Kasa Plugs some work some don't all HS103

Force of habit at work, you're in a system and while you're there you add the latest update. What I didn't realize is how interdependent the modules are on certain versions. Things got really weird after updating all of my apps. After over a year of running flawless, not one problem, I wanted to add a couple more to eliminate more of my old X10 devices and move those features to Kasa.
None of my devices work so I loaded a backup from before the upgrade and of course, it didn't roll back the OS and didn't solve anything. All of them work from my Kasa phone app so the network side is fine. Playing around in the device settings I have been able to get about half of my outdoor lighting to work the other half and all of my sprinkler zones do not work, All are HS103, I've compared the setting between them and there are no differences.
Two other points of interest:

  1. I pulled one of the HS103s that wouldn't turn on and now the app says it can't install it. most likely a driver issue. But the other HS103s are in there.
  2. My log is filling up with this:
    dev:72022-06-07 09:25:47.069 pm warn[R-Walk-S: 6.5.4]: sendCmd: attribute connection is not set.

dev:252022-06-07 09:25:47.056 pm warn[Zone 1: 6.5.4]: sendCmd: attribute connection is not set.

dev:242022-06-07 09:25:47.042 pm warn[Zone 5: 6.5.4]: sendCmd: attribute connection is not set.

dev:262022-06-07 09:25:46.028 pm warn[Zone 2: 6.5.4]: sendCmd: attribute connection is not set.

dev:312022-06-07 09:25:45.055 pm warn[Zone 7: 6.5.4]: sendCmd: attribute connection is not set.

dev:292022-06-07 09:25:45.041 pm warn[Zone 6: 6.5.4]: sendCmd: attribute connection is not set.

dev:232022-06-07 09:25:45.014 pm warn[Zone 3: 6.5.4]: sendCmd: attribute connection is not set.

dev:282022-06-07 09:25:44.014 pm warn[Zone 4: 6.5.4]: sendCmd: attribute connection is not set.

dev:72022-06-07 09:25:42.068 pm warn[R-Walk-S: 6.5.4]: sendCmd: attribute connection is not set.

dev:252022-06-07 09:25:42.055 pm warn[Zone 1: 6.5.4]: sendCmd: attribute connection is not set.

dev:242022-06-07 09:25:42.041 pm warn[Zone 5: 6.5.4]: sendCmd: attribute connection is not set.

Should I just abandon ship and remove everything and start over. Is there a factory reset option?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

First do a save preferences for each device and see if that fixes the issue. Get back either way

Just tried a couple and that didn't fix it. The ones I did get to work was by changing the poll interval and then saving preference.

Then do that. The alternative is to remove and re-install. I do not like that for you.

Changing the poll only worked on about half of them. The others still didn't work. I have about 24 all HS103s with simple automation rules.

Try selecting and deselecting "use Kasa Cloud for device control" and doing a save preferences on the device. Try this up to two times. The final state of connection (in Current States) should be "LAN".


Getting close. I didn't notice it before but the ones that don't work look like this

ConnectionError: false
switch : off

and that's all

They all have an IP and I can ping them but the ones that don't work have a null for port

  • applicationVersion: 5.3.3
  • deviceIP:
  • devicePort: null
  • driverVersion: 6.5.4

The others have 9999 for the port number. I don't see a place to edit that if that is the problem.

Never got the connection: LAN to come up.

Do the new Kasa devices have the latest firmware installed? You can check in the Kasa app.

Kasa Local Hubitat Integration, Version 6.5.4

  • applicationVersion: 5.3.3
  • deviceIP:
  • devicePort: null
  • driverVersion: 6.5.4

From the Kasa phone app the device info:
Hardware 3.0
Firmware 1.0.4

The New devices I haven't tried yet since everything went crazy. About 8 of the 21 devices work but they all did before the update and are all over a year old.

I can't remember, does the kasa driver require an IP input? If so, it's quite possible your ip's changed on those devices if they weren't reserved and the integration is having a hard time finding them... Just an idea I'm throwing out.

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  1. Update the driver and APPLICATION (you did not update driver).
  2. Try Save Preferences on each device.

Note: You must always update the Application as well as relevant drivers.



No. The application finds and maintains the IP addresses for all the LAN drivers.

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Network admin by trade but still a newbie with HE and KASA. X10 for many years.
I'm trying to understand the process. From pieces I've read, My phone app pairs with the device I give it access to my LAN (DMZ) my firewall has DHCP running so it gets its IP. I can control all my devices from my work office about a mile away with the KASA app so that side is good.
Please correct me if I'm wrong.
The KASA app scans my LAN and gives me a list of found devices I can choose to add. To a database? Where, on the HE device (C7) or is this in the cloud? Since some are working, and show connection: LAN and the ones that don't work do not even show the word connection, that leads me to think the database is corrupt. Can/should I delete the database and then re-add the devices?

I will update the drivers as soon as I find a link for the process (memory's not what it used to be, lol) Seams strange that some work and some don't since they are all the same model and all installed over a year ago.

You need to update the driver and the app. Then do a save preferences on any device. This will update all devices if you have the current version. That may correct your problem. The issue is (1) not updating the app in sync with the driver and (2) updating from such an early version.

Link to the instructions can be found at:
[RELEASE] TP-Link/Kasa Plug, Switch, and Bulb integration - Developers / Code Share - Hubitat

The instructions say a. Open the Driver Code. Looking at HPM and Kasa integration I don't see a button for driver or app code.

HPM says:

  • Hubitat Package Manager v1.8.5 (app)

  • Kasa Integration v6.5.4 (app)

  • All Plug-Switches (except Dimmer) v6.5.4 (driver)

Can't help you any more.

From the main menu of hubitat, on the left hand side you will see drivers code and apps code


I'm really missing something

Did you hit the Advanced double arrow?