Leviton VRCS4 Device Driver

Hi all (and @misko in particular),

I've just completed porting my App and Driver for the Leviton VRCZ4-M04 Zone Controller from SmartThings to Hubitat Elevation. I'll probably do some additional tweaking, but you should find the current versions fully functional -- have a try and let me know?

See my posting to App and driver porting to Hubitat...

I just figured out how to make the VRCZ-M04 driver and switch mapper work (hubitat newbie) It took me a bit to figure out that I needed to "enable child dimmers" and point the switch mapper at the controller's children. Once I did that the 4 on/off paddles work to turn devices on and off using simple automation rules. I created additional rules to turn the child's LED on and off with the controlled device so It does what I need. Thanks!

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Glad to hear it's working for you!

I don't quite follow why you needed automation rules for your devices, or for the LEDs (on the VRCZ4 paddles, I presume you mean?), but if it's doing what you need then no need to mess with success.

Are you using the dimming function as well?

I'm not using the dimming function.
When I turned on the "enable child dimmers" switch hubitat created 4 children with the same name as the parent (:1 to :4)
The buttons on my controller turn the children on and off so I created the rules to look at the children and operate my devices (on off switches for my outside lights) based on the status of the children.
If I use the paddles to turn the lights on and off the LEDs on the paddles function as expected, but if the devices are controlled by my timer or dashboard the LEDs didn't turn on or off so I wrote the rules to have the LEDs follow the status of the controlled devices. Could I have just made the controlled devices children?

Actually, I'm not even familiar with the "enable child dimmers" switch -- where do you see this?

If you're using my app and driver (Leviton VRCZ4-M0Z Switch Mapper and Leviton VRCZ4-M0Z Zone Controller, respectively) with a VRCZ4, the switch-mapper app should just let you assign the four VRCZ4 switches directly to four devices (or groups of devices), which they will control without the need for any automation rules (and including dimmer functionality).

Does your switch-mapper configuration look something like this?

OK so THIS is embarrassing. But the info might be useful. When I included the VRCZ4 it defaulted to the Hubitat VRSC4 Z-wave controller driver. The "enable child dimmers" switch belongs to that. Once I used your driver, the switch mapper works as I imagine you intended. I tested on some dimming devices and the dim/bright buttons work. The one thing that threw me for a bit was that when I turn off a dimming device the LED on the paddle doesn't turn off until the switch ramps to off. A feature not a bug. BTW Yes my switch-mapper configuration looks like that. Thanks again.

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No need to be embarrassed -- had a feeling you might be using the VRCS4 driver instead.

Might need to reach out to the experts (@ogiewon, @mike.maxwell, @bcopeland, @bravenel, and @bobbyD) to see whether there's a path to having the hub auto-detect the VRCZ4 and offer my driver instead?

Sorry to ask a basic question. I have down loaded the driver and the switch mapper and I am ready to go for the VRCZ4, but I can not get it included. I have factory reset the VRCZ4, I hold buttons 1 and 3, all the buttons blink Amber, I tried to exclude it first, HE doesn't see the device. Then I tried to include it and it is not discovered. I'm sure it may be something simple, but I'm missing something. Thank you in advance..

Where do we find this switchmapper version, I am having issues with VRCS4 as well, not responding to button presses or anything.

I am new to hubitat and this was one of the first devices I was trying to get to function. Paired fine, but not responding to anything.

Here is the link I used to get the switch mapper for the VRCZ4 zone controller, looks like you need the VRCS4, scene controller, which is built in to HE, you just need to change the driver once you include it. App and driver porting to Hubitat

How did you get the VRCZ4 to include? how close was your HE hub?

It's been a while since I included my four VRCZ4s to my network, but I remember that one of the units closest to the hub gave me a fair bit of trouble (though I don't recall offhand how I finally resolved it).

Just recently I had to move my remaining Leviton Decora Z-Wave switches and Eaton dimmers across from Smartthings to HE, and I couldn't get any of them to include until I unplugged my HE and moved it to within a few feet of the switches -- then they all included effortlessly. (I discovered subsequently that those Levitons have a separate "network inclusion" mode that works well without needing to move the hub nearby, but I'm not sure the VRCx4 units support it.)

I think the unit might be bad, of course its the first one I started with. I was able to exclude it but not include it. I was able to exclude and include 2 other VRCZ4 controllers. I set up the buttons in the button controller, but the are not controlling the lights, and log as an off push. Still need to work with it. Any quick tips would be greatly appreciated.

Are you using both my VRCZ4 app and my VRCZ4 driver (Leviton VRCZ4-M0Z Switch Mapper and Leviton VRCZ4-M0Z Zone Controller , respectively)?

Per above, your hub will (by default) assign the official VRCS4 driver to your VRCZ4s, since it doesn't know about my driver -- but that won't allow my app to function. It sounds like you may be experiencing the same behavior as @etomami.

I mistakenly used the button controller. I was able to control the lights with the buttons using your app without issues, thanks! The dimming isn't working quite right. I set a button with 3 different dimmer switches, When I dim one right responds immediately, up and down without hesitation. The other lights goes full on then off, then they all go off. I tried it with a single light and had the same issue. Then all the z-wave lights in the house go off and I'm left in the dark... but I can turn them right back on again, I'm working out the quirks and my limited experience with the system thus far, the fix may be something simple.

Hm. Not sure what you mean by "mistakenly used the button controller", but maybe you want to share screenshots of your app and driver configurations?

I had first used the Button controller app that was built into HE, but the realized I needed to use the app your app. The problem I keep having is the dimming. I set 2 leviton z-wave dimmers to the first button. They go on and off fine, but it I try to dim them, One light will start to dim, I stop pressing the dim button. then both lights go to max. brightness, then dim all the way to off, come on again brighten then dim, then all the lights that are on the zwave network go out, as if it resets. After a minute or two. I can turn the lights on the network back on. I found that this happens on all the buttons if I try to dim.

Hmm...that's curious. You're using both my app and my driver?

I only have one Eaton z-wave dimmer (directly) on any of my VRCZ4s (everything else is Hue devices), but that dimmer dims perfectly from the VRCZ4.

Is it possible that you have those other z-wave dimmers linked to each other, and there's some sort of "tug of war" going on between devices? I did have an issue where one of my VRCZ4s was controlling a Hue group (of two Hue bulbs), and I also had an Eaton z~wave dimmer bound to the group, and when I'd dim the Eaton the bulbs (and the Eaton) would start fluctuating randomly (but all in sync). (This was back when I was still on Smartthings.) IIRC, it was something to do with tracking only one of the bulbs in the group, and I resolved it by taking the Hue group out of the equation and binding both dimmers directly to both bulbs.

What's on those two other dimmers? And have you tried it with only one?

The dimmers I'm using are Leviton VRI06-1LZ dimmers. The only link they have is in an automation that tuns them off at night using the rule engine with HE. I have tried only 1 light on the dimmer, it does the same hit time once it goes all the way to bright then again and they go off. The load on the lights are can lights.

Strange indeed. Have you enabled debug logging on all the involved devices and looked at the log stream when this happens?

I looked at the log, the dimmer switch is acting as an digital on & level to 99% then as a digital off. no actual dimming of the switch.