Lightify 2 Button Dimmer Switch Model 73743

both are Ikea Tradfri zigbee, the round one just rotates, the other one actually makes more sense.


I've yet to see anyone have success with the Trådfri "Steering Remote", as they call it. The dimmer or "Steering Wheel" as they were calling it early on, seems to cooperate fairly well when paired to a bulb, but first "authorized" by the Hue bridge, so control isn't stolen. I was able to dim the bulbs and not lose control by the Hue dimmer or bridge when I tested it. That was shortly after Ikea released them in North America.

Would be a useful addition to eventually have that same capability in Hubitat, but not a show stopper if it's proving to be a major challenge. My hub controls the Hue bridge instead of Hue bulbs directly.

I like that little dimmer, even though I returned it :wink: It is a really unique and innovative product, and does a decent job of dimming.

dont see it in the announcement ... did any of these make it into 1.1.0?


The remotec did, the others aren't complete.

got it ... thanks.

So this isn't working yet ? Waiting so I can move my lights.

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the lightify model 23743 is complete, and in the next build.
None of the Ikea controllers are done.
Both Keypads will be released (under one driver), as well as the Hue dimmer controller.


I'm getting this error adding the device...

Metadata Error: Capability 'Button' not found.

I just updated to version of Hubitat, and the new Sylvania Dimmer Switch Button Controller works perfectly. Thanks for this device hander, it got me through the wait, but I am using the official DH now.


Button is not HE capability.
You will need to delete whatever user driver is generating this error, then re join the device to use the HE driver.

@mike.maxwell any update on the keypad to the right? looking to get one of those hooked up to hubitat and run in parallel with my adt system for a while.

also been searching for it to buy … all of them seem to refer to the xfinity version of it. is that version compatible with HE?

thank you.

yeah, have a look at the release notes for 1.1.1

thank you. ran a search for security keypad … no wonder i didnt find it. :slight_smile:

anyone know where to buy these centralite/xfinity keypads? only seem to be finding used ones.

thank you.

The centralite ones are sold at lowes

the only one i am finding online at lowes is the iris version. are these also centralite?

while i prefer the other one with the clear arm/disarm button worst case these will have to do if they are centralite.

Yeah, that's the one, both are made by centralite.
The the one on the right you would have to purchased used...

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I´m completely new here, got my HE 2 days ago, I live in sweden so I have a bunch of the Ikea stuff so I´m hoping tu use them in Hubitat offcoarse.
Did you get the Ikea rotating dimmer to work?
Is there any drivers for the Ikea switch? (little and square thingy)

Welcome, if you take a look in the documentation section of the site, you can see the list of officially supported devices.

Additional devices may be supported by a driver shared by community developers, you may have to search around in the forum to find what you’re looking for. I don’t recall seeing that ikea dimmers have been integrated with hubitat by anyone, but I haven’t been looking all that closely in the case of that particular device.

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I recently purchased one of these and I'm a Wink convert and new to Hubitat and I'm trying to figure out how to program this thing to dim a scene up and down.

What is the work flow I need to follow or the mindset involved?

The Rule Machine has lots of options I don't really understand.

Is there now a packaged more user friendly driver that's now available?

