LIFX Local Control

They should do, yes.

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Hi @rob, wanted to let you know I'm getting an error when updating lifx local control via HPM to 1.05 from 1.04.

HPM Lifx

Did a repair and looks like it updated.

Very weird.

Because we are so happy with your app and drivers, Rob + David, I've gone and purchased some additional LIFX bulbs. This time for our back patio. Two of the bulbs are the nightvision type, and they don't seem to be recognized during the discovery process.

I double checked that I do have the latest LIFX Plus Color driver installed from LIFXPlusColor.groovy.

Could it be that LIFX has introduced some new internal codes for this type? What should I do to troubleshoot this?

I don't see any "Night Vision" models not accounted for here: Our Products

Best recommendation would be to add a new log at line 1501 of LIFXMasterApp (first line in private Map deviceVersion(Map device)):

log.debug("LIFX Product ID: ${device.product}")

Ideally this product id should match one of the case statements in that same function, which will correlate it to a driver, identified by the deviceName attribute assigned in that case.

Taking a second look, maybe you have the new LIFX BR30 Plus Intl -- Product ID 112? The new log line would confirm for sure.

It might be a good idea to just treat any unknown device as a LIFX Color (or maybe Mono) I suppose, along with a message that explains that you can change the device type manually.

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Thanks for rapid replies. The bulbs are type 110. And it turns out your app knows that type well already.

The gap here was user error. The link I have used over the past year or more to refresh my LIFX Master App from github pointed directly to an old version. The mismatch between the line number and the function definition was the hint.

Problem solved. Thank you.

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@rob I am unable to get my LIFX Downlight discovered. Any ideas how to get this one into Hubitat?

See the earlier post LIFX Local Control - #752 by dkilgore90

The only downlights that the code is currently aware of have product ids of 36, 37 and 40, I'm guessing that LIFX have released a new one with a new product id.

All you'd have to do is add another case statement for the new id at around line 1677. Please let me know what the new id is so it can be added to the code.

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@Rob thanks for your kind assistance
2021-06-30 12:24:37.989 debugLIFX Product ID: 49

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Hmm, 49 is already in the code as a LIFX Mini Color (line 1715) - the positioning of that log will generate one for each device being discovered, are there others? Or errors in processing (Driver not installed)?

Good point, I forgot to check that.

I hope LIFX haven't actually reused a product id.

In this case however it wouldn't matter since they both use the LIFX Color driver.

Adding an extra case 49 in the switch statement may be considered an error (or perhaps Groovy only uses the first occurrence). IntelliJ certainly flags that as an error.

Adding another case statement for the new id did not get the light to show up however.

I assume the light is registered in the LIFX app on your phone? And is on the same network as any other bulbs/your hub?

@James_be just to be clear - is the issue that the light is not discovered at all? Or that the App cannot correlate it to a driver, and create a Device?

All of them on my 2.4Ghz network

The light is not discovered in the LIFX Master App - it is operational in the iOS LIFX app

But is that in the same subnet as your Hubitat hub?