Life360 Login failure

I thought in your life 360 profile it showed connected devices. Just wondering if deleteing it on that end would help.

Also going back and looking at life360 (I haven't used it in a long time) it gives login option of either phone number or email. You could try the other option for login...

I'm not finding that within the Life360 app (maybe just me). I did go back using Firefox, removed the 360 app from HE, disconnect from HE, (not shut down the hub, just closed browser), Clear history and cache, re open Firefox, reopen HE, reinstalled 360 connector, reentered log in data trying both phone number with and without "1" and tried using email address. all failed. :cry:

I'm outta advice at this point... Maybe reset your password?

HA HA HA Thank you for trying. Glad you were here and quickly gave it a shot. Thx !

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I’m now having same issue as you. I’ve tried deleting Life360 Connector app from HE, also reinstalled Life360 App itself, and changed my Life360 PW, still failed. All done on IOS Device.

Is your login still working?

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This is a known issue, caused on the Life360 side…

Thanks for the confirmation! This is super helpful so I don’t continue investing time in rechecking my setup.

This just started to happen for me, nothing has changed from my side.
Tried rebooting the hub, deleting and re-adding the life360 app, but constantly getting the login failed. Any ideas on how to fix this?


Read the post two above yours...

and this post from Hubitat


Whoops sorry. I had checked this group a day or two ago when I first noticed the problem. Didn't check for an update. Thanks!

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The login issue with the Life360 Hubitat app has been fixed.

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Apparently this is broken again


People reportedly installing Life360+ app through HPM instead of Life360 Connector app and it’s working.

any news on how to log in? im having same issues

People using the Life360+ app in Hubitat vs the Life360 Connector app now. You can apparently find the Life360+ app in the HPM in Hubitat.

im not sure what the user name would be, my app only askes for phone number, no option for user name. so idk what to put on that line

I think you need to first go to the Life360 website, sign in, and then add an email. That will be used as your login on the app.

I have the same problem. Logged in with email address and password. I have followed the instructions above but the problem persists.
login fail.
Entering data I do copy past so that there are no writing errors.
Who has the solution?