Hi all, alright, I am trying to set up some simple set of rules using "Button Controllers" and "Motion and Mode Lighting Apps". I am using Hue Dimmer and set it up pretty much the same way as it would be set up in the Hue app -- works as expected, no problem.
Then I am trying to have a rule in the 'Motion and Mode Lighting Apps' that turns on lounge lights when triggered by a motion sensor. However, I want to be able to keep the lights on 'permanently' when I press the 'on' button (button '1') on the dimmer, regardless of whether there is motion or not. 'Motion and Mode Lighting Apps' has that function, but is asking to indicate what button # to use. However, it's just not storing any inputs -- I enter 1, try to press Done but it just records it as a null.
What am I missing? I am starting to go mad here...
So, in that [DIM] Lounge buttons to disable off field, try entering 1, then click off the field, side of the page should be fine, then click done. Sometimes HE doesn't register a change in a field until focus is lost.
No, Hue dimmers connected via Hue bridge don't appear in HE. So I unpaired it from my Hue Bridge and paired directly with HE.
However, I just tried a couple of other buttons that I have (cheapo Sonoff buttons that work fine for other lighting automations) -- same thing, the field just doesn't seem to accept & store any input...
1 push
And now I'm also thinking that maybe I should move all of my motion automations to Simple Automation Rules that appears to have a very straightforward functionality to do exactly that (that may work for me, still to be tested...).
You could use other apps...but I think you should figure out what's messed up w/the motion lighting app and also confirm that it's only a motion lighting app issue. It should work...somethings not right here.
As mentioned earlier, I am trying to use the 'Button to disable off' function under ' Options for Additional Sensors, Lights-Off and Off options' to keep the light that was initially triggered by a motion sensor 'on'. To do that I am trying to use the same Hue dimmer switch that controls the light and is paired directly with HE (not via the Hue Bridge) -- standard Hue dimmer with 4 buttons, button 1 being the 'on' button.
When I pick my button and then try to enter the button number, it all seems alright.
However, as soon as I click anywhere outside of that '[DIM] Lounge buttons to disable off' field, the 1 disappears and the field defaults back to null.
So, as I expected, nothing too interesting in the log. It's probably because there is no 'commit' command triggered at the point where I am having issues, i.e. any value entered in the field staying in there...
Further to the above, I've tried setting up a switch rather than a button (Aurora AOne Smart Dimmer) that I have in my kitchen. Because there was no requirement to input a button number it was accepted & saved.