Anyone having issues with Hubitat Mobile Presence?
The "Present" works, but not the "Not Present" unless I open the Hubitat app on my phone.
Anyone having issues with Hubitat Mobile Presence?
The "Present" works, but not the "Not Present" unless I open the Hubitat app on my phone.
Same here
LOL, you are 50% better than me, I can't get either to work
I have seen the presence not change when expected a few time on my iPhone XS and my wife iPhone 6s but just a few time each where opening the app fixed it, most of the time it works great with the app completely closed. I open the app about once a week to do something with the dashboard but my wife never opens it.
I have had increasing issues with presence. It worked great until a few weeks ago. Now I have to open the app to resolve presence issues. I can't seem to find a pattern. It just doesn't work probably half the time.
iPhone 6s and 8
So we cannot rely on the Hubitat Mobile Presence until this get fixed.
What else are you guys using?
Life360 here
We use both the Hubitat Mobile app and Life 360 as well since there have been times where I've had to press refresh on the Life 360 device to get it to work as well, and only once where both were wrong at the same time. The Hubitat Mobile Presence seems to be about as reliable as Life 360 for us in the last month since the latest app update which fixed the app disabling Geo-fencing on its own.
Mine seems to be working fine, departing and arriving as expected.
I recommend you use one of the presence aggregators posted here in the forums and use more than one app for geofencing. Some days Life360 is great. Some days HE App is great. Some days neither.
Got the same issue on my galaxy S9+
Have stopped using it, hope it gets fixed.
I was sound asleep the other night and my bedroom light blasted on. The app had events for depart and arrive within moments of each other. I now use Combined Presence to only use the arrivals. (As well as fixing my light rule to set per mode)
Hey @liquidskin, I have reported coming/going w/o ever leaving my house many times since the app was released.
What's also weird is in my case, nothing ever shows up in the logs. Did yours record the events?
In case anybody has this problem with Android. You could test with changing battery savings settings for the app to be as less as possible. Without the battery saving for the app (which takes only 1% of my daily battery usage) it runs nicely on the background and continuos to send geo updates as expected for me. But I must say that battery saving is different in almost every android ROM.
I have a Note 9 (Android 9)
Just turned off "Optimize Battery usage" for Hubitat.
We'll see what happens...stay tune.
This seems to be necessary for it to be more reliable on Android from my experience. I would recommend also checking out the beta version of the app, it does fix a couple issues. I always use two forms of presence, I have fobs in our cars also that work great.
Might be good to do a forum search as there are afew of these threads already. I was having the same issue with presence, I just added the life360 app {iOS} and the wifi presence {codeshare} from the forums and then rolled them into combined presence {codeshare} from the forums. Presence has been pretty bulletproof since then.
It's a bit hard to do forum searches...
Too much outdated stuff all over the place.
Not really, the apps only been out 8 weeks.
I was using the update that came out today (for android) in beta, and that seems to have made a big improvement. before I was having a log of hang ups.