Jasco may be making firmware available for their products

Update video:


Maybe he should go with Hubitat instead :rofl:


It seems like Home Assistant and their Zwave implementation is a large part of the issues.

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Maybe someone could donate a hub, you know, for science.


Well, I would say SOME Firmware Available on GitHub... Many, many models are still missing.

Still - I was skeptical, but I stand corrected. I really didn't think they would post anything. Kudos to them for doing it.


Where did you find them? byjasco.com has no obvious place and searching for "firmware" gives no results. Searching Github returns results but none look like official Jasco repositories :man_shrugging:t4:

Here you go:


Thanks - Google was not my friend today :wink:

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It is a link right on the support page.

That link just goes to the github site though.


Completely missed that - it was way at the bottom!


I missed it the 1st time too. :slight_smile:


Someone should tell them that "Hubitat has the most advanced Zwave Hub on the market, and therefore has built-in OTA zwave firmware updates."
Does anyone know who to send that to?

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Hubitat doesn't provide any Z-Wave OTA files, just Zigbee (because apparently those manufacturers tend to be pickier and only want hub manufacturers, if anyone else at all, to have the files). Z-Wave is a "bring your own file" thing, so I can't see Jasco caring much either way. Not that I thought they'd ever even do this much... :slight_smile:


Please forgive my lack of percision (not enough coffee today).
Should have read:
"Hubitat has the most advanced Zwave Hub on the market, and therefore has built-in OTA zwave firmware update capabilities."

Can somebody send that to the higher ups at Jasco so they put the Hubitat name on their firmware update files?

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I thought it was the opposite. Sylvania has the files posted online for anyone to download, whereas companies like Zooz are understandably more protective of their firmware, since they don’t manufacture the hardware. I would’ve thought that GE/Jasco would be a little more like Sylvania in that regard.

If they had done this a few years ago when I first contacted them on this exact same issue, Jasco might still be installed in my house.... Unfortunately, it took them being called out by a prominent figure to do what they should have been doing all along.

I would not trade my Inovelli's for anything due to the rock solid performance AND support.


Interesting. Looks like the next batch drop of firmware will be put on github Friday.

"Thanks for the request. We are slated to have all current firmware versions of this uploaded on this Fridays release."

Yup - great devices.... If you can find them in-stock, and get them when you need them, that is.

Whole lotta this most of the time you need something from them though:


Hopefully they'll be releasing the blue line soon

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Curious has anyone updated their GE firmware yet? If yes any challenges?