Kwikset HomeConnect 620 pairing issues

So I am trying to connect my first smart lock, a Kwikset HomeConnect 620, Hubitat says it finds it, gets to initializing device, and then times out.

How do I get past this?

Before you do anything else check to see if it night have actually paired. If it didn’t pair, check your Zwave details to make sure you don’t have a ghost as a result of the failed pairing. After those two checks, do an exclude on the lock, and then retry it about 3-4 feet from the hub - remember as a perimeter device it should be paired with security when it asks. The 620 contains a 700 chip so pair with S2.

3-4 feet from the hub? Seriously? Seems excessive doesn't it? As in the lock is on the front door, the hub and its network connection are in the living room, not super far, but not 3-4 feet. More like 12 feet down the hallway with no obstruction.

Okay so excluded, and removed from Zwave. The big question is, should I REALLY move the hub that close to the lock since I obviously can't move my lock / door to the hub...

And what is the trick to getting this thing to pair? I know I will need to change the device type to generic Zwave lock but other than that, not sure...

Distance is the key. It's probably easier to move the lock closer since it's just the four screws and unplugging the keypad. All locks are this way as they do a key exchange during pairing. There are some repeaters that support passing the key exchange, but not all of them will.

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@dbhosttexas can you post your z-wave details page in it's entirety?

I’m having the exact same problem. I even tried moving the lock and that didn’t work either. I gave up for now since the number entry is really all I need.

The hub was literally within 2' of the lock when I tried the join last time. It just times out.

Z-Wave Radio Devices

Node Stats Status Device Class Device Security Route

0x06 (006) PER: 0, RTT Avg: ms, LWR RSSI:
Neighbors: 9, Route Changes: 0 OKRepair SPECIFIC_TYPE_SCENE_SWITCH_BINARY
Nortek Security & Control LLC Garage Lights None
0x07 (007) PER: 0, RTT Avg: ms, LWR RSSI: -19dB
Zooz Front Hall Lights None 01 -> 0E -> 07 40kbps
0x08 (008) PER: 0, RTT Avg: ms, LWR RSSI:
Zooz Master vanity lights None
0x0A (010) PER: 0, RTT Avg: ms, LWR RSSI:
Zooz Hallway S2 Unauthenticated
0x0B (011) PER: 0, RTT Avg: ms, LWR RSSI:
Neighbors: 8, Route Changes: 0 OKRepair SPECIFIC_TYPE_FAN_SWITCH
Jasco Products Living room fan None
0x0C (012) PER: 0, RTT Avg: ms, LWR RSSI:
Zooz Living room light None
0x0D (013) PER: 0, RTT Avg: ms, LWR RSSI:
Zooz Dining room light None
0x0E (014) PER: 0, RTT Avg: ms, LWR RSSI: -19dB
Neighbors: 11, Route Changes: 0 OKRepair SPECIFIC_TYPE_SCENE_SWITCH_BINARY
Nortek Security & Control LLC Kitchen Lights None 01 -> 0E 40kbps
0x0F (015) PER: 0, RTT Avg: ms, LWR RSSI:
Neighbors: 11, Route Changes: 0 OKRepair GENERIC_TYPE_SWITCH_BINARY
Everspring Dining room siren None
0x10 (016) PER: 0, RTT Avg: ms, LWR RSSI:
Neighbors: 11, Route Changes: 0 OKRepair GENERIC_TYPE_SWITCH_BINARY
Everspring Garage siren None
0x11 (017) PER: 0, RTT Avg: ms, LWR RSSI:
Neighbors: 11, Route Changes: 0 OKRepair GENERIC_TYPE_SWITCH_BINARY
Everspring Office Siren None
0x12 (018) PER: 0, RTT Avg: ms, LWR RSSI:
Neighbors: 11, Route Changes: 0 OKRepair GENERIC_TYPE_SWITCH_BINARY
Everspring Master Siren None
0x13 (019) PER: 0, RTT Avg: ms, LWR RSSI:
Zooz Master bath light None
0x1A (026) PER: 0, RTT Avg: 1ms, LWR RSSI: -3dB
Neighbors: 10, Route Changes: 1 OKRepair SPECIFIC_TYPE_DOOR_LOCK None 01 -> 1A 40kbps

use snip, it's very hard to read that...

What do you mean the number entry is really all you need? Details please...

You did ask for its entirety...

Hang on a sec...

That should just about cover it...

It seems you have a lack of repeating nodes in your mesh (see lack of routes). This could also affect your overall mesh.

Wouldn't the mains powered devices be repeating nodes? I've got a mix of Zooz, GE, and I believe Braun Nutone mains powered switches all over the house...

What needs to be done to make this work?

Yes, mains powered devices repeat but it seems your hub isn't in the middle (again that's what it appears to me). Centrally locating your hub and building out from that center with mains devices before battery devices. You have devices with no routes showing and a possible ghost (the last one with the discover button next to it) that needs removed from your mesh. I see its the lock. If power off that lock, click refresh on that line, click remove. Once removed, shut down the hub from the settings menu, then unplug power to the hub (at the wall not the hub) for 5 mins. Power back up. Pair the lock within 2-3 feet of the hub (some locks have a low power whisper mode to join)
Take a look at this: How to Build a Solid Z-Wave Mesh - Hubitat Documentation

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What I mean is the main reason I bought this lock was for the keypad entry. The zwave pairing is an extra bonus mainly to feed my hobby, but entry using a code is a more than sufficient improvement over key entry and it solves our cat sitter problem. I still want to get the Z-wave working but it isn't urgent was my main point.

The ghost / last device is the lock, it never succeeds in pairing.

I had no issues pairing either of my locks. I pulled the door side module and sat it on the shelf with the HE (less than 1' away). Paired with no issue. I'd try doing the same. After moving the lock:

  1. Exclude the lock from HE.
  2. Factory reset.
  3. Exclude again.
  4. Include.
  5. Change the device type.
  6. Wait for the state to show the code fetch is complete.
  7. Put the lock back in place.
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Right, remove, power cycle, and try to pair within 2-3 feet of the hub. Some locks have a whisper mode which require it to be that close to pass encryption...

Got mine paired today following the advice of FriedCheese. Thanks man.