Life360 Broken

v2.5 relsae notes:

  • Background location permission! (Hurray!)

Nice. I'll keep on the watch for the final version. Don't have time to test the beta/preview right now.

For those with Home Asstnt I think they have fixed their life360 integration as of last night. For now anyway, until the cat and mouse games continue over at Life360.


Mine works and I'm still running Life360+ v3.0.23 and using it to open MyQ Lite v3.2 garage doors via presence. I did notice that the Life360 App on my iPhone is saying that my phone number needs verification, but I'm not going to do that. It was verified when it was initially installed, so I'm wondering if that changed the logon verification and creating issues.

That is Life360+, not the native version. The native relied on the transition events (that no longer come over the API). Life360+ perpetually polls your account for updates. I'd suspect that will slowly die in the near future as they keep pruning 3rd party support.

I'm 110% sure that your MyQ Lite integration is dead though. Chamberlain publicly posted they killed that API link, and you can no longer log in via the integrations you listed.

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I had read that those with Life360+ were having the issue as well. For now, my doors are still working using Life 360+ as a presence monitor to open both of my garage doors using the MyQ Lite App.

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I'm not sure how your MyQ app is still working, but MyQ will likely soon find & close whatever loophole it is - they've made it clear they are taking no prisoners with 3rd-party access.

All signs point to Life360 doing the same thing WRT cutting off 3rd-party access.

If I were you, I'd start looking hard for alternative solutions to both.


That is correct, Life360+ is down too. For those suggesting an alternative plan, ideas? I’ve tried a number of solutions with similar spotty results including using the HE app. We’re an iOS house.

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I really like the (Zigbee) SmartThings Arrival Sensor. Needs a little battery every 5 weeks or so, is only downside. Don't make them anymore. They pop up on eBay.

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Lots of options. If you have an Apple TV or HomePod you can use virtual switches and Apple Home automations. If you want an app Geofency is IMO the 'best' and it has a Mac app if you are interested in using location for more than Hubitat automations.

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Where can I find more info on this one? We have AppleTVs and I’ve played with HomeKit a bit but haven’t been real impressed. Just downloaded geofency, wanting to make sure it works well before spending $5 a person to wire everyone in.

Ha. Blast from the past. I’ve got a handful of those sitting in a drawer, they’re a pita to maintain for multiple people and they take forever to register. I need something that gets me 100 yards away at the mailbox and starts doing stuff like unlocking doors etc.

I'm about 300 yards too at the front gate, and it works okay for the garage door.
I've tried using it to open the gate, and yes, pushing the button on the remote is a more satisfying experience. But for the garage, fine.
My C-8 hub is on the windowsill though, and I live alone.
A handful, eh? Post 'em up in the Lounge. As a public service. :slight_smile:


It's pretty easy. In Hubitat add a virtual switch with presence (built in driver). Share that switch with Apple Home (built in HomeKit app or 3rd party Homebridge app). In Apple Home program 2 Apple Home Automations. 1) When person arrives turn switch on, 2) When person leaves turn switch off. Repeat for each person.

The purchase is sharable if everyone is in the same Apple Family.

Another free alternative that is similar is Locative. You have to manually set up Maker API.


Hmmm...maybe I'll dig them out and try them again. Just reminds me how long I've been trying to get reliable presence. Years fighting with ST and now more years with HE :grinning:

This is exactly what I do as well. Using Apple HomeKit for geofence-based presence has been 100% reliable for us.


Appreciate it, I think that sounds simple enough and a lot like other setups I've made with virtual devices (just never messed with HomeKit) I'll check out the family shared purchase as well, we do that already with other apps / services.

This is an excellent alternative for iOS, I use it as a complement to Life360. Now a feature that has always been useful is the distance feature that Life360 has, i.e. I have a rule that when the person is more than 100mi from the house, I consider that they are traveling, or when they are 1mi then and the displacement is in the direction of the house, idem I trigger rules that they are arriving and turn on the air conditioning for example. In short, there are alternatives, which may not cover all the features that Life360 provides in a single connection.

I use Google presence in the google home app much the same way tied to a virtual switch in Hubitat. It works well. I use it in addition to Life360.

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You should be able to set up multiple monitored points with independent radii. I imagine it's probably more work than Life360.

It would be a possibility, but mapping would be difficult. We have 3 users at home, all 3 of whom travel frequently to different destinations. It would be difficult to set up an entire map, and would require frequent updates of the points. So Life360's feature of informing X distance from the main point is extremely useful. Another item I'd forgotten is that it informs you of the device's battery, which is also useful for triggering warning rules, especially when you have a teenage child whose battery is always at 1% :slight_smile:

I just got notice that they reset our password because of a security issue. And they changed to a one time use pass code outside of their own app. So, they just effectively killed it's usefulness for presence outside of their app.