Konnected Alarm Panel Pro and Hubitat HE C7 (2025)

Based on a previous thread, I’ve purchased a Konnected Alarm Panel Pro to integrate various magnetic reed switches with my HE (C7).

I won’t receive the device for a couple of weeks, but I’ve spent the day trying to get smart in preparation. But I only feel dumber now!

Bottom line, I haven't found a succinct article that explains how to integrate the device.

I found an article on konnected.io and I thought I was all set:

( Connecting the Alarm Panel to Hubitat )

However, the article says “Follow this guide….” and then doesn’t reference or link to a guide. There is a link to an ESPHome firmware update, but I don’t see how that helps me integrate with the HE.

There are articles that talk about “Legacy Drivers,” but I’m not sure that’s what I need. Am I supposed to be following the “Legacy Driver” instructions? ( Hubitat - Help & Support )

I found my way to the Konnected GitHub site, ( GitHub - konnected-io/konnected-hubitat: Konnected Apps and Drivers for Hubitat home automation hub )

but it’s unclear to me which files to use, and where to load them. There are 4 “app” files, and 17 “drivers.” I think it’s obvious that some/all of them need to be loaded on the Hubitat, but I’m not sure how to do that. I see a bunch of JSON and .groovy files. The readme files don’t really give me clarity. Will I be cutting and pasting code in the HE Apps code tab?

For what it’s worth, I also tried to follow this link

( Konnected Alarm Panel wired alarm system integration)

But it says “Load our open source apps and drivers into your Hubitat instance,” and then points to a broken link.

Many of the links I’m finding are 5 years old. I can’t help but think they are outdated, and I’m running down a rabbit hole.

I’m more of a hammer and crowbar kind of engineer. I appreciate any software/integration advice you can share...


I opened a ticket on the Konnected website.

I'll report back when/if I hear something.

I thought I read that they were transitioning to ESPHome.

According to the link below they have completed a driver for the ESPHome panels and Hubitat. .


I agree that the new page of instructions looks incomplete. That seems like a big oversight.

(I installed my Konnected about a year ago with the legacy method.)

Konnected sent me this from another user:

Using the Konnected Alarm Panel Conversion with Hubitat

I recently purchase an 18-zone (3 boards) kit. Had to have a long dialog with Konnected to set it up, but once you know the recipe it sets up quickly and easily!

First, update the firmware on each board to ESPHome.

  1. Use a PC with drivers for Si Labs CP210x drivers installed (You may be able to use a Mac if you install the drivers and use Chrome rather than Safari browser)

  2. Connect the Alarm panel to a PC USB port using a Micro USB cable

  3. Follow the instructions from this page: install.konnected.io

  4. Repeat for each board you have

Next download the Konnected app for your phone.

  1. Set up your Konnected account (not sure if absolutely necessary but I did anyway)

  2. Select “add new device” from the menu on the left - for the first device you will be prompted on the main screen)

  3. Follow the directions which will have you enter your WiFi credentials, then connect to the Board’s WiFi before returning to your home WiFi.

  4. Your device will now show up under “My Devices”

  5. Repeat for any additional boards.

Now we can add them to Hubitat

1.Use Hubitat Package Manager and search for Konnected, then download and install “Alarm Panel (universal)”

  1. Go to the Devices section, and select add new device

  2. Select “virtual” and scroll through the options to find “Konnected Alarm Panel” for the “Device type” field.

  3. Continue adding a name and room as desired.

  4. Go to the device details page, scroll down and find the IP address field. Input the board’s IP address as shown in the Konnected App.

  5. Click on “Save Preferences” and then click on the initialize button at the top. You should see the network status in the upper right change to online.

  6. Go back to the device list and you should now see a dropdown for each board showing 6 zones, siren (OUT) and a restart button.

Now set up your zones through the Konnected App

(Not sure, haven’t done mine yet, but you may be able to do it on the device page for each zone within habitat)

I think the procedure is basically the same for the Pro boards, but I believe they already ship with the ESPHome firmware installed.


So I am reviewing the instructions.

The first two sections make sense.

The third and most important one ("Now We Add Them to Hubitat") doesn't work for me.

Its first line says:
1.Use Hubitat Package Manager and search for Konnected, then download and install “Alarm Panel (universal)”

I'm not sure what the "Hubitat Package Manager," but I assume I should go to the "Apps" tab on my local HE. (Based on other research, I think this is a bad assumption, but I am trying everything.)

When I search for "Konnected," there are no results.

And when I use the "+ Add app" option, this:

First Question: Does anyone know where the latest "Hubitat Package Manager" info is? I'm finding five year old articles, and I am dubious that they are the latest info. (I'm currently using the YouTube video to install it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eaLKsfHJTkY )

Second Question: Is there confidence that the Konnected apps will be part of the software suite?

As an engineer and a tech geek, I enjoy learning new things, and troubleshooting. That feeling of accomplishment is great when the bugs are worked out.

But this process has been a bit painful!

I look forward to writing an integration page to make this easy for the next person!

Getting closer!!!

I think I'm good.

Apologies for spamming the thread, but I figure it might save some of your time if I report my successes.

I just added the panel to my HE virtually. Now I just need to wait for the hardware to add its IP address...

Thanks to all who have read and replied. The community effort is appreciated.


This is the correct way, it also took me a while to find the new setup but install it through hubitat package manager as it says.

Follow this for the install for it

Yes once you have the HW the use the phone app to set it up. once it's done and you have reserved the IP on your router (so that it doesn't move IP) you then input the IP to the settings of the device your created. The rest will be done for you and it will create all the child devices.

Don't try and create it before you have set it up fully in the phone app, it will create all the wrong devices if you do.

Thanks for putting these instructions together. I was trying to setup a new Konnected board and couldn't find any docs on their site.

The only issue I'm having with is a water leak sensor. It shows updates on the web interface but not on Hubitat the Hubitat child device.

EDIT: I figured out i missed a step in "setting up" the devices in the Konnected App. I had reflashed old boards to the new ESP firmware and needed to deregister and then resetup the zones in the app first. For anyone else that stumbles on this thread.

I am having similar issues like the original post. Got all the devices added per the instructions above but now i am getting errors on all the devices. Found another forum post that talks bout how to solve it but i dont understand what to change. anyone have any ideas?

2025-01-09 11:22:24.199 AM


org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.metaclass.MissingMethodExceptionNoStack: No signature of method: user_driver_konnected_io_Konnected_Contact_Sensor_578.parse() is applicable for argument types: (java.util.ArrayList) values: [[[name:contact, value:open, type:null, unit:null, descriptionText:Contact is open]]]

Getting similar errors on every device i added. seems to log an error every time the contact sensors trigger. same for motion.

I am also about to reflash my Konnected from NodeMCU to ESPHome. I have the Konnected Pro with a 6-Zone add-on board conversion kit installed and currently working, but I'm considering the ESPHome firmware for increased functionality and future support. I cannot find an answer on Konnected.io or from the support there to explain what if any firmware upgrade needs to be applied to the 6-Zone Konnected Alarm Panel Add-on board. Has anyone done this?

If you are asking do you need to flash the 6 zone add on board with the esphome firmware the answer is yes. I actually flashed a spare 6 zone board to test things before flashing my pro board

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Thanks @Johnnyvaneddie, that's exactly what I was asking. The firmware upgrade hardware list did not mention the "Add-on" board.