. So far Hubitat is performing far better than I had imagined.

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100baseT and comes with a cat7 patch cable. lol

@bravenel could you go into more detail on how you made SmartTiles work? I happen to have the source code from a few years ago and tried installing it. I changed the code to generate the appropriate URL to the Hubitat hub, but am getting the following error when trying to view the dashboard:
No signature of method: java.util.LinkedHashMap.encodeAsJSON() is applicable for argument types: () values: on line 219

I am sure there are other areas in the code that need to be changed. Thanks!

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@bravenel, I know this is an old post but the simple app install on the slave hub. Is this app called hub link?