Life360 Broken

Hi, for a week or so, it seems now I cannot login anymore at all? Like it was still working a few days ago and even until 2 days ago or so it was working but with a 10min delay or so. I created a routine that did a refresh every 10sec, as the update was not coming in automatically. But now even a refresh does not work anymore, and the login status is "failed".

By the way I tried the OwnTracks App. It does work...but only sometimes and with some considerable delay. But it also throws errors now and then, sometimes it does not update the presence at all and I find it very anoying that you have to start the app on the phone manually for it to work.

I haven't noticed an issue here but maybe Live 360 flagged your account? That routine is hitting their servers over 8600 times a day. That seems pretty excessive.


I contacted life360 support about it. Their answer:

In regards with the Home assistance, please be advised we no longer support home automation programs such as Google Home, Hubitat, Alexa, IFTTT, etc. and Life360 is not compatible with these programs.

We currently have no plans to reimplement this with Life360 however, I will take this one as feedback.

We are constantly working to build products our members will love. Rest assured that this will be taken as a feedback.

Mine has been working but I do have to use the refresh option via a rule I created. I'm not hammering their servers though. I'm only refreshing whenever the lock status changes. If everyone starts hammering the servers with excessive refreshes, they will surely shut down our ability to use even that with Hubitat.


Right on - as we've both said previously in other discussions, I agree that threat is real (and I expect it to happen). Look no further than MyQ for evidence.

Since the wife & I use iPhones, I recently bought an AppleTV and made the jump over to HomeKit. The HK presence stuff has so far been very solid, and HK additionally opens up the Matter option for me, so no regrets.

It was a good ride with L360 for several years, but the recent shakiness tells me it's time to get off.


:point_up: same here! HomeKit has worked very reliably for Geofenced-based Presence sensing.

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I've experienced a handful of recent false 'not present' notifications followed by 'present' within a few seconds. I think it's likely iOS 17 related as that is the only change. We'll see if it still happens on 17.1.

Is life 360 still broke? Like most I can't get geofence to work consistently, maybe less than 10% of the time. I've had zero luck using life360 getting the hub to notify me when me or my wife get home. What's the secret required in the rules. I tried basic and a trigger in rule machine nether work. The 360 app itself is working flawlessly. Thanks in advance for Any assistance

Yes, and most likely forever. LIfe360 killed off the transition events when you enter/leave regions. You would need to use Life360+ which polls the cloud if you want to continue to use Life360.


I was wondering what the difference between the two is. That also explains the lag of Life360+ sometimes.

The HE Life360 connector only triggers off the transition events (entering/leaving places).

Life360+ does that as well as polling. In both cases, the transition events no longer come through though.

I did some logging and it seems when you are driving, the Life360 cloud gets updated every 35 meters of movement as fast as 2-seconds per location update. If you turn up the polling rate, you can get quicker response from Life360+, but you do make the Life360+ app one of the higher hub usage apps (if that matters to you)

Anyone have a resolution to this? I cannot login anymore, even after resetting my password. My devices are constantly in the "present" mode. :frowning_face:

Is it definitely no longer supported?

Might be better to abandon efforts to make this work and instead see Life360 Broken - #130 by lpakula


The HE Life360 will no longer work. If you want to use Life360, then the the LIfe360+ connector on this forum (and on Hubitat Package Manager) is the only working route.


Doesn't install correctly for me for some reason. I install via HPM, it goes through the motions, but no app. I uninstall via HPM and re install, same issue. Any ideas?

@bobbyD the inbuild Life360 Connector app is broken again. I am getting errors attempting to re-login and/or refreshing the Life 360 Refresh device.

When you have installed the app code through HPM, do you then go into Apps -> Add User App and then select Life360+?

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That was it, thank you. Now I get the reported 403 error from the apps least I'm caught up now :laughing:

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Life360 has been steadily kneecapping 3rd-party API access for months now - the writing on the wall is pretty clear that they're doing a MyQ here.

If you rely on L360 for presence-sensing in HE, I recommend finding a Plan B sooner than later.

I'm actually surprised HE staff hasn't shuttered the native integration yet.


Yep totally agree. More just letting @bobbyD know and maybe they decide to pull the inbuilt app.

I need to rethink my use of Life360 because even in app notifications are very delayed. Seems like they are struggling overall with updates.